Welcome to shitting street

Welcome to shitting street

Where Indians meet and greet

This is virat and I'm pranjeet

Time to get down

Heels of our feet

Its a battle a now

People hanging round

Virat looking proud

His cobra on the ground

It is steaming now

Pranjeet disavowed

Virat turns

And looks at the crowd

He shouts out aloud

My shits the biggest

In this town

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Phone Service Reps for American Companies !

expected videos of cobras
Disappointing post user

Im too pissed to commit fully to the shitpost

Reminder toilets are endorsed by the jew.

Expensive porcelain (owned by the jew) crafted by factories (owned by the jew) made by overpaid unionized fat workers (union is controlled opposition run by the jew) deliberately designed to fuck up your sphincter so you are forced to pay for hemorrhoid treatment and ass cancer chemo (pharma run by the jew) and you are publically shamed by Jewish advertisements and anti-pajeet propaganda made by the jew

The Pajeet, like the Samurai, do not fear the Jew and defies him no matter the attempted MSM embarrassment for the Indian knows better then to listen to kikes.

This is a story about virats rebellion against the system so I am inclined to agree

Wipe your bottom young man

Ooo ooo oo

I want to poo in loo-ooh ooh

I want to crouch like you

Poo like you

Too- ooh

Oh can't you see-ee

A pranjeet like me-ee

Can learn to poo in loo


Bap bap bapadap dap

Welcome to AIDS South Afrika

Where you can get killed for just being the same race as the man who hailed the Swastika,

A crashing economy of the rainbow nation,

Where you must eat the meat of the albo to gain salvation,

When Nandela ended the apartheid,

Chimpanzees got the right to live by the humans who now went to hide,

I took a ride from Johannesburg to Pretoria,

Never ever have I see such a utopia,

A nation that commits greater rapes than my beloved India,

A land now being inhabited by the Bantu,

White Genocide? Can do.

Hakuna Pesa,

It means no money!

Not bad shashen