Kavanaugh is finished

FBI is looking into multiple allegations not limited investigation to Ford


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Other urls found in this thread:


kill yourself shill rat

And guess, even a slightly negative comment in FBI report will finish him. Something like "there is a tendancy for heavy drinkers to become aggrivated" Dems will turn screws on Flake and its ggs bros.

I for one am glad, didn't know this board was so anti-abortion.

"He acted in a manner consistent with a majority of students with a healthy social life in school. He drank, and tried to get laid every weekend. Just like you, and you, and YOU."

One guarantee, no evidence of crime or corroboration will be found -- because that is literally not what the FBI 'investigation' is for.


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yep all those "real" accusations is going to be drumfpfps downfall

FBI doesn’t make comments like that at all.

yeah right he's a choir boy faggot who dindu nuffin


You're yet another retards giving tthe FBI way more credit than they deserve. They aren't gonna find shit, because there's nothing to find. It's been said a thousand fucking times already - there's quite literally not enough evidence to start a case on, let alone warrant such a high level investigation. It's all hear-say. Whatever the FBI 'finds' isn't going to differ at all from what has already been picked apart. The dems are simply betraying their country by trying to delay the vote until after the midterms just so they have a fucking chance at winning something. Christ if this happened during the time of the founding fathers people would be fucking hanging from the gallows.

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Democrats a week ago:
>the FBI investigation of the Anita Hill allegations only took 2 days, it's not a stalling tactic! Just have the investigation done real quick and the matter will be settled.
Democrats today:
Is anyone surprised?

Shh, let the man dream. It will only make his sorrow later more enjoyable.


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Are they looking at the conspiracy to destroy evidence (accuser's social media posts) that preceded the crime of making a false statement?

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How is he finished?
The only thing that can be used as 'evidence' is her word.
So Ford is going to be the focus of this investigation, her credibility is on the line.
Now ask yourself why she was asked about dates and communication at the hearing, under oath!

How many of us regular partiers are trying to get on the supreme court? The standards for working at Walmart and working on the supreme court are different.


You are glowing so bright

The funniest part is it was Democrats during the hearing who floating the idea of a 1 week investigation.

and unfortunately for brett, even if none of the allegations are true, he perjured himself at the senate hearing

which is sufficient to nail him, kavanaugh should know, he did it to bill clinton

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Brewski boy must be confirmed.
Keg party at the supreme court.

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no, he didn't.

Shut up, clinton was president

you're going to be first on the day of the brick

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>which is sufficient to nail him, kavanaugh should know, he did it to bill clinton
So, this is not to protect women, but a Clinton's revenge

Can't tell if he's just a special little guy or doesn't understand it was perjury that got Clinton.

>he thinks law school is some ultra difficult thing to pass
>he thinks kavanaugh spent his entire life preparing to be on the supreme court

First off, sage
Second, I am very pro abortion - it is population control for nigs

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The recent response to the Ford v Kavanaugh hearing has many women posting irrational, and undying support for Ford's testimony regardless of fact. I am seeing alot of women throw FACT out the window in exchange for EMOTION, which goes against the foundation of the justice system.

This seriously calls into question a woman's ability to handle serious political matters and/or think rationally about very important matters. I think it is not extreme to, after recent public response, call women's right to vote into question.

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Read this and prepare to have the last laugh

>he things that the low standards he leaves his life by are the bar others must achieve
>he thinks everyone is just as shit of a person as him

this should be repost spammed

>clinton was president
and kavanaugh will never make to the supreme court

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This whole thing is a joke, no where in this country would this case hold any grounds in a real court case. But duh repubs are evil and shtuff keeping morons and media enthralled with a smear campaign.

ford was in all likelihood the one committing extreme perjury

If the FBI comes up with nothing and there’s no proof any of this ever happened she 100% deserves to be charged with a serious crime, too bad it’ll never happen

Im in Kav's corner, but he will be sunk.
Boat, or is that houseboat?

they can both commit perjury, kavanaugh definitely lied about his drinking


Maybe not but worth it to see the democratic party commit suicide.

So they are investigating the far less credible ones too?

That's whats going to finish him? lol


what kind of site has this become where nobody checks my trips of truth?

i hate twitter so much

1/? i am such a

2/? fucking faggot

3/? and i'd rather post one sentence at a

4/? time than post on some non retarded platform

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drinking is relative anyway. Didnt wade boggs drink like 60 beers on a plane to the next game and then play? Kavachad is a big boi who could handle his boose

Hahaha. Cry more faggot

dems bringing up the “renate alumius” really is stooping extremely low. First you guys use Ford and now you want to drag this Renate person into this even though she has nothing to do with anything. Pretty disgusting.

Again retard,

Supplemental background investigations=/=criminal investigation

After what the libs were saying about the fbi, I doubt the fbi want him to get in trouble.

Someone in responses mentions 4th and 14th. I can understand 4th but 14th? How the fuck is 14th ammendment to the Constitution relevant here?

>You can trust the FBI to be unbiased

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And when the time comes. She will meet justice for her crimes!
>pic related

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>>Kav lied about his drinking
And you give us a link that talks about some Renate...so what's up with him lying about drinking?
And lying about this Renate person is not lying if he did not understand what it really meant aka you can't claim perjury if he did not know that other guys fucked her and you can't claim that he did know. The end.

you apparently dont know our politicians and their past. you are either incredibly naive, willfully blind, malevolent, or some mixture

American voters don't care, welcome to the age of "grab em by the pussy "politics

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Can you take the extra space between the post link and your text, off. It's fucking annoying, newfag.

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ya didn’t read the link bruh

> dangerous.com

This might not be the right hill to die on.

>that hair behind the glasses.
this gets more annoying every time I see it

I surely did
>>Kavanaugh was under oath when he swore to the friendly innocence of the Renate references (and to several other highly implausible interpretations of yearbook slang that seemed to relate to binge drinking and sex)
That about sums it up.
The fact that he lied about her(unprovable) means that he lied about everything.
That's some nice mental gymnastics right here.

The definitions of the slang in his yearbook are highly subjective. And you will be hard pressed to prove he ever blacked out.

This was expected. They are looking into the existing allegations, so the Ramirez one and the Sweatnick one.