Ford, Feinstein, Katz, Clinton, Steele & Fusion GPS
100% Scripted set-up by the DeepState Theatre Co.
>Welcome to the subversion of your Republic. We hope you enjoy the coup!

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also see

How big was it?

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>- Who's paying your legal fees
It's so fucking obvious she was put up to this and coached. They didn't have time to coach her some details.
Anyone who believes this bitch is lying or is an idiot.

Evidence suggests you are correct.

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It all started in 2011 when the Clinton's used their future machine to predict this nomination would occur. They set the conspiracy into action in 2012 by first having Ford make casual comments to her couples therapist and friends about being raped by a judge. They then started using memory reassignment training so that Ford could pass a polygraph by the time their plan was ready to be sprung in 2018. I'm still piecing together the details of the conspiracy, but this 110% a Clinton hit job.

No, it all started in 1997 when Judge wrote a book about party culture in the 80's. This story sounds more like a Mark Judge fan fiction.

well first off you would have to assume the therapist story and the polygraph story weren't recently created. also technically wasn't raped by a judge since he was in high school. it can be done if you try harder.

It was real to her

And she was never raped, she was touched when her cloths were on.

dammit I fell into the trap.

Should get a dual image gif going. Creepy bastards.

I'm starting to wonder why more people don't just blatantly lie, it's really this easy. She just says shit and everyone believes it.

You're going to have to shill harder. This post displays a clear lack of effort. Next time, try to keep the narrative at least plausible. Your attempt at sarcasm reeks of desperation.

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Has anyone figured why she was wearing bathsuit yet?
Is it normal for 15yo girls to wear bathsuits instead of, I don't know, a regular underwear?

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Big money at stake here

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It was a pool party at a country club or something

they always add weird details to these rape fantasies for effect

B8 1/10

You forgot the part in 2012 where they were concerned Mitt Romney would get in and Kavanaugh was on his short list of people to be nominated.

Gee, I wonder why this might have been set up in 2012.

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Anyone want to talk about her friend wasn't concerned that Ford was up in the bathroom for a long time after drunk guys followed her?

Or should we talk about how Ford left her 15 year old friend alone with a bunch of rapists?

The real heroes here.

50 shades of grey shit for wymin to tickle themselves

we need to find out who supplied the alcohol

the only crime that was actually committed was underage drinking, isn't it getting old with these rich white people getting away with crimes? let's find the adult and put them away.

underneath all of it, that is what lies at the center, they are beggin men to take charge and protect them and some of them even want to be beaten. I know that's fucked up but what the fuck is even going on at this point?

Now, at the hearing I believe she said there was no alcohol and Kavanaugh and Mike showed up drunk.

Did she also say that there WAS alcohol there, because I've heard people say that she said she had one beer.

this only works then the (((media))) supports your lies

cavanuah even said the seniors were of age and they bought the beer. not sure it was in direct relation to the particular episode though

Sure all y'alls autism is for past transgressions. Obviously she is scrubbed. California anons need to get parabolic mic. and recoerd her NOT talking like a 15 year old. Abused woman some times freeze their mental age at the time of the abuse.
Psychologists know this. She's a faker.
Expose her fakory. Drop-in on a lecture.
No educated person or professor is an up-talking teen sounding vally girl. Especially one from a prep school.
Look at the curriculum she teaches. That info will be in it.
With the bottle of coke (Clarence Thomas) and the whole "I am tired need caffine" bit to draw attention to it.
Its all an act. California anons need to expose her. Not that you shouldn't try, but internet search probably won't cut it on this one.

The thing is all of these people were tucked away from society for their entire lives. They are all Ivy league people that never left their social circles. There are tons of secrets there and you are going to have a hard time finding them out amongst the common peasants.

Seriously. How is there not a single recording out there of her lecturing, presenting, or speaking? There is no way that was her casual voice. I know when I read from a script or speak with specificity my voice changes slightly. I don't grow a fucking completely different accent and speech pattern though.

>There is no way that was her casual voice.
Go to an upper class suburb and find a wine bar, that is like every other woman that hangs out there. It's fucked up because they seem really nice but will pull this type of bullshit at the drop of a hat.

I don't know what country or part of US you've been living. People do not sound like that if they're in their 50's.

valley girl vocal fry wasn't around during her developing years.

Excellent point.

southeastern usa, sorry but i know a lot of soccer moms that talk like that and it's annoying as fuck

I actually had supervisor that i had to work for that accused her boss of stalking her and sexual harassment...she talked exactly like that

how old are these soccer moms?
