It took giant chocolate balls to go into Trump Is Hitler country wearing a MAGA hat

It took giant chocolate balls to go into Trump Is Hitler country wearing a MAGA hat.

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i fucking love kanye west. i hate rap now, but always liked kanye and probably always will.

t. reddit

Based fucking Kanye

you got a black guy, who mainstream and most young people love, openly saying to think for yourself and says he loves trump. he is casting doubt on everything mainstream says. anyone who says they don't like what he's doing right now is a fucking idiot.

Black guy on the left looks genuinely happy.

Black guy on the right looks like he's still on the plantation.

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well duh
some of his lyrics are pretty anti metoo

so 2 niggers and a massive kike on tv; somehow this is "based"?
who opened the door to reddit?

Emotional reasons? Doesn’t her lanklet boyfriend work at SNL?

this goes against everything reddit loves retard. reddit loves SNL, they even liked that dyke doing the piano performance as hillary clinton (so hilarious, right??)
kanye went on and was pro-Trump. in nyc. a liberal hell hole.

is that a bootleg hat?

Minutes later

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Adam Driver is looking pretty smug.

What are those Kanye shoes

is he conservative? i know he was in the marines. i noticed marines can either be very lib or so extremely right wing.

Why is Princess Leia's son some kind of Mexican?

Yeah its good what he is doing.

You know how fuckin jacked he probably was to meet Kanye? Dude is married (doesn’t give a fuck about sluts) and was in the marines (conservative AF)

that's his shtick though, he's being "edgy" and "anti-establishment"

he's a kike shill, nothing more

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he hasn’t spazzed out about Trump and he’s from indiana and a marine, so i’d put my money on him being pretty based.

>it-it's a schtick guys

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he’s supposed to be white but it feels like his mom banged a local Indian from the reservation

SNL is still on the air? Huh.

Han solo is not the father

Looking forward to the SNL watch thread tonight boys. Kanye's about to piss some people off.


Kanye can buy and sell every cast member of this shitty show


yes Trump is a brand, an image

he's rich, flashy, bold, and doesn't give a fuck

that's been Kanye's shtick since forever, it's quite obvious he'd be drawn to another egomaniac like himself

Trump is basically a white Kanye West

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The "free hoover" shirt is apparently referring to Larry Hoover, imprisoned leader of the Gangster Disciples.


>search your feelings
>you know it to be true

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whos the kike? i'm ok with you saying 3 niggers though

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let's say you're right for the sake of argument. it doesn't matter. kanye is incredibly influential in the media and young people. most importantly, he's married to Kim. do you know how easily influenced woman are, and how powerful Kim is in that regard?
i don't know how anyone can hate this.

more like this, poutine bro

please clean that up and use the blur filter.

I didnt know moldylocks had those tats.

>Studio H8
hmm I thought jews were supposed to be subtle.

It is. The sooner you see it the better off we'll be. He's trying to fuse both sides so the left can subvert the right. He signals to us then counter signals to them. Now he just uses our signals to signal to the left directly to compromise us.

There's going to be an influx of lefty niggers posting and posing as Alt Right because of him. Just to make us look like foolish.

Fuck him

I'll let her disgusting fat ass slide since she's shopping for cleaning products.

him and his fatass wife don't have enough influence to sway any election, at most they'd get a few niggers (who bother to vote) to change their minds

Kanye is a delusional clown and his wife is a niggerloving whore

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you’re the kike shill actually

>haha the sjws hate me watching tv to watch based jews and nogs.

makes it easier for people to come out as right wing. it helps erode the "all republicans are racist" that hold back moderates. helps in the culture war.
btw you're both using reddit spacing which hinders your argument.

That a tranny tucking it between his legs? I can't tell anymore.

clearly real tits you delusional homo

The two next him look uncomfortable hahahahahahaha

You're the redditor. I have full autonomy here bitch. Also having niggers attach to themselves like larva onto us in contrarian to our movement, you should kys for even imposing that.



I have to say Kanye has some giant brass balls. Good for him.



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Take your reddit spacing off first faggot, and then talk. Fucking annoying newfags.

>no u

>why don't u worship
>le based black man
>like me

Shlomo pls

muh reddit spacing

can you pls stop with that shitty forced meme already, it's pretty obvious who browses reddit and who doesn't

Are you guys fucking retarded. He talks about white male privilege in interviews. He’s one of the most pozzed actors out there.

>alt right
shoo shoo jew

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Please say something not boring

This is pretty brilliant.

"Free Hoover" as in he wants one of the worst American criminals ever, who's effects are still destroying millions of lives every year, free and out of ADX Florence.

But the media is going to focus on the MAGA hat.

me too, he is real when he speaks and i like that.
i also love the ziggy west theory.

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I was very disturbed with the way Kanye got killed in the media. In the course of two hours he went from being a literal god to being a mentally ill opiate addict based on exactly nothing. All for a MAGA hat. Not surprising but still very transparent and sick the way that happened. Of course Kim got off scott free, women couldn't admit they were wrong about their queen. Either way I always have and always will respect Kanye, and now have a new found respect for Kim Kardashian. That thick ass bich was redpilled over night.

except this doesnt help the establishment. We get it tho, you guys are good at demoralizing discussion by taking anything that looks positive for the right and talking about how "hes a kike shill" "just controlled op" we get it. But Kanye still does a lot for the right with or without you

>those pant creases

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>>shitty forced meme
Lurk more newfag and maybe you understand how annoying your spacing is.
And no, it's not about the spacing between the paragraphs.
Fuck, why we even respond to these with anything but
>>lurk moar
I do get that Leddit is fucking censoring shit now, but when you come here you learn the board culture and then post. Not the other way around, and definitely don't expect us to adjust the board to you.

Fuck off boomer

Time hasn't been good with Keanu Reeves

Child, stfu when frown ups are talking.

>no ur the redditor!
holy shit you're a faggot. you're not even arguing what i'm saying either. you can keep making the same retarded point, but i said that doesn't matter if the ends justify the means.
liberals don't hear conservative talking points from people they like. they only hear liberal shit. conservatives hear all the liberal talking points all the time, because it's mainstream.
kill yourself, dumb fuck.

You actually need to go back to the_donald.
Civic nationalist cucks are just as bad as liberals.

He's a sick fuck he likes a quick fuck

based black man

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Actually no, let me reiterate on my post. Civnats ARE leftists, just masquerading under the American flag. It still amounts to the same jewish endgame plan of white extinction.

Pic is very, very related. You magapede niggers need to fuck off.

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jews were the only people who in a study said they liked policies more that hurt white people. every other race didn't like the policies that did.
so keep thinking black people are the problem. you gullible retard.

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Kanye isn't fully white until he curls the brim of his hat.

Go back to fucking reddit. Or learn the lingo faggot.

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>look guys donald is actually bad. he's just a leftist really. look at this infographic.
-retard talking about guy trying to make usa isolationist again and stop bad forms of immigration

no argument

The jewish-negro alliance

>tfw I will never be rich enough to shitpost IRL

Kanye is a basic attention whoring nigger. That is all.


Oh man... kanye is going to be "hospitalized" again


Kanye is bigger than his music.

You just have no clue wtf you're talking about.

A guy says Kanye is based and you go off on some racial tangent about jews and blacks. 100% clueless redditard.

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>racial tangent about jews and blacks
>reddit spacing
>calling me redditard
the day of rake cant come soon enough. i hope trudeau is reelected

No argument.

And no, that's not reddit spacing, you should know. I'll give you a C for effort though, you're really trying to blend in faggot.

Well said.

yeezeys mate, like a grand if you want some

the fucking balls on him. wow, God bless kanye.

why is kanye looks genuinely happy?
those smile and eyes not an abyss stare

user, did someone say chocolate :)~~

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Donald Trump is left of the far right.

there is more of her. now post it


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