Why is the Left so hellbent on pushing us towards civil conflict?

Why is the Left so hellbent on pushing us towards civil conflict?
They appear to have no real chance of winning so why?
I'm concerned they have something up their sleeve

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They're desperate. Once a critical mass start knowing, they will get unironically ovened. They'd prefer a civil war because they'd have a chance.

Because it's part of the Marxist playbook.





>(((Buy))) all the media, so you control the social Zeitgeist and can project what is 'normal'
>Divide and conquer. Polarize the population.
>Whip up the disaffected youth, the retarded poor, the foreigners and basically the dregs of society.
>Point them at the rest of Civilization
>If they win, step in and (((rule))) the country (see Russia)
>Purge your original Useful Idiot footsoldiers

>If they lose (see Finland, Germany), use your (((international banking))) power to stifle and isolate them economically. Destroy the Goyim by the subtle knife, until you can convince your Shabbos goys to invade and conquer militarily.

Either way, bad times ahead brother.

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>Destroy the Goyim by the subtle knife, until you can convince your Shabbos goys to invade and conquer militarily.

America is nuclear armed, that strategy is out of date
if Hitler had nukes he would not have lost

That goes both ways.


Also I don't think (((they))) would have any real qualms against using nukes on US or even European soil. It may even be inevitable. Say and ethnostate were able to emerge, as a response to open power grabs by the ZOG and their turning their authoritarianism up to 11.

They could just nuke that ethnostate into oblivion. Noone could stop them. Noone could really even call them on it. They've already made plain the agenda is to reduce the rest of humanity to sub-80 IQ brown Goyim. Who they can rule over through naked violence and an insurmountable IQ divide.

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then they would get nuked in response
you don't think Russia and the Chinks don't have Israel pre-sighted for nukes?

Samson option is not a real thing its literally just a play on others "what if they have it?" so no one fucks with them.

Republishits better pray we take back power or we will bring chaos like nothing you've ever seen.

Maybe. But then they risk reprisals in turn. More likely they'd hold off and see what kind of seat they could get at the world table with the US out of the picture.

What I actually hope is that in the event of a limited nuclear exchange between world powers, that they have a woopsie moment and take out New York and Israel.

It's a terrible thing to say, but a survivable nuclear exchange (for the nation as a whole) is an acceptable price to pay for defeating the greater existential threat that is the Jews.

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Russia's dead hand system is designed to go off if it detects a nuclear launch, doesn't matter what direction it's going

>If they lose (see Finland
What are you on about? Finland was fine after the Civil War, no bank sanctions, no nothing.

Hearts and Minds
They need to push the Right into violent reaction in order to show the public they are fascists trying to take over the country with violence.

They have an insanely large brainwashed army though, it's a bit concerning how many people are willing out for blood at the first opportunity. They would literally kill the senate in order to have abortion laws passed.

>Aside from that whole being constantly threatened, then Invaded, then subjugated by post Jewish takeover Russia, thing.
>And then being isolated geopolitically into the current age for not being good Goyim.

You have an interesting definition of fine. They're small, isolated, a prime target for the Jew who holds a grudge across milennia, and miserable (see suicide rates and social cohesion).

A blood sacrifice

>or we will all get criminal charges from the asshattery we call "resisting" and never be able to get jobs


foreign agents being allowed to invade on the premises of 'helping out a foreign ally.' I don't think they realize how fucked they will be, regardless, but they are going to keep entertaining that option


Because they think the people and the military will be on their side in a civil war. Obama drilled it into them that they are on the right side of history if you recall.

>Why is the Left so hellbent on pushing us towards civil conflict?
>They appear to have no real chance of winning so why?
If they can't have power over this nation, no one can. They'll try to drag it down to die with them.

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It's just marxism, they think humanity progresses through conflict...violent or mental. It's considered necessary to lead us to the future. Man doesn't develop without conflict.

was that picture made unironically?

I don't know why everybody fears the "Samson option" so much. The kikes don't have a nuclear arsenal comparable to ours, or Russia's. If they were stupid enough to nuke either of us, most jews everywhere die within 24 hours.

It’s to weaken the US, so NATO has to move in.

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t. a fucking leaf

>Either way, bad times ahead brother.
One mans bad times are another mans good times.

the same NATO that uses broomsticks instead of barrels?

>US descends into Civil War
>Israel appeals to the UN to move in to help their "allies" stop destroying themselves
>US is determined unfit to lead itself, Israel assumes control until "things settle down"

and we're done

The second you are introduced to the marxist playbook and kike scheming it all becomes so clear. You can even deny the kikes have anything to do with it and it would still make sense for these globalists to try and push this dystopian future on societies in general.

>Either way, bad times ahead brother.
If or when these times come you can bet your ass that whichever commie fucks instigated it will lose.

It's already here. The shooting starts to end the conflict. This is how civilization has been since cavemen could huck rocks.

I'm optimistic about the Right winning when it happens in 50 years or whatever, but they have plenty of advantages. Don't discount them having all the cities. We're more set up to be like insurgents in the White Afghanistan of West Virginia.

>I'm concerned they have something up their sleeve
They do, it's called multiple trillion dollar institutions and complete control of every lever of power except for the Executive Branch.

They want conflict while they're still firmly in control. Who do you really think would fight in any sort of conflict, Pajama Boy, or a Chinese mercenary group? Pajama Boy is content to dox your family and hire MS13 to white van your daughter as she walks home from school. You're stupid if you think we'd win right now. The media would make normies afraid to even side with us.

Stick to the political process. Stop LARPing about war. If you're that desperate to be a tough guy, go protect right wing speakers from antifa.

And we still prevailed even if they tried to actually massacre every single Finn

the IDF can't even fight goat fuckers with tires, trying to take over a nation 20x your size would be a disaster
it would be their Vietnam but much worse

>Stick to the political process.
once whites are a minority the political option is lost forever

Yes but it has reduced you to global, and so existential, irrelevancy.

Life would be boring without a worthy enemy

When Finland was a world power? Only power Finland has ever had was being a teacher for some other people. And the influence is at it's greatest right now

No it isn't. That's when it becomes most important.

If it comes to violent conflict, would you want to be out of power or in power? If Jews can do it as 2% of the population, whites can do it as 40%. I don't think that's going to happen though. We can stem the tide and mix white hispanics into the larger white population.

Paradoxically, I think the "white" population of the US will grow. NEETsocs obsessed with racial purity may balk at this, but for people who care about not being ethnically cleansed, it's something worth working toward.

And you should probably know that stalin and lenin agreed in tampere, finland that they would launch a communist revolution in russia. And Finnish president is greatly responsible for dissolution of USSR.

>They do, it's called multiple trillion dollar institutions and complete control of every lever of power except for the Executive Branch
Meanwhile, we have the majority of military and police personnel and millions of armed working class citizens. If this cold civil war we're in goes hot, right wing death squads will be rounding up and executing the members of all those liberal institutions.

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mixing is the same as being ethnically cleansed
both groups lose what makes them unique

>No it isn't. That's when it becomes most important.
How well did that work for the white minority in Haiti and Rhodesia? How's it working in South Africa?

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ironically the white minority in Rhodesia won the shooting war only to be cucked politically

>They appear to have no real chance of winning so why?
>I'm concerned they have something up their sleeve

Yeah, their secret weapon is called diabetes and vascular blockage.

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that one goes both ways

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cause the kikes will abandon ship to israel when shtf in america.

>Meanwhile, we have the majority of military and police personnel and millions of armed working class citizens.

What does this mean? You think the majority of the military and police are willing to side with us if we're ever to be purged? Is that something you want to bet on? Do you know how easy it would be for the media to legitimize violence against "right wing extremists"? They created the Russian conspiracy out of thin air. No one would hear our side because we'd be banned from the internet. Any apologist for our side would get banned for hate speech. They already have a head start on this.

How do you congregate? How do you organize? Who funds you? You think the police and military would magically flip against the people who feed them for the sake of "neo nazi terrorists"?

You're not thinking realistically. You're thinking in terms of tough guy internet LARPing and vague intuitions about military men being conservatives. Even if they are, would they risk everything to turn against their masters? For the sake of Hitler? I'm not going to bet on it.

If the national guard doesn't machine gun you and blow you the fuck up in the streets then at least a couple million heavily armed conservatives will be going door to door to execute traitors. You're not gonna win you nigger lover.

this has been discussed to death on places like Jow Forums
and stop pretending that "NAHTZEES" would be the majority of the people fighting on the right, most would just be conservatives and libertarians like in the OP pic

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they want to balkanize america, youre only safety in this situation will be russia helping out the right wing side.

>mixing is the same as being ethnically cleansed
both groups lose what makes them unique
I don't think this would happen. There are hispanics white enough to integrate seamlessly into the population. I can't look at people like Nick Fuentes and think "wow his white ancestry has been destroyed".

Phenotypical traits and cultural continuity are what really matters. You're thinking in black and white terms, hispanics are already european mixed. If we control the border, their traits will become less and less pronounced and the white population will be primarily European again. This is all discounting white immigration. If we blow this up in your fantasy race war, all of those possibilities go to shit.

Maybe you're willing for your children to be tortured and murdered for the sake of racial purity (which doesn't make much sense in America especially), but I think the stakes are too high to worry about what amounts to a puritanical anxiety.

This is an obnoxious analysis. Our best chance of winning said conflict is this very second. Our chances decrease as whites lose their political power through demographic genocide, through the invention of more advanced surveillance technology and inflationary economic warfare that impoverishes us.

The long game means we lose our ability to meaningfully fight back. Our best chance was actually in the 1990s before the false flag Oklahoma bombing destroyed the militia movements public image. We have the internet now to spread information versus fake news being the only option.

>and stop pretending that "NAHTZEES" would be the majority of the people fighting on the right, most would just be conservatives and libertarians like in the OP pic
It's funny that you call me a retard, when you totally missed the point I was making: you WILL be nazis. it will be good, respsectable people, vs Nazis and there will be nothing you can do to change that image because you don't have control of the media and are banned from the internet.

The civil war you fantasize about will be evil genocidal nazis who skin babies alive vs everyone else. Before we move any further, tell me what you'd do to prevent this narrative from forming.

childish threats are childish.

lol your going to be tortured and raped.

you seem to have a misconception; we don’t want you to chimpout.

>What does this mean? You think the majority of the military and police are willing to side with us if we're ever to be purged?
The government has run multiple studies and simulations and that's the conclusion they kept coming to.

America could be invaded with a Syria-style hedgehog proxy insurgency. Once racial strife hits a tipping point the jews will throw money and weapons at the spic and nigger gangs to turn them into street enforcers

They aren't.

Marxism has a negligible faction in the US.

>We have the internet now to spread information versus fake news being the only option.
Have you missed the past year of abuses by Big Tech? Can you imagine how easily they would shut us down from the internet if we actually became violent? The Daily Stormer isn't even allowed to exist online. We have ZERO control over the internet. We have ZERO influence over the narrative if they find an excuse to snuff us out online. You need to look at the bigger picture.

Big Tech needs to be kneecapped. Then we need to secure a long-term political foothold and do our best to destabilize the "coalition of the ascendant", so they don't work in unison against us. This means "cucking" sometimes. Our problems aren't fixed by road war. That would probably be the end for us, for a very long time at least.

>It's funny that you call me a retard, when you totally missed the point I was making: you WILL be nazis. it will be good, respsectable people, vs Nazis and there will be nothing you can do to change that image because you don't have control of the media and are banned from the internet
What part of right wing death squads don't you understand? In the event of a civil war, the MSM and Silicon Valley will cease to exist within days. Targets don't get much softer than studios and media infrastructure.

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if USA fights another civil war (won’t happen) israel’s main military support will be occupied. basically, muslims will eat the jews. nobody will be coming to help them.

I've never heard of that, can you link? I also seriously doubt the study accounted for the power of the media to marginalize and demonize a group.

>tell me what you'd do to prevent this narrative from forming.
well if you read the pic I posted the solution is for Bubba to shoot out the US Power Grid and suddenly no tv or internet

this elite groups will be throwing money and resources into different factions. Jew clan will throw into hispanics and left areas while russia will be throwing it to right wing.
Red America covers much of the the farming and rivers while the Blues cover coastal city blocks.
All the reds need to do is block off and cut off supplies to the cities to win.

They dont, as soon as they get power back , all will come back to normal. The left is just a tool, they will just cut the money and the media, boom the left disappear until next time

Jews would sell weapons to both sides
you don't know much about the Jews do you?

there is no Jewish conspiracy you're just uneducated and jealous of people more successful than you

>(((Buy))) all the media, so you control the social Zeitgeist and can project what is 'normal'
>Divide and conquer. Polarize the population.
>Whip up the disaffected youth, the retarded poor, the foreigners and basically the dregs of society.
>Point them at the rest of Civilization
>If they win, step in and (((rule))) the country (see Russia)
>Purge your original Useful Idiot footsoldiers

This is exactly what the nazis did, actually.

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The Republicans never fight back. The Left gets to do any violence it wants, usually with no push back. Remember that two niggers got wrist slaps for using a mag lite and flame thrower in Charlottesville. The Unite The Right crew got 10 years per person that fought back. Yet the white self haters and their darkie sex pets claim that cops and courts are pro white.

there's no need to hide your flag I already know you're Israeli

>In the event of a civil war, the MSM and Silicon Valley will cease to exist within days.
Let's play this out, how do you get to this point?

Civil War is just declared? (they will do everything in their power to paint this as terrorists attacking America) Everyone on the right just knows which targets to go after?(we will be banned from the internet if the violence ever escalates to serious levels) There are no negative consequences for targeting "peaceful" institutions? (ZOG would pray for such attacks to justify their crackdowns)

You're living in a fantasy world where public opinion doesn't matter and everyone vaguely right wing is suddenly on the violent insurgent side. You sound like a sociopath who doesn't take any of this seriously, and just wants EPIC BRUTAL VIOLENCE like your metal albums.

You're exactly why we need to aim for political and cultural victories rather than military. Reading Siege doesn't make you a tactical master. You don't even understand how propaganda and real institutional power function.

keep larping then :^)

because Hitler outplayed the Jews with their own tactics
that's how we will have to win as well I think

Because the (((banks))) have set up hedge funds against the USD, and stand to make billions when the dollar slides. Oldest trick in the book.

your draft papers should arrive soon enjoy dying cunt

personally i think lists should be drawn up now or potential targets

>You're living in a fantasy world where public opinion doesn't matter
of course it matters but trust in the media is at a historic low and like I said and what you seem to be afraid to respond to is that without a power grid their is no media
the power grid is EXTREMELY vulnerable to attack

Coastal cities have international airports, naval ports, and financial resources/markets. Cutting off supplies to them will require some substantial military power and will to fight not only a civil war but international industrial-scale war because other military powers will intervene as soon as civil war will be a threat to their supply airplanes, ships or trade.

I cant wait to be a Tritown warlord

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That means some psychotic trolls could launch a supposed nuke and trigger the system.

>if USA fights another civil war (won’t happen) israel’s main military support will be occupied. basically, muslims will eat the jews. nobody will be coming to help them
That's just the start of the international chaos. Won't be much left holding China or Russia in check anymore.

pretty obviously satire

>You don't even understand how propaganda and real institutional power function.
this. certain groups of trolls have a very inflated ego because they feel like they "got trump elected". In reality, the right is still 95% neocon boomers who love Jews and think nazis were socialists, I don't see people like that coming out to support a radical movement.

Because the military and the government bureaucracy are staffed with shills, cowards and leftists, and will gleefully enforce the lefts tyranny when they come to power.

msm and silicon valley will double triple their security.The question is who are blackwater type contractors more loyal to. Would they defend Silicon valley HQs considering they can pay out millions in protection money.

The people who are important now won't be important if the gloves ever come off. These types of violent fantasies only serve to paint a target on us and illegitimize our political efforts (which are the most important goal we should all be focusing 100% on).

For the first time, we're winning politically. I shouldn't have to tell you how stupid pushing for a civil war is in the face of this. Remember, OP's question is "why is the left pushing for violent conflict?" They're losing politically for the first time in decades, and culturally for the first time in half a century. Stay the course.

They have the government (therefore a large chunk of the military who will remain disciplined/loyal), the money (all corporate backing) and the support of the most powerful/wealthiest countries on Earth and a ready and willing mass supply of border hoppers from the south. They have far more than people think.

whites have all the guns and ability to use them

We should just take the grid down across the nation. Also surround and starve out cities. But once the grid is down we keep it from being repaired so only the strongest and smartest survive

>For the first time, we're winning politically.
you are technically right but the SCOTUS hearing should have clued you in that despite us winning politically on paper the left are still in control of the government with their dirty tactics

>I'm concerned they have something up their sleeve

Of course they have something up their sleeve. It would take nothing for soros and his ilk to provide the likes of antifa and their offshoots, the training and equipment they would need to to attain ISIS levels of violence.

We dont have that. They will. Lets keep this peaceful, ya?

There's no narrative if the grid is down you dipshit

The only reason those people are important, (the rich, politicians, etc) is because we believe they are.

>We dont have that
we literally have more weapons than Soros could ever buy, what are you on about?

They're desperate and honestly think that DRUMPHHH is HITLER for realzies, and you can't just let hitler conquer the world. Yes, they are that fucking stupid.

Also, increasingly leftists believe that "America was/is never great." THIS is important, because many of these leftists have no problem tearing the US down and destroying it, even if nothing can replace it.

No, they haven't realized that would hand the world to Russia and China on a silver platter, and that the world has LITERALLY NEVER BEEN BETTER. EVER. American hegemony has allowed for scientific breakthroughs that are simply amazing, so many fewer people are living in intense poverty, so many good things and leftists would gladly risk that because Tyrone doesn't get $15/hr at Mcdonalds.

>we're winning politically
i doubt that...and winning isnt some linear thing either.people are being banned off socmed almost daily for very little if not nothing.
personally i dont think they are deliberately pushing for civil war just that the end result of their lust for total power and subversion will lead to civil war.

creating a list lets them know they are in our sights. Personally every leftist journalist should be added to that list, i want them to see it, i want CNN to report on it. I want a short manifesto to be added to it.
saying to effect
"dont push us and we dont push back"
they scuff and laugh at it at their own peril and thats good

whites may have guns, but elites have satelittes,drones,tanks and paid mercenaries