Be honest, half of you would argue that it DOES exist despite the fact that calling it REVERSE RACISM reinforces the presupposition that RACISM is inherently a WHITE vs BLACK phenomenon.
The correct answer is "reverse racism doesn't exist, it's just called racism".
I agree reverse racism doesn't exist. Racism is racism. Either it's towards blacks or whites.
Samuel Price
true racism is natural because humans are tribalistic which is why you need to "unlearn" racism, that it is wrong, and they keep reminding you every day, all the time
Austin Fisher
Racism is not a bad thing. I would even say it's healthy : knowing in which point your race is good is important. Supremacism is evil : supremacists think their races are better than others, but that's only partly true.
Sebastian Perry
I agree that 'racism' is natural. I don't think the term 'reverse racism' makes any reference to whether or not it's 'natural' though. It just presumes that racism is by default anti-nonwhite.
racism is not necessarily a bad thing because it is natural, it is a reaction to protect your tribe white countries would be better off if whites were more racist
Jonathan Bailey
I'm come to reject the entire concept after coming to the realization that it basically means "not putting the needs of minorities above your own". That, and noticing how quickly people flip the second it's mentioned, like a trigger. Feels too pre-programmed.
Isaac White
she is pretty fucking hot
Logan Lee
racism is hating and discriminating against particular races reverse racism is treating people of certain races better then the rest has nothing to do with white or black . 'white' and 'black' are not even races they're just terms retarded americans use , 'kenyan','west african', 'anglo' are races.
Cameron Hughes
Yes. Prepare to be shocked to see how hideous she is without makeup:
little songbird cosplay facebook photos
Bentley Scott
>t. son of Ham
Isaac Clark
i don't doubt she looks different with makeup, it's all about bone structure and body shape
Angel Hernandez
Sorry I'm not jewish enough to know the subtle nuances all of the terms being employed to undermine western civilization.
if you understand what racism is it's easy to logically invert it and understand what reverse racism is .
Zachary Robinson
still a body worth some oil and fucking.
Easton Lopez
she has a great face, she should obviously lose some weight to make it pretty without makeup. also has fat arms. but for cosplay it works well
Lincoln Johnson
Woke: racism was invented by bolshevik jews to make preservation of ones people evil at fundamental level
Dylan Jones
>Reverse racism or reverse discrimination is a concept that portrays affirmative action in the United States and similar color-conscious programs as a form of anti-white racism on the part of black people and government agencies
It's racism against whites.
fuck off.
John Carter
You are correct OP. Racism against whites is just plain old racism!
Ayden Ramirez
Reverse racism is another propaganda fueled language fuckery. Along with >>hate crime >>assault weapon >>homophobia Etc. All of these changed language first and then it was easier to go after guns, push the LGBTQWERTY agenda. D&C tactics and identity politics in working. It's much harder to fight an idea when it's already embedded in the language.
Daniel Fisher
What is, then, racism in your opinion??
Jacob Price
Even by this supposed definition of yours, "reverse racism" is used incorrectly by the average leftist.
Caleb Carter
>REVERSE RACISM Reverse racism means being inclusive of other races and against your own race. The popular meaning assumes the left wing narrative and we don't play by their rules
Connor Lee
the definition you quoted is racism not reverse racism . racism is not inverted . show me the logic in what is reverted in reverse racism .
Adrian Nelson
That is the only logical conclusion to that language fuckery.
>>pro life >>pro choice >>Black Lives Matter >>Believe Women >>Sensible gun control >>Gay rights >>Global warming
All these terms were concocted as labels no one in their right mind would disagree with, while framing the opposite as something nearly everyone would disagree with. Nested within the label are hundreds of concepts directly related to taking away your rights. It's a clever trick.
Now show me how much you have on >>love crime The opposite of the hate came >>non assault weapon Friendly weapon? The reverse of the assault weapon? It's a trick that worked for centuries. There is serious research on how language forms us and how different languages even, have an impact on personality. The research is as fascinating as it is dangerous. No wonder the first thing they go after is the language.
Kevin Turner
nothing is inverted besides the skin colors. reverse racism does not exist as I already explained. that definition is from wikipedia.
then it goes on to call it a conspiracy theory so make of that what you will
Brandon Nguyen
it's a sage from me
Gabriel Kelly
>love crime rape/stalking >non assault weapon hitting somebody with a shield
Dylan Adams
>Gay rights who would deny a person their basic human rights just because their gay? ...therefore teach children it's normal and healthy and allow them to usurp the institution of marriage.
Nicholas Russell
There are still Elizabeth cosplayers?
Julian Thompson
Look at these various definitions of Anti-Semitism: The term is a farce and way beyond simply using it as an 'escape any and all culpability for wrongdoing' card.
>Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
>Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust).
>Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
>Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
>Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
>Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
>Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
>The correct answer is "reverse racism doesn't exist, it's just called racism". I've had this conversation a couple of times. When you say that exact phrase, the pre-programmed answer is that "racism is power + discrimination" You can try to explain that this isn't how language works and that they're playing meaningless word games, but they will just keep repeating it. seriously, try it out.
Shield in your example is still an assault weapon, you did hit someone ergo you committed an assault, you hit them with a weapon, ergo it's an assault weapon. Rape is a hate crime because women are a protected group according to the definition. The trick is to realize that you cannot lovingly kill someone(euthanasia may be the ONLY exception), or assault someone. Hate crime is at its root an oximoron. Gay rights is a tricky one and only possible because we have the "protected " groups of society. Gay rights are just human rights used as a weapon to normalize gays. When we realize that this shit is subjective and has nothing to do with the supposed objectivity of the law we understand how dangerous it is. I mean who decides what is and isn't a minority or a protected group As an anecdote: in Louisiana the Police is a protected group and crimes against the police are considered hate crimes.
Matthew Phillips
It's pretty obvious the #believewomen bullshit is built on the same retarded logic of anti-semitism.
according to this it's 'anti-semitic' to ACCUSE someone of exaggerating the holohoax. Aparently a jew can say whatever he likes about holocoasters and lampshades and you're supposed to repeat it as 100% fact or else it's a hate crime.
if you're close enough for a shield bash it's defense not assault also how about stalking it's a crime most say it's out of love for the victim and it's not an assault
Angel Watson
super sleuth. I had no prob finding her photos from a reverse image search but didn't catch any videos.
Adam Brown
Ignore the word. It's used to harm.
Is acknowledging facts about race "racist"? Is acknowledging facts about sex "sexist"? Is acknowledging facts about ""?
Let them call you whatever names they feel like. Create your own names to use against them. By playing into their word game, you let them dominate you by controlling your language. Speak the truth, and when the insults come out, just keep speaking the truth.
Sebastian Jenkins
not bad solid 7, maybe 8 with better lighting
Elijah Parker
Until a nigger fucks your shit up and you relearn racism. Then ya gotta unlearn it again.
Levi Reed
>tellin NPCs anything they don't want to hear
do you even 48 laws of power bro
Michael Butler
>I mean who decides what is and isn't a minority or a protected group
>White >straight >males
literally any other classification for human may be considered 'protected'. makes you wonder.
Elijah Thomas
I only know about the 3 laws of robotics
William Ortiz
I'm one of those crazies who can find anything. I've got a lot of personal photos.
When you get to the point in the conversation that >>Racism = power + discrimination comes up you can use this argument: >>So, logically the reverse racism should be powerless who do not discriminate against other groups.
Logic is your friend here. If the powerless do not discriminate then the racism does not exist ergo reverse racism does not exist. What I just told you, is of course just a trick and won't convince the true believers. And this is a crux of the problem- they are creating a cult, not a logic based argument
Unfortunately discussing a religion is pointless. If anyone says: I believe strongly...the discussion is pointless because belief has nothing to do with logic or facts. On the surface and on a deep level belief is called a belief because it reaches beyond facts. I understand what you are saying. But it is still a slippery slope and not exactly backed by logic. If the assault weapon used in the defense stops being an assault weapon, then can we conclude that defending oneself with an AR15 is not a defense with an assault weapon? What if you pull the AR15 and just scare the attackers off? Is it a defense weapon then or is it an assault weapon? Stalking is a crime and it's considered to be done by persons that are mentally unstable. They think that they are in love, but their actions are not rational and sometimes lead to an assault. In that sense stalking may not be exactly a crime of hate, but what if someone was stalking a "protected group " member? If we find a ruling that slapped a hate crime label on stalking, can we assume that stalking can be a hate crime? Ok, when is a group not a protected group? Where does this classification end? Is Police a protected group? What about FBI? What about animals? Wjat about all children aged 17.5? My question had to do with the limits of these kind of subjective laws. What is a group that deserves a protected status for you, may not be such for me.
racism = kids beating up another kid because of his race . reverse racism = person getting into uni with lower standards because he's from a certain race . for example arabs in my uni
in one case its negative discrimination , in the other it's positive . both are based on race .
Christopher Nelson
both of those are just racism racism=I hate you because we're not the same race reverse racism=I hate you because we are the same race
Wyatt Campbell
>Reverse racism doesn't exist It's just called racism, nothing "reverse" about it.
You may be interested in this book. It's currently on the way to my house looking forward to it. Also worth watching is this video and the 3 more that appear in the series. Blows the diversity issue wide open.
She may not look it, but she's a super autismo. She was home schooled up until highschool and most pictures you see of her were taken by her mom. She's wicked smart, though.
this, racism is made up sociology term dating back to the 1930's. if you have library access at your university, type in "racism" and exclude all search results after that date. 99.99% of human history is race-realist, because race is literally as obvious as night and day.
Caleb Roberts
they're both racism. The term 'reverse racism' is completely unnessesary and only serves to establish that REAL racism only flows from whites towards others and REVERSING racism means whites get shit on.
You can argue this all you like but the fact remains that anyone who uses this term seriously in social justice circles abides by my explanation of how it works.
Julian Sanders
>tfw no seamstress gf it hurts, goys
Brody Price
Reverse-Racism is Racism
Reverse-Racism dosent mean what it says, it means racism against whites
We have a new term for it beacuse it is a new phenomena
Justin Myers
Thank you. I'll read it. It may be interesting to see what has been written about it. I'm not super interested in racism as a subject but I am interested in propaganda and how it works. Very much so. Reverse racism is an oxymoron and shouldn't be used. It's only used because someone needs it to exist, to drive a bigger wedge between the skin colors. The belief that black people cannot be racist is only propagated in the US, maybe in the UK to some extent as well. The rest of the world doesn't need a language fuckery as much because that concept that colored people by DEFINITION cannot be racist is not as wide spread or accepted.
Aaron Cox
>We have a new term for it beacuse it is a new phenomena No it's not. You're feeding into the whole narrative that whites are the ORIGINAL racists and anyone being racist against whites can only be a justified reaction to it.
>I hate you because we are the same race you wot m8 ? that dosnt exist
and racism isnt hating people because they're not your race it's discriminating against them because they're some race . the distinction being that you dont automatically hate all races but one , you can be racist against any subset of races . and racism is ACTION not THOUGHT , you need to do something that fucks over people of a race because they're people of that race .thinking isnt racism .
reverse racism is different from racism because the thing you're doing to the race you are 'reverse racist' against is beneficial to them .
Jason Powell
that's retarded , racism existed before white people did
Joseph Garcia
>>reverse racism is different from racism because the thing you're doing to the race you are 'reverse racist' against is beneficial to them Wait, what? So doing anything for another race is racism of some kind? That, logically makes no sense.
Andrew Powell
In the US it's a wide spread "belief" that colored people CANNOT be racist.
Julian Young
>reverse racism is different from racism because the thing you're doing to the race you are 'reverse racist' against is beneficial to them .
You are the only one on planet earth who uses this definition. When people say affirmative action is reverse racism they are saying it is negative to whites. No one calls affirmative action any kind of 'racism' that is directed towards blacks. It's just affirmative action.
it's the only way 'reverse racism' make sense , other then what you're doing being reversed from something bad to something good for them how else would you 'reverse' the term 'racism' logically ? racism is 'negative discrimination based on race' , if you reverse the discrimination or the race part its just 'nor racism' , only if you reverse the negative part can you get something with meaning .
Jaxon Gray
i know she has a facebook, not sure what else
little songbird cosplay
Christian King
>saying it is negative to whites. particular instances of races are irrelevant for the definition of the words 'racism' or 'reverse racism' . all can by applied to any combination of races depending on the circumstances .
that's like saying the word 'car' only refers to green volkswagens
Logan Rodriguez
hopefully she gives us a bowsette cosplay
Cooper Cook
*not racism
Chase Campbell
your novel redefining of things based on your personal internal logic isn't something you can argue about. if you like to think of it that way good for you. no one else does. we are discussing the term as it is used in the real world.
this. What kind of Orwellian shit is "reverse racism". Sage
Aaron Clark
>>ergo reverse racism doesn't exist It was a misunderstanding. The rest of your post was spot on, that last sentence threw me off.
Nolan Nguyen
And yes. It doesn't exist, logically. People use it as a racism against whites and this use should be purged with fire because it only goes to strengthen the >>original deadly sin of racism came from whites narrative. It also is a belief, no more than that. It's based on a cult of the SJW moral values.
David Morales
>particular instances of races are irrelevant for the definition of the words 'racism' Good we agree >...or 'reverse racism' that's where you're wrong. You are going by your own novel definition of 'reverse racism' so we can't really discuss the term as it's commonly understood anymore without you getting with the fucking program.
Blake Morales
Pretty much a 0% chance of that. She was in a panic just attempting Morrigan from Dragon Age.
by 'dosnt exist' do you mean >it's definition is logically inconsistent or >it's definition is logically consistent but it there are no instances of it in reality
because the way i see it the definition is both logically consistent and is practiced in reality . if you think otherwise please point out the inconsistency .
i wasnt talking about racism against whites , the specific races dont matter . im talking about the term 'reverse racism'
then define it because i pointed out it cant be defined in any other way then the one i did . or else you'd be mixing up 'reverse racism' with just 'not racism'
It's definition is logically inconsistent because, in real life it's used as a term describing racism towards white people. No one uses it as you described, not in real life not according to any available dictionaries. It really simply is used as a term describing racism towards whites. Check the definition in the pic.
I already provided the definition from wikipedia. >you didn't like it Other people provided the definition as it's commonly used by SJWs >you didn't like it You keep pushing your own homebrew definition of it >it cant be defined in any other way then the one i did Well congratulations you are behaving in the most Jewish possible way a person can act. You eally should look at the definition of pilpul:
Jacob Johnson
Those aren't fake freckles, user. That is Florida weather acne.
Daily reminder you can't be racist against Jews. privilege + power
William Martinez
She has a gorgeous body. I'd to press up against her.
Ryder Clark
>used as a term describing racism towards white people. that's racism , not reverse racism . and people misusing a word is not the same as the word being inconsistent . them doing that just means they're stupid . part of the thing in your pic is what i said .affirmative action , which is discrimination against black people which benefits them is reverse racism .
it's not that i didnt like it it's just wrong , wikipedia isnt infallible you can write bullshit there all you want . it's not 'my own definition' , define it yourself without just quoting the definition of racism and then we'll talk . obviously 'thing' and 'REVERSE-thing' are not the exact same thing .