AR-15 Thread

Do you live in a state that's not a shithole that allows you to exercise your 2nd amendment right?
Have you been putting off on getting a gun because you're just too lazy?

Here's a quick guide to building your own AR-15 on the cheap.

This is the first part we're going to buy and it's the most important. This is the only part of an AR-15 that is regulated, you can purchase everything else without getting a background check except this. It will need to be mailed to a local dealer who will charge you a fee and background check you.

This kit contains the entire rest of the rifle. Stock, barrel, grip, trigger, barrel all that good stuff. It's a more basic kit but it will be enough to get you started on the AR-15 platform.

This punch set will help with assembly and is a good tool set to have for beginners.

These are your run of the mill magazines. I'd say 10 is a good start but you can get as many or little as you want. You can also likely head down to any local gun store to purchase some and meet your local FLGS owner.

After you get the parts it's time to assemble your rifle.

Some things to consider at this point:
>Clean your fucking gun
>Begin stockpiling ammunition. A little here and there never hurts.
>Look for an optic. Iron sights are fine but red dots / acogs go great if you have the money & Wesson/M&P 15 Rifles/S&W M&P 15 SPORT II .223/5.56 16
Want a full rifle instead? The S&W Sport II is your 'modern musket'

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Also looking for infographics and whatnot related to civil disobediance. Past actions, tools, analytics, etc

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Do they do international shipping to Canada?

I don't think so, I would find a local gun shop more familiar with Canadian laws

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>Clean your fucking gun
thanks, now i feel bad

It longs to cum, user. Go oil it up

Buy an 80% lower and finish it yourself. Absolutely zero record of a firearm transaction. The government has no business knowing whether or not you own firearms.

Spamming this shit again...

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glowing this hard