Anyone else find it the least bit suspicious that they purged several subreddits, but left MGTOW.
If you think mgtow is based and “the great redpill” you are doing great goy. Keep hating white women. Yes, Focus on video games and dogs.
MGTOW hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Americans truly are a plague for mankind
>jewish puppet
>ISIS funding
>you need to get married, goyim, my divorce law firm is financially suffering because you won't man up and marry a used roastie whore
lol no
oy vey get married goy
MGTOW is simply a buffer for when the soul mate is discovered. Nothing less. Nothing more.
And what in the world are you going to do about it?
Incel retards detected. Yes, the jews DEFINITELY want whites to marry and reproduce. No please, be worthless to society then complain about there being too many nigger children tomorrow
Retard, MGTOW is about women in general not just white women, and it's about fucking yourself and enslaving yourself by fucking choice to the authorities who can then make your wife a single mother that takes alimony from you.
Single mothers are also created by divorce you ape.
>gay prides
>swinger clubs
>gay marriage
>gay culture
>plastic surgery
>social media
>stealing cultures
>extremist ideologies
>drug addiction
>gay marriage
>pouring napalm on children