Will we remember this as the start of the civil war?

I think we've been in a cold civil war for the past 2-3 years. This moment pictured could very well be considered the turning point where it went hot if things continue down this path. Failure to confirm Kavanaugh essentially signals the end of the Republic. The left is pushing for "faith based" justice. This precedent sends the signal that completely uncorroborated allegations are justification to deny anyone office. This effectively makes it impossible for anyone to hold office. It means the government has stopped working and the social contract just no longer functions. All because Flake lost his backbone (or just orchestrated this whole thing to serve his purposes). What say you? Is this overly alarmist or melodramatic?

Attached: Final Supper.jpg (1024x1017, 138K)

That photo is pure kino

no civil war will happen. right wingers will hand their rifles over to the feds like the bitches they are

But how will the government even continue to function if no one can run for office as long as you spam enough allegations?

Why do such a number of republicans have this pathetic desire to be seen as nice by liberals who hate them.

This. Guaranteed. You'll have a few holdouts, but they'll be made examples of and villianized in the media. Not saying I agree with it, that's just how it is.

Agreed, it has an almost biblical quality to it.

lefty chimpout incoming.

yup lots of saber rattling from the right, but at the end of the day as long as they have nascar and walmart, they will do what the gov tells them.

Because once the dems are in, MSM won't make a big deal out of any accusations