Wow they can go home now.
Wow they can go home now
Great except what about the millions of Eritreans
>implying the muslim invasion of europe was from syria
Send them to Israel.
they go back to Syria too
Lol, aren't most of the "refugees" Africans?
Just send them to syria anyway
Never understood why people here exaggerated the refugees topic the syrians will return home they have no point in remaining in Europe when they have homes, now what will remain is Afghan and African refugees
If they aren’t already, they will be once the Syrians go home.
The left will scream Assad will kill them if they go.
That's what worries us but at least it will be less numbers to manage;)
It is a somewhat legal option for Germany as every migrant without papers claimed to be syrian to be guaranteed asylum. Spread this shit all across any channel you have if you are german. Create pressure.
Another white Arab, just like based blue-eyed Assad. Saudi Wahhabist Gulf Arab shitskins BTFO.
Mohamed did have red hair though, after all, Muslims dye their hair and beards with Henna to honour him
our former interior minister already announced that the """refugees""" will never go back
it's over, Europe is fucked, let's just all move to Chile
I've seen an unproportional amount of ginger-muslims in comparison to overall ginger population. How?
They can, but maybe they don't want to :^)
could be because gingers are usually bullied because they ginger and that paves a way for them to be exploited by Imans
By ginger Muslims you mean native converts or middle Eastern redheads?
I can't tell the difference really. Both have usually brown eyes and reddish hair.
Checked, let me summarise it, if they look middle Eastern, then they mist likely dyed their hair to honour Mohamed, if pale, then they were made fun off because of being ginger and subsequently exploited by an Imam