/cic/ Canada is COLLAPSING part 323 - $69.90/kg+tax+tip Cheese edition

1kg cheese in canada is $69.90
1kg garlic butter $36
1kg butter $42
1kg cheap frozen salami $65
1 baguette is $3.19
1 rib eye steak $90
1L sour cream $20
dozen eggs $7+
1 bottle domestic wine $20
1L vodka $40
1kg chicken breast $35
24 of beer $60
Gasoline $7/gallon
Leaf oil trading at a record $40 discount to WTI
NAFTA is kill
USDCAD set to crash to 50-60 cents once NAFTA is officially killed
Autotarrifs on Canada will destroy the economy
Car insurance is $200-1729/month

Remember when tuna was for poor people? Now you need to mortgage your house to buy two cans.

everything is expensive in canada.

unlimited talk/text cell phone plan with 80GB data is $435+tax+tip/month. basic 1GB plan is $103.50/month

In Germany 24 bottles x 0,5 litre are 5,76€

In the usa a 24 is 15 bucks and it's better than canada's cheapest

A 12 pack of pisswater beer is $13.00 USD in Canada.
That same 12 pack in the US is $8.30 USD

in the usa they pay $50 a month for phone plan with unlimited talk, text, AND data - if they are a sucker..
Unlimited everything including unlimited 4G LTE is 15 euros month in France

in Poland 24 cans of beer is $9

1L vodka $11 but you can get the cheap shit for $6

1L milk $0.60

1kg cheese $3

> strawberries are too expensive right now we have to wait until they're in season
> Honey were having cheese this week. I finally could budget for it
> I can't wait until next month when I can afford a steak

Yes, this is how Canadians live. It's so common that no one questions it.

Every business that doesn't involve stripping the land of natural resources is a branch office of a foreign company.

The banks and the government are basically one entity and are set up to permanently rape and enslave the population.

In canada you have to work 45 minutes for one steak. in the USA you can get a 3 pack of new york strip steaks for 20 minutes of work.

>JUST a friendly reminder no leaf can post in-store prices because this is reality
>pic very related

Attached: food sadist mural.jpg (750x563, 179K)

Other urls found in this thread:


none of these prices have ever been debunked

no leaf has ever posted in store prices on normal items because the prices are that high.

All they can do is post flyers with loss leaders (items the store sells for well below cost to get people in the door, then they rape them on every single item). Hence no pics from in store.

pic related: you'll never see a photo of a cheaper steak in canada of this size and type..

it hurts the shills to their core that this is true

16 bucks for this

Fact: these are the most heavily shilled against threads on Jow Forums

you will see shills shill more heavily to supress the talk of prices than anywhere else.

>pic related, leafs have to psychotically lie because they cannot COPE with having to pay 500% of normal western food prices

Attached: rib eye lies 2.jpg (5000x5000, 3.93M)

Are you Hungry?

>$69.90/kg cheese in Cucknada

Attached: $69.90 cheese.jpg (4032x3024, 1.95M)

>$65/kg salami in the Great North Caliphate

Attached: $65:kg.png (1626x940, 779K)

Attached: spiderman.jpg (300x278, 21K)

Bump. Retard leafs

when will we have updated prices? 1kg of chicken is almost 68$

>$12/dozen eggs in 49% Canada

Attached: $12 eggs.png (440x992, 158K)

this is the best thread on pol.

Soon, tarrifs are kicking in

>$35/kg for chicken breast in Canarabia

if you have a chance to end the horror you shouldn't go looking for loopholes, like sale days and rushing in first thing to snatch photos of loss leaders that are gone by 10am.

Attached: CANADASIM2.jpg (1280x960, 521K)

>pic related

Attached: $35:kg chicken breast.png (1294x854, 595K)

Here are the Leaf tarrifs that are going to increase 95%+ of everyday items for 49% Leafs by 20-30% soon

>pic related

Attached: leaf tarrifs.png (921x2544, 666K)

>$86 for a 1.4kg roast

Attached: $90 roast.png (1674x916, 476K)

>$34 for a small steak

Attached: $34 steak.png (404x786, 150K)

>1700 pounds of peanut butter for $400 in the USA

$2000 tarrif if imported to canada

Attached: peatnutbutter.jpg (714x182, 15K)

1 dozen eggs are 60 cents in the midwest
holy fucking shit leafs get it together.

>$66.66/kg for cheap blue cheese

Attached: $66.66:kg blue cheese.png (486x802, 140K)

>Canada hating Pole moved to Hungary.

Nice to see you still find time to post food prices from Nunavut and pretend it's downtown Toronto.

In Canada, milk comes in bags.


Attached: $11.29 milk.png (404x788, 156K)

>$14/gallon if not in bag

Attached: $14:gallon milk.jpg (1200x1600, 312K)






into the pile you go

Attached: a.jpg (562x521, 54K)

>In Canada, milk comes in bags

Attached: israeli milk bags.jpg (3456x2304, 966K)

>Canada hating Pole moved to Hungary.

>The Pole

Attached: canada collapse.jpg (493x728, 59K)

>$435+tax+tip for a 80GB cell phone plan

Attached: $435 cuck phone plan.png (1736x1122, 272K)

the pole! reee

Attached: a.jpg (658x630, 68K)

>memeflaggots and americans think this is fake
nope! this is all real. All of it.

Attached: 1538233675542.png (992x858, 1.05M)

Wtf how do canadians survive

>5 When the lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, ‘Come!’ As I watched, there was a black horse. Its rider held a pair of scales in his hand. 6 I heard something like a voice coming from the midst of the four living creatures. ‘A quart of wheat for a denarius!’ said the voice. ‘And three quarts of barley for a denarius! But don’t ruin the oil and the wine!’

Why are we not selling steaks for bitcoin on the darkweb yet?

>that mural
I want it to be real

Hasn't Canada always been monopoly money though?

Attached: 1507423516715.jpg (670x630, 140K)

>A 12 pack of pisswater beer is $13.00 USD in Canada.

I wish, it's more like $20 USD if you get a good brand, $17 if you get the cheapest.

from the other thread. stores from costco and food basics to the gas station

Attached: canada prices.jpg (3196x2302, 1.15M)

Attached: us beer prices.jpg (1200x900, 314K)

>$46.66/kg for cheap presliced salami

Attached: $46.66:kg salami.png (1734x1072, 491K)

$11.40/kg, Walmart

Attached: cheese.jpg (217x310, 18K)

$21.60/kg, Maxi

Attached: salami.jpg (173x358, 14K)

$2.50 per dozen

Attached: eggs.jpg (177x337, 15K)

They don't really. Homelessness is an epidemic in the Great Socialist Utopia.

>Canadians spend $12000/year or $250/week on basic groceries or 33% of their take home wages

Attached: $12000 a year leaf food costs.png (1010x1124, 784K)

Aren't those in Canadian dollars which are much cheaper than USD?

$13.62/kg, Maxi

Attached: chicken breast.jpg (191x353, 17K)

>$7.84 for dozen eggs

Attached: $7.84 eggs.png (1764x1004, 556K)

>$33/kg for cheap chicken breast

Attached: $33kg chicken breast.png (418x772, 152K)

>$35/kg for basic frozen ham that costs $3-5/kg anywhere else

Attached: $35:kg ham.png (1680x1008, 673K)


Attached: eggs and dairy.jpg (2304x1088, 475K)

that's cheap. here's some $60/24 beer

Attached: $60:24 la fin du monde.png (1826x1196, 558K)

blue cheese
$38.80/kg, Walmart

Attached: blue cheese.jpg (222x351, 25K)

>$39-48/kg for cheap blue cheese that costs $10/kg in a normal country

Attached: $48:kg blue cheese.png (1716x1014, 547K)

is this a shop or is lushsux that much of a mad genius

>find premium, organic products
>find smallest packages available to figure out unit cost
>complain about price

>$20/L sour cream

Attached: $20 a litre sour cream.png (416x748, 124K)

Is this real? Anyone here from norway and swiss? Maybe compared between it? What kind of cheese cost $69?

This is really autistic. But I don't hate it.

Attached: 1533760004166.png (496x483, 313K)

Attached: prices.jpg (1341x1262, 265K)

$6.89/gallon, Walmart

Attached: milk.jpg (214x363, 18K)

They shouldn't have fucked with us. They laughed at first, now they starve.

$3.60/L sour cream


>$42/kg for butter

Attached: $42:kg cultured butter.png (396x784, 215K)

>$1729/month for car insurance

Attached: $1700 car insurance.png (1694x1164, 193K)

maxwell coffee 925g
$6.97, Walmart

Attached: maxwell coffee.jpg (808x493, 78K)


Attached: affordable size.jpg (802x899, 97K)



I DISAVOW this thread unequivocally

Attached: 1515982383076.png (167x187, 44K)

you can just go to

and see the prices for yourself you autistic pole

Attached: tigerlett.png (645x729, 186K)

Attached: food sadist.png (800x704, 1.61M)

This is like a fucking nightmare to my bodybuilding routine. nope.jpeg Canada not even once

Holy fuck

$6.30/kg, Maxi (Canada)

Attached: ham.jpg (185x354, 19K)

When are you leafs going to get a handle on this shit? You're ruining my dreams of being a trucker in leafland and looking at your beautiful countryside.

>$36/kg for garlic butter

Attached: $36:kg garlic butter.png (422x704, 227K)

>gourmet coffee costs more than Maxwell house

>beautiful countryside

Attached: toronto.jpg (1491x835, 374K)

>posts inner city
Show me your real flag, retard.

$28/24, IGA (Canada)

Attached: beer.jpg (208x377, 18K)

God damn you're dumb


>Show me your real flag, retard.

Attached: brain cycle.jpg (326x294, 18K)

Swiety Jacek z pierogami

sour creme
$4.90/L, Walmart (Canada)

Attached: sour creme.jpg (223x344, 22K)

Attached: 1537959647779.jpg (1000x1000, 114K)

$8.70/kg, Walmart (Canada)

Attached: butter.jpg (221x328, 19K)

>$4 for 500g cottage cheese

Attached: $4 cottage cheese.png (396x682, 179K)

sheauuur flag

>organic food
>complaining about it being overpriced
Protip, you fucking numbskulls: The "organic" is the same exact fucking shit as the non -organic, literally the same. "Organic" eggs come from the same exact poultry farms as the non, all "organic" produce comes from the same exact pesticide sprayed fields as the non-organic... There are no "free range" chickens, there are no meadows and countrysides where chickens get to frolic as they please, they're all caged. You fucking retards need to wake up from your fantasy nonsense. You shitheads are falling for clever marketing, because that's all it is

>b-but I know a guy who's cousin's uncle's co-worker's nephew's bandmate's step-son works on a free range farm
No he don't, they don't exist.

>b-b-b-b-but what about muh GMO glutens
Literally every single bit of food you have ever eaten throughout your entire life has been genetically modified, every single bit, even "organic". This has been taking place for hundreds of years. It's called "selective breeding" and "artificial selection". You might not like his skin color, but you can't prove him wrong youtube.com/watch?v=1ecT2CaL7NA

>what is the OP

Attached: brainletss.png (294x171, 6K)

garlic butter
$16/kg, Maxi (Canada)

Attached: garlic butter.jpg (187x328, 14K)

Attached: weedlove.jpg (1500x886, 351K)

You do realize that since you are looking at the prices via Hungary sources, its included export/import/conversion rates right?

Don't get me wrong, I like shitting on Canada as much as the next guy, but I like shitting on retarded third worlders even more.

Attached: 1405180691308.png (887x612, 208K)

Why is this happening?

the photos are from inside the store.

Attached: 3 steak for 50 bucks.jpg (932x900, 368K)

>3rd world

Attached: duda humble sausage eat.jpg (720x960, 138K)

thats fucked.wed pay about 17$ for that

$2.97 for 500g cottage cheese
Walmart Canada

Attached: cottage cheese.jpg (210x328, 20K)

Well you ARE right next to Moldolva.

Ah, my mistake then.
Canada is shit.

Attached: 1521943562842.png (1280x951, 620K)