but when?

Attached: 51st statee.jpg (1455x1177, 123K)

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Please, can't wait.
Take Saskatchewan too, they're cool.

just to be clear, from the map you're assuming responsibility for Hawaii?

Ocean niggers should have their statehood stripped.

Oh shit I’m working on an oil site in Alberta, should I be afraid to be liberated??

good eye, m8, but you shouldn't have pointed it out until AFTER the swap.

Not a bad trade. We control Canadian air and sea defense regardless so Hawaii would remain a US military stronghold on the Pacific. That's the entire point of Hawaii anyway - why they have statehood is beyond me, they fucking hate whites. We would lose the baggage of the native shitskins, who Canada could then virtue signal about. Win win.

Attached: 1537413447709.png (1600x1260, 1.75M)

no... alberta can vote for independence and then join the US. all perfectly legal and without the need for generous infusions of liberty from uncle sam.

watch from the 40 minute mark

I don’t think you know how fucking stoked the people in my town would be if we joined the states, we get absolutely fucked by taxes up here, it would honestly be a dream to have America’s tax brackets.