/TSS/ Two State Solution General - It Cries Out as It Strikes You Edition

You're looking mighty Kosher today, Jow Forums. Not a good look. Very disrespectful.

ITT, we dump redpills on the current state of Palestinians as well as post all justifications and arguments in favor of, and, if you're a kike, in opposition to, the Two State Solution.

One State Solutions in favor of Palestinians and Final Solutions will also be entertained.

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ay lmao

arabs on suicide watch

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I got an argument for a two state solution actually.
once they have a state, they will inevitably attack, prompting another war, but this time we will finish the job.

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One State solution is the only way to go. Accept the palestinians in, and create a shared democracy.

THIS is the solution Jow Forums should support, and this is also the solution that Israel fears the most. Because it would effectively end jewish supremacy in the region.


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oy vey just can't help yourselves can you

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How do the Palis intent to make a state out of the mutilated West Bank? Israel should just annex the rest.

This. Diversity and equality for Israel NOW

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