What is it about talking food prices that has the canadians shills so worked up

I've never seen them so spooked. they are pushing the narrative that only one person has a problem with the high prices and cartels and it's getting kinda scary look at pic related. Everyone who complains about high prices gets accused of being a 'polish' user, who is the only guy who doesn't like paying 300 percent what normal countries pay. This has to be coordinated shilling

Attached: so scared wtf.jpg (1380x1596, 331K)

Other urls found in this thread:


it's like they dont want the truth of the prices to get out. the shilling is so heavy you'd think you were in a Q thread.

Attached: prices sept 2018.jpg (2639x1318, 542K)

You should add this one in

Attached: D604758B-9E42-4D1E-B02A-714036338609.jpg (1563x1847, 466K)

This one too.

Attached: 84C16FB2-7D5D-41E2-A9BB-1E78F5086CB2.jpg (2184x405, 157K)


why tho it's unrelated both are unrelated

When he started with these threads, he used pictures he claimed to have PERSONALLY TAKEN from Ontario, but a quick google image search proved they were in Alaska, and other Northern territories from an assortment of different blogs. As far as I'm concerned, he obliterated any credibility he had when he did this.

>Hey Canadian, POST PRICES
I'm a neet that doesn't handle that sort of thing, and I'm not going to travel down to the grocery store to take pictures of meat, or whatever.

a Canadian government shill burned himself the other day and deleted his post when he got called out

Attached: canadian governemnt worker busted shilling.png (962x619, 110K)

you're parrotting some bullshit the prices are from southern ontario you probably posted the nunavut ones under the memeflag to use as disnfo and strawmen later..

Attached: 3 steak for 50 bucks.jpg (932x900, 368K)

Watch him with his stupid eco meme flag post nunavut prices in this archived thread 2-3 months ago. I certainly remember these threads.


takes you to the replies on the now deleted post but luckily it's archived already


Attached: milk $4 2l small.jpg (885x1574, 492K)

canadian shill caught photoshopping fake food prices

Attached: busted.png (625x630, 121K)

what this would all be classed as is:

a Prima facie case of shilling

Attached: tariff hell.png (921x2544, 666K)

Haha, yeah, here's the archived thread where I called him out.
I'm sure there are many others, but this is the only time I've bothered to engage him. I'm beginning to think OP is this dude as well, because his mannerisms are pretty similar.

Ah, kuso, replied to the wrong person. Whatever

you are pushing a narrative. it's bogus you know it i know it.

Attached: _Photo.png (488x436, 204K)

tip: the 'nunavut' pics were posted by a disnfo artist and used solely to discredit people posting real food prices like pic related

Attached: 19 per kg.jpg (1305x734, 221K)

the pole narrative and the nunavut pics narrative are tools to disnform.

pic related is all from southern ontario.

Attached: prices.jpg (1341x1262, 265K)

keep it bumped

Attached: tariffed.png (1280x720, 302K)

It's just the one: the milk cartel.
Canada is like any other country. Food prices cam vary wildly. The prices that the autistic pole posts are almost all photoshopped or from the Territories.
It pisses us off because we have real problems to deal with and we don't have time to indulge an autist's temper tantrum.

Oh ha ha wait you ARE the autist.
Nice new proxy. Poland get old?
We all know you're Canadian you snivelling faggot.

you're lying. which is suspicious. the locations are on the stickers the stores are in ontario

Maine here

If I had money I'd drive over to Montreal and take pics for you

Attached: 1518669102039.jpg (200x200, 12K)

>If I had money I'd drive over to Montreal and take pics for you
from a quebec minimart

Attached: eggs juice cheese.jpg (1088x2304, 399K)

idk what denying it will do. WE DO pay way more for basic consumer goods than just about any other western country.

I live in the GTA and the rock bottom price for skinless, boneless chicken breast is like $10/kg, regular price is $20/kg. In other parts of the country its even higher

>new proxy
He’s benn using that one for years.

Attached: 448B8BF3-3F76-4555-B073-126F9EB1BE2A.jpg (1150x551, 90K)

you guys get ripped off so bad then when you complain (as you should) shills attack you. heck some of the shills are probable from the DFC

Elite Dairy Farmers Control Canada's Destiny

so this is the narrative you push when someone dissents. very orwellian. 'un nationalizing' a person who dissents.

I can confirm all these prices are realistic. They actually can go a bit higher if you shop at the wrong spot at the wrong time. I live in Calgary where living cost is considered really good.

The leaf fears the STRONG POLSKI MAN

i'm not polish i just keep track of the food thrads for bants and noted some unusual behaviours. i found this behaviour in most threads relating to canada.

Attached: c o r byn.jpg (650x366, 22K)

you bloody idiot. You go around creating threads every day where you post fake prices tons of people call you out on and you talk about people who expose you as shills from the dairy cartel. Bloody fool, nobody believes this.

you're accusing me of being the pole? seriously? in this thread? about that orwellian tactic?

Attached: 152433283029.jpg (500x500, 39K)

I didn't even think about the tariffs but now that I think about it, everything has suddenly gotten more expensive - especially coffee.

Food is the same price though.

>Food is the same price though.
it's not. your mommy must do your shoppin

You're posting the same pics and were the british fag defending the same line in the previous thread.

so you are accusing me of being the pole

which shows you are predictable because it is a pattern of behaviour from your shills.

I do all my shopping and only eat fresh whole foods (vegetables, fish, meat, milk, cheese, bread, fruit, butter, eggs)

Those prices are stable because they are mostly locally sourced but prepared goods like coffee and pasta did go up in price.

i have been keeping track of you prices thanks to the food threads you make. things only go up and they have went up recently.


Attached: cheapchicken.png (418x772, 152K)

based prince salman

proxyfag now posting as a saudi.

Attached: d33.jpg (600x657, 35K)

Okay well I'll just tell you what I bought last time I was at the grocery store
1.5kg carrots - $1
1.5kg onions - $1
1 bunch celery - $3
1 bunch kale - $2.50
1 bunch spinach - $3.50
3 bunches of garlic - $1
2kg sweet potatoes - $6
0.5kg tomatoes - $1
2kg apples - $4
1.5kg bananas - $3
1kg boneless skinless chicken breast - $10
1.5kg ground beef - $11
1kg haddock - $10 (50% off due to expiring soon)
1 gallon whole milk - $5.50
0.5kg cheese - $6
1 loaf whole grain bread - $1.50 (50% off)
1 dozen eggs - $3
0.5kg almonds - $10
Didn't buy but this prices of this were
1L of olive oil - $7
1 large tin of coffee - $13
10kg white potatoes - $5
10kg white rice - $16

And for each item there was a premium version for up to twice as much

Haha look at flaggot Polack now posting with a British VPN and pretending to be someone else. How fucking mentally ill is this guy?

I mean, I don't see who's pissed. Even if the prices were as inflated as the polskas say they are, (which they aren't) we all have enough education to do more with our lives than flip burgers, so we could deal with the (((milk cartels)))

I think the most illustrative thing you can bring up is the fact that you buy a 24 of beer here for you know, $50 or $60 and then hop over the border to Detroit or Buffalo and that same exact case of beer is $15 or $20.

updated shill compilation


Attached: so scared wtf.jpg (1538x1596, 367K)

I don't know why, but Lord Humongous with the caption cracks me up

do you think you're fooling anyone just because you are posting with a different flag now you stupid polack. This isn't even a political issue and when the mods take a break from sucking cock you're gonna get b&.

Attached: spiderman.jpg (300x278, 21K)

What stores can you find this brand? A lot more reasonable than most around me.

you are pathetic lmao

the real redpill is that this is the eternal anglos attempt at making poland look bad, canada has nothing to do with it

Attached: 1519152972334.png (817x656, 127K)

Nice bait faggot I will never sponsor you but dont worry heard they are ((((planning)))) to make tourists visa obtainable by 2030

Attached: اهلا_و_سهلا_بكم_في_كندا.jpg (620x391, 125K)

>everyone who's against me is the same person

Attached: 1537726949443.png (572x496, 26K)

prove it, show $60 beer from a website of a non expensive grocery store and then post the same from a burger store at $15.


Attached: us beer prices.jpg (1200x900, 314K)

I am not sure but once you find out you can get this free beer too

Attached: freebeer.jpg (125x81, 2K)

obvious pathetic proxy shill is obvious.

fuck my laptop is probably canadian too here is link user i.4cdn.org/pol/1538245209053.png

Posting NWT food prices just discredits this shit, we know our food prices are high - particularly compared to US prices - but our dollar value is pretty shit.

Take anything from a US supermarket and add 30+% to it (to cover the dollar disparity) and it's not as unreasonable as shills here act like it is.

What really pissed me off was when our dollar was worth the same or more than the US from like 2007-2011 the prices never dropped to reflect that. In that regard Canada does get fucked over.


nice one faggot. Show the same beer at $60 in a non expensive grocery store in Canada.

you are on a whole new level of delusion, you should actually go get your head checked

The exact same thread has been posted everyday for the past half a year and it still gets hundreds of replies. It's the most obvious shilling attempt I've seen ever, and yet anons are still falling for it. Whoever's behind it must have some serious money.

based saudi, have some more leaf artillery

Attached: $35:kg chicken breast.png (1294x854, 595K)

Canadian Government hires people to patrol the internet and make sure our image remains "good"

There was an article about it, cat find it anymore though....

Also Canadians can't use google.com
It automatically redirects to .CA where the government controls the results.

Canada is a commie shithole

How the fuck is milk so expensive? According to the average retail price of a litre of milk, it's 2.5x more expensive to buy milk in Canada compared to England.

Attached: oops.jpg (256x256, 11K)

>everything I don’t like is the pole: the emotional canadian’s guide to arguing grocery prices on the internet

Attached: AA24A08B-6706-4A81-AA1D-5344FEFEF39D.jpg (625x880, 123K)

Fail harder. You are fooling nobody and are obvious as shit. It's you who seems to have a mental problem.

a 24 of Budweiser is $45 before taxes at the beerstore

That same 24 of Budweiser is $24.99 on walmart.com

I won't bother to screenshot them it's simply the truth. Anyone who doesn't believe me and is on the fence will go out of their to look these facts up.

>WOOOOW this premium good has high prices!! Luxuries are expensive!!
>heh heh, I have truly BTFOd those leafs

You alright mate? Is this the only way to make enough money to afford food in Canada, by shilling for Big Grocery?

Attached: 1427765390768.jpg (490x313, 25K)

The fuck are you talking about, food is expensive as fuck here and leading grocery stores are Superstore, sobeys, and Walmart. You want my grocery bill?

>food is expensive as fuck here
>actually fell for the polish meme

Attached: 1535190629299.jpg (1838x2048, 157K)

t. yukon

$24.99 USA
$30.99 CAD in Canada IGA
All this for american beer, with exchange it costs probably the exact same thing

Attached: budweiser.jpg (204x399, 22K)

you are legitimately worrying me, maybe it's time you use some of that health care you're always bragging about
here's some chicken for comparison

Attached: chickenbreast.png (788x200, 42K)

this is now my favourite memespiracy user should look into why we pay more for books next

your retardedness shines through when you're dumb enough to think people can't tell you use proxies. Stupid Pole.

Attached: mccain.jpg (341x436, 47K)

Set region anywhere in nova scotia, keep in mind we have 15% tax here.

>only posts 1 price to confuse people

lmao jew

Attached: bud comparison.jpg (1047x763, 140K)

>implying there's anybody other than you alone seeing proxies at every turn
This is just getting sad, mate.

Attached: literally hitler.png (500x500, 207K)

>€ 5,99/kg
>Which is about 8,99 CAD
Here's some chicken for comparison.

Attached: image.jpg (1333x1000, 198K)

>IGA is a U.S. brand of grocery stores that operates in more than 30 countries

>The Beer Store, is a Canadian privately owned chain of retail outlets selling beer and other malt beverages in the province of Ontario, Canada

>you're fooling people for sure

Attached: 2701a6d0-clinton-4x3.jpg (800x600, 92K)

Do you have nothing better to do than defend the ridiculously high price of basic groceries in your country?

Attached: pol to ree.jpg (750x985, 259K)

>posts prices from a Quebec grocery chain no one from Ontario has ever heard of

Your jewish shill tactics are good, but not good enough.

also even with your best example, coming from Quebec, it's still half the price in the USA

Am I bothering you?

Attached: 2008_Jared_Taylor.jpg (220x254, 15K)

Just trying to understand the reason behind the madness. Are you the assistant manager of a Canadian Wal-mart or something?

I think its more so concerns about faggots misrepresenting prices we pay every other day, its almost as if we have a personal stake in it. Yes food is fucking expensive here unless youre buying old goods from the dollar store, which actually doesnt sell shit only for a dollar anymore. Its all around 1-4 dollars +tx which is 15% in my region.

$21.95 CAD 24pak budweiser @ duty free.

Attached: budweiser dutyfree.png (798x412, 138K)

Attached: OODa8H9.gif (400x258, 1.99M)

Attached: who could be behind this post.png (300x315, 127K)

This food price argument is inane. I lived in Northern Canada, everything was a few dollars more than things in lower Canada because, well, food has to be transported. Now also take into that each province also has its own tax standard. Not only that but there are stores like Save-On-Foods, that includes the taxes into the advertised prices, so people do not need to include taxes while they shop. And you have other stores that display two prices, sales price and standard price. Both designed to confuse the buyer. But no matter what you may think, there is one factor everyone needs to include in the price of food.




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