What was meant by this
What was meant by this
kikes using their fictional masterpieces as facts to support some drummed up kike allegation against a Christian man who will oppose their shit if he's put into power... jewish trick... nothing new
proof by movie, almost as good as proof by song
I can't find a flaw.
These people are gay and out of touch.
>a movie made by a jew were a beta jew with a retainer fucks chads girlfriend when she's drunk and she's cool with it is proof of goy rape
Why do you every kike is friends with every kike
They could have gone with revenge of the nerds where ...wait same thing
Rape culture doesn’t exist except at Penn State
Watched that movie many times. She's drunk; he's drunk; they fuck. She's actually completely okay about it after they wake up. Kisses him goodbye.
If this is considered date rape, then every single sexual act that has ever occurred on a college campus is rape. The FBI needs way more funds for all these investigations.
Animal House was worse and it came out in the ‘70s. There was more coke in the ‘70s as well. ‘80s gave us niggers with attitude & that’s it.
>fuck her brains out
And at NBC
basically millenial fags can't understand unless you explain in retarded pop culture memes
What part of that does your far right brain not understand?
they should explain it using the new dredd movie, id be into it
As someone who was a teenager in the 80s it's funny to see that decade gradually replacing the 1950s as the Darkest Time in History in the tiny brains of left-wingers
Can't sign a form that literally nobody owns or uses regularly.
What movie isthis i need to get some pointers
It only works if you make friends with Matt Dillon first
Molly Ringwald agrees that the movie Sixteen Candles glorifies rape culture.
I think we are reaching peak Jew hysteria.