Let's make one thing clear: UK didn't vote for Brexit because of Polish migrants or the way Merkel handled the refugee crisis.
They voted for Brexit because they were tired of being stuck in 2nd place, eternally trailing Germany, a country they defeated twice and that still rose to eclipse them each time. They voted for Brexit because they are still clinging to the distant memories of their long-gone empire, distant echos of a past that will never return.
Brexit is the result of a British inferiority complex.
>eternally trailing Germany, a country they defeated twice and that still rose to eclipse them each time that's pretty unfair, if there was any country that was able to step up to Germany, then it was Britain. Britain has better universities, similar scientific achievements, better financial market, but worse industry and export
Jaxson Brooks
Once again, continentals failing to take responsibility for their own mistakes. You're the imperialists. We want to leave the empire.
Luke Phillips
This. I support Brexit in part because it can lead to the EU collapsing. Best of luck, britbros.
Luke Campbell
>better financial market Only because of level of the corruption and cheating, see youtube.com/watch?v=np_ylvc8Zj8 Brits are spineless, cheating cunts.
Tyler Price
British projection.
Austin Williams
yes yes, ze Germans never cheat
ok, leaving financial markets aside - how do you explain that Oxford and Cambridge are better than any german universities?
Blake Moore
Who gives a shit about oxford and cambridge. Faggot
Michael Howard
>Denying that England has been THE intellectual powerhouse
Nathaniel Richardson
Ryan Bennett
Germany is the greatest country on the world. Well at least it was before you fucked everything up.
Jonathan Ramirez
Germany dindu nuffin. Kike.
Dominic Anderson
Why is it bad that the British want to be better than you? It would in fact be more encouraging if you are right, and they voted for Brexit because of nationalistic reasons rather than temporal political concerns.
Parker Myers
How do i raise peope from the dead. Its not fair. You fucking kike commie hypocrite faggots.
Carson Bell
Germany is the reason the EU is what it is today. What country would agree to unilaterally trade with a country is the largest trade surplus. Read Varoufakis' books to see what actually goes on in the EU.
Ethan Brooks
Germany doesnt even exist. Stop calling it germany. Its to europe what israel is to the middle east. A bunch of kikes sorrounded by inbred retards.
Jordan Thomas
Anyone who falls for the Anglo vs Kraut meme should kys
John Torres
Germany died with hitler. Europe died with hitler.
Actually, Germany is shittier than France. I don't know where does Jow Forums think that Goymoney is somehow the most powerful European country.
Easton James
>Actually, Germany is shittier than France no. France in all important areas is behind Germany and UK. France is before them when it comes to cuisine and fashion. And philosophy, but only catholic one
no, we voted brexit because angela "barren womb" merkel wanted to "share the burden" of african and middle eastern migrants with all of europe, especially the UK. we want to control our borders and protect the british race, thanks. >i know its not really going to go like this, which is a shame, but thats the reason. your chansellor is a nutcase.
Joseph Sanchez
>that Pepe mouth Actually made me laugh out loud when I realised
Justin Bennett
Polish schoolgirls forced to integrate with brown men in EU-funded indoctrination camps across Poland
So this thread sprouts up (yet another one), which offers nothing, is nothing more than a shill thread. OP still hasn't received a ban for his morning, evening and daily spammings of these threads.
Everyone also ignores the fact that just an hour ago a bunch of niggers brutally beat a white woman near to death in France, Germany has just built Europe's biggest mosque (completed today). No threads about those and if a thread was made about either of those then it would get no replies.
Yet this? Same old same old, Americans preaching their hate for England, everyone else jumping on the bandwagon because it takes the focus off their own shitholes.
You carry on, we're taking the steps to fix ourselves, you aren't. So all you can do is slag us off because it makes you feel better, it takes the attention away from you.
You just carry on with that.
Don't expect them to respond, much easier for them to be here.
Samuel Lewis
Oh and just to add to the German cuck, we don't care about the EU, we have no inferiority about it or Germany because the one thing we didn't do, was be as retarded as France and sign over literally all of our fiscal powers.
Yeah I suggest you all read up on the Elysee Treaty, God help France because Germany has them by the balls.