Mother of FUCK can we please defund or otherwise purge these pieces of shit yet...

Mother of FUCK can we please defund or otherwise purge these pieces of shit yet? Today marks 4/4 the last FOUR FUCKING packages I have shipped have been fucked up.

>1. Late by a week despite paying for expedited shipping
>2. Lost. Just fucking lost. Package never made it out of one of their "hubs"
>3. Delivered to the wrong address, returned with the package opened, re-shipped to me
>4. Delivered to the wrong address today, gonna have to find out some way to resolve this

I don't care, Jow Forums, I don't fucking care if Bezos is leeching off them. I want it all killed with fire. I want all the fucking welfare-leeches staffing it to be put out on the fucking street.

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Leftists got so mad when republicans forced them to fully fund their pension system.

just walk it there like a man you pussy

Does your main distribution hub just suck ass OP? Mine has horrible ratings yet haven't had this bad of luck despite shipping stuff semi frequently. That's even with getting rid of the middle man and doing scheduled pickups lately.

>Leaf Citizenship got bent in the mail because mailman folded it to stick it in the mailbox

I'm not sure they'll accept it at the border anymore

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is your mailman a black person?

Protip: during the holiday season nignogs will get jobs with FedEx and when they know they are delivering high value goods will have a friend meet them at the address to pickup the delivery so they can't say it wasn't delivered after it's been stolen

>source: Amazon employee working in fraud

funding the post office is mentioned in the constitution, it is more legitimate that any of americans military apart from the navy
you arent being unconstitutional, now, are you user?

>reeee defund these idiots
We are literally too stupid to fail. The only time I ever got in trouble for losing shit was straight up losing some persons ashes, like I legitimately lost a whole dead person. Don’t use usps, we don’t give a shit about your shit

ram it down their fucking throats. I enjoy the prospect of financial collapse because it would hit these "muh pension" leeches hardest.

china will rape you in 10 years or less. How does that feel?

>Does your main distribution hub just suck ass OP?
I'm sure it does. Havn't looked too deeply into ratings but I am now. I'm outside St. Louis so I'm sure it's niggers as far as the eye can see.

see above


just Fedex or UPS and DHL as well?

no of course not :^)

Did they hang a pic of Trump in your local office yet?

>Not mine
>10000 percent Republican right wing military town
>nogs and fat spic cat ladies fill the USPS positions
>suck just as bad as yours
>can't figure out how to deliver some packages to the usps locked package box so they just sit on them, sometimes i might get a pink notice babbling some wrong shit like "must be signed for" (they never actually have to be signed for)

I'm not particularly racist but I'd just like to confirm my racial bias with a few questions if you don't mind?

>Are you a spic or a nog
>Does your office hang a pic of Trump? What is their justification for this after taking Obama's pic down? Did they bother with one?

Just curious, thanks in advance.

I'd kill you if I could and replace the lost ashes with yours.

Of course not. Its still !OBAMA!. That said I don;t think its on my end, all the problems have come once it left my local post office.

Fucking march in there and "WHY ARE YOU SO INCOMPETENT, *point to pic* DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YEAR IT IS?"

Film that shit lol

Pretty much anywhere that delivers holiday goods. I high percentage of investigations are traced back to the delivery. The delivery company will say it was delivered on their end, but once they decide to look into it a pattern will emerge.

The only way to avoid this is to have the delivery set to be picked up from the postoffice or some other hub. Once it's on a truck to be delivered you take a risk.

You should have to buy electronic stamps to support the post office.

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>"There should be something like a bit tax,"

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don't fuck with the postal service.

This isn't funny, my citizenship certificate is bent. It's an important document.

Attached: Muh citizenship.jpg (4032x3024, 953K)

They ever gonna get new USPS trucks? These are over 30 years old, have no AC, no heat, no insulation, and constantly break down. It costs the government hundreds of millions of dollars more per year in repairs than it would to simply replace them

You're moving to Canada?

yea... I got a package that was not even close to my address. i sent it back and 1 year later it showed up again.

They can't afford it.

My drill press vise, leather apron, Smithy tongs and 1 pound to 20 pound tank propane adapter all arrived in perfect order today.

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I'm strongly considering it. If the Blue Wave doesn't materialize, it'll be a sign that 2016 wasn't a fluke and that this country is moving backwards.

The US Postal Service is a terrorist organization

They can't afford new trucks, but they can afford to repair the old trucks despite that it adds up to beyond the cost of replacement?

What state are you leaving?

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My mail lady is fucking retarded and always delivers my packages to my neighbors and vise versa. We have a mail exchange every day.

I love my neighbors but hate the mail lady.

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PA. I used to believe we were moving in the right direction, but now I'm not so sure.

Its fucking hilarious that a defense contractor even gets the job to make mail trucks. These people get first pick of any contract they want.

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What are you doing here?

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Oh thank goodness. That's one less vote for Corporate Bob Casey

In the US?
I was born here. I used to believe in this country, but I find myself losing hope every day.

Here, as in on Jow Forums? I'm like Plato trying to guide you out of the cave.

90% of usps is niggers. We don't need to defund, we just need competent whites running the show.


>I'm like Plato trying to guide you out of the cave.

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It's funny you posted this, I just got off the phone with USPS after they lost a package of mine and they weren't any help at all. My tracking has said the same shit for the last 3 weeks too. I've had problems with like 6 packages in the last 2 months now, I don't know what's going on.

California can't be gassed hard enough.

You can believe whatever you want. I just hope you realize your mistake before it's too late.

So, the genuinely retarded trying to help the willfully ignorant.

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Make complaints. I'm sorry you have a black mailman user.

ment to reply to this post.

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They held a design competition about 5 years ago with vehicle specifications that no post office wanted. And they still haven't approved a final design, nor have any of the revisions during that time downsized it to a similar size to the LLV as requested.

I’m white and nearly everyone I work with is white because we are in the middle of the reddest part of the state. There’s a black guy here and he’s the only person I’ve ever met that has more guns than me. There’s no picture of any presidents here at the office because people who go to work at 5am are too tired to care about that
Greg I’m fucking sorry I lost your grandma, get over it already

Good. Get the fuck out.

They're evaluating Ford Transit vehicles in Detroit, customized for the rapid, short trips of the Post Office.

Although they'll probably end up with up-armored Oshkosh MRAPs...

>Leftists got so mad when republicans forced them to fully fund their pension system.
Actually it was more than just fully funding it, but over funding it. This is going to go the way of Socialist Security, as in they will raid the excess funding, if they have not already. This is what Johnson did for the Great Society, he and the Dems made the SS trust fund open to general funds, and used it to start welfare. They and the Repubs, or the right of the DC Uniparty stole $50 Trillion from that fund. That is a part of that $100 Trillion in unfunded liabilities. Thank you progressivism.

>defund service
>watch quality collapse
>shill for privatization
You and everyone else who thinks like this should have their genitals cut out and then be choked to death with them on live television.

It’s 50% likely they just lost your shit and legitimately have no idea where the fuck it is. It’s also 50% likely the scanners the guys on your route use are fucked beyond all belief. They only ever replace half the scanners in an office when they get new ones so the other half is always using the last beat up model. The old ones don’t scan right half the time, the gps is usually fucked beyond all belief, and they barely ever sync the data to the system right

its pretty damn funny actually, i kek'd

get fucked fake leaf

Because the leftist know you can run it into the grown first then go to the people and say "look at this poor civil servant that has no retirement, now give more money."

USPS is the best example of what is wrong with affirmative action.

>"There should be something like a bit tax,"
I love the responses have been varied,i.e code for many different ways to say F you.

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This is why I want to leave, Canadians aren't dumb assholes like you.

Do you listen to Thom Hartmann or Mike Malloy?

>You're moving to Canada?
>If the Blue Wave doesn't materialize, it'll be a sign that 2016 wasn't a fluke and that this country is moving backwards.
Please go either way, because I bet you are one of those if Trump wins I am moving to Trudeauland people. I am so tired of you leftist fags not keeping your word.
The country is moving forward, and please take the Democrat Senators with you, because they are not loyal Americans either.

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Yeah, I kind of assumed it was some fuck up on their end. Just weird it's happened to so many packages lately. Prior to this the USPS was actually pretty good for me and had been getting faster it felt like.

Neither. I largely listen to PBS.

I didn't have the proof of citizenship yet required to move. I do now.

forgot my image

Attached: citizenship.jpg (3024x4032, 1.23M)

>tried 6 times to be a mailman
>no every time
>stuck delivering shitty amazon packages on sundays with USPS

God damn just let me be a comfy mailman already

OMG, press it between a few heavy book to get the warp out and STFU. It's not creased and will press fine. Jesus, you're too stupid for this country, glad to see you leafing.

So where are the examples of you trying to lead people to a different way of thinking?

Are you young? I wanted to be a mailman but I got told they don't usually hire people in their 20's to deliver mail.

>>no every time

learn to pass the fucking math test jesus christ my mom has a 10th grade education and did it

It's 20% black. Black people actually recruit other blacks into the Post Office as a lot of white people think it's beneath them to join due to the blue-collar nature of the job.

I work for USPS, and it's a pretty competent agency despite its retarded bureaucracy.

Our problem is that the management is out of touch with reality. We cannot retain letter carriers, and everybody who could be a competent letter carrier decides to be a clerk or mail handler instead. You literally get paid like $1-3 more to be a letter carrier, and nobody with half a brain would make that trade.

Also, while you're considered a full federal employee when you're hired. You have to wait around 2-6 years to get a raise and full benefits. You don't get a lot of the benefits and you're in a second-tier caste. You have less rights and the union doesn't give too much of a shit about you.

Fun fact: Rural carriers don't even get provided a vehicle sometimes. So they force these people to use their cars. It's just an absolute shit-fest.

The real ways to fix the postal mismanagement is through the following:
>1 year probation (like every other federal job) before getting full benefits as opposed to the current system
>letter carriers should get an extra $10 hourly wage
>End the ridiculous pension funding where we fund the pensions of future employees who aren't even born yet.

I bet you work for post office and you're trying to defend their -and your- laziness and incompetence.

Why doesn't anyone want to be letter carriers?

Just move to California

I live in suburban california. We have ~4 big cluster mailboxes in our neighborhood. The postal service is too lazy to do door-to-door, so they just deliver it to the cluster. Anyways, the mailboxes are owned by the postal service. Some spic broke into the mailbox and stole everyone's mail, ruining the latches so that anyone can just open one of lids and take somebody's mail. It's been a year and they still haven't fixed it. I told them I would fix it myself, and they told me it was a federal crime to fix it myself. They are THE laziest government org I've ever had to deal with. DMV on steroids. The fact that my taxes go to a bunch of drug addicts in postal uniforms to just shit my mail into an open hole and expect it not to get stolen. The only alternative is to pick it up at the mail office (which is open only one hour in the morning).

have fun living around hundreds of thousands of arabs/africans and not even being able to carry a pocket knife to defend yourself.

we'll be there to liberate your new nation by 2050 or so.

I noticed they did this for all the new housing developments after 2000. Most of Fontana is like this.

Yep, my house was made around 2001.

>be a mailman
>everyone on my route likes me
>make a few grand in Christmas tips
>99.99% accuracy
>tons of overtime when ever I want it
Maybe you don't know how's to properly address a package hahaha fag

>You're exposed to the elements (extreme heat or cold depending on your location)
>Only make an extra $1-3 hourly (Lowest are janitors at ~$14 hourly and mail handlers at $15.46)
>Not even provided your own vehicle if you're non-city carrier
>Management got rid of the 7:01 rule (if you're 1 minute passed 7 hours you get paid for the full 8 hours), which encouraged people to deliver mail ASAP as opposed to racking up overtime pay
>You're also a second-tier employee for years as opposed to other federal jobs which only have a probationary period of 1 year
>Management has been combining routes, and think that you can somehow do them in 8 hours

>Be letter carrier
>Spend all day travelling, dealing with traffic, dogs, angry niggers
>Make only a little bit more money than the guy who sits at a desk all day

If I didn’t fix all of your latches by the end of the end of the day after it happened I’d get fired. In fact I’m pretty sure they’d be salivating but I’m not sure if we get to charge you money for the latch if it was vandalized

Damn, I never really thought about how bullshit the job would be. Why do they make less than everyone else?

I mean why do they make so little

Not to mention some uppity supervisor who wants you to go as fast as possible but you gotta remember to be safe :^)

You gotta be superhuman to do some of the routes, and a lot of them go into shit ghettos.

Also, at the letter carrier orientation. Multiple postal police officers come and give them advice on how to deal with retards harassing them.

I've sent 4 packages through USPS in my life (I'm 19 of that's relevant), and they ducked up everyone. Fuck government agencies

Doesnt say "do not bend" and wasnt shipped as a parcel. So it clearly can be bent like that to fit in the mailbox

go postal on postal

We cannot afford to pay them more. So, the cycle continues. This is why you have a new mailman every couple of weeks since there's a >50% chance that he will quit.

Also, the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 forced a lot of money that could be used to pay for competent mailmen went into the pension fund of future employees who aren't even hired yet lul.

But, if the letter carrier union didn't exist. Management at USPS was going to pay them only $10 hourly to deal with all the bullshit.

It had a piece of cardboard on the interior so that bending it would take great effort and obviously intentional to fit the mailbox rather than delivering an important document properly a few feet up the driveway.

Sorry if your lazy fat ass has to take two steps out of the truck to deliver a package, but sometimes the mailbox isn't good enough.

They make so little because there are so many of them. Giving thousands of employees a raise is expensive. and the postal service has more important things to fund (like management salaries)

your post using Uber drivers like ours was?

That is just how vidya-addled crippledicks think.

>Neoliberal Public Radio
Wew dad

They dont even do a math test, just need a clean driving record, and take a 2 part test, one asks you dumb questions like if would you show up to work on time and the secobd part is a multiple choice memory test to see how well you can remember basic shit like an address you just looked at

They throw your packages around about like how an airport baggage handler does. Don't ship anything that isn't wrapped to be tossed around, banged up, with very little regard given to whatever is inside, by the employee who has a neck tattoo working the 3am night shift

I like it. But yeah, USPS is very dependent on the employees they hire. Unfortunately in nigger areas, they will hire niggers, and you will get nigger service. Do you like in a nigger area? I bet you do. I had a girl send me some cookies, and my nigger postal worker refused to deliver them. Left a note saying they had a package for me. I left a note saying to leave it in my box. She then leaves another note that just said
By the time I got my cookies, they were trash. Holy fuck, why can't niggers just do their job? By the way, it very much could fit. I don't know what her problem was.

Live in a nigger area. Not like in a nigger area.


Holy fuck. I recently went to the DMV (I won't even get started) and they were supposed to ship me my new license.

Few weeks go by. Nothing. I check where the fuck is my license. Apparently my address was non-deliverable? What the fuck?! How do you get my address wrong? You make me bring like 5 different things proving where I live. HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS HAPPEN

Now I have to miss a few hours of work on monday because I have to go back to the fucking DMV. Anyone who is sane can't want more of these government hellholes.

If it makes you feel any better user, I had to watch painfully as two niggers/monkeys whatever you call them, fumble with a computer for 15 minutes so I could make a payment to planet fatness. At least a jew would have taken my money quicker.

Move to the northeast, and the Postal Service is pretty competent. I never lost a package, and have had few complaints from customers about stuff like that.

Areas like Detroit and Los Angeles can be problematic at times. It's so bad in Detroit that the postal plant in Pontiac keeps killing its employees. Already 7 dead and probably more to come sadly due to mismanagement.

Fuck you, it didn't say not to bend it, now get the fuck out of my country you limp wristed piece of shit faggot. I hope you die soon.

>only make more then emts to sort mail
>waah we lost our ridiculous overtime stipulations

Eat shit and enjoy unemployment. The free market does your job better. You faggots can't even deliver certified mail properly, let alone packages.