I am

i am

>white supremacist
>hate religion
>want a socially conservative society but will allow people to live their lives however they want to

am i cut out for pol?

Attached: screenshot.73.jpg (540x388, 60K)

piece of shit

Would you be willing to not take out your emotional reaction on a daughter that decides to marry and have kids with a black guy? Or do you see it as your personal responsibility to "protect her from herself" and interfering without the other people's consent?

well the thing about it is i see libertarianism as strictly a philosophy of law. im very aware that sometimes i would have to go against that philosophy to do the right thing. so i would see it as a personal responsibility to protect her from herself. i seperate my philosophy of the law from my philosophy of personal ethics.

So you really aren't libertarian and are just an abusive cunt that doesn't want anyone interfering in your own personal realm. You are just as abusive as a leftist NPC you are just wanting to have your protection of power at a different scale so that you aren't challenged. Yeah /pol is also for you. But you are no better than any other ass hole pushing an abusive agenda

any society given free choice will inevitably drift to the path of least resistance; comfortable, socialist style liberalism.

There's a difference between a father punishing his daughter (let's assume in a reasonable way) for making a poor decision and wanting the government to punish someone for making a poor decision.

>hate religion

In an ideal world I would be a liberterian, but that means everyone respecting each others choices and not interfering.

That will never happen. People have agendas. People have plans. People use slimy backwards tactics to win. People will lie cheat and steal whenever possible.

All you have to do is look at any sport with competition involved. In the very highest echelons, they will use any advantage possible and most justify it with "everyone does it, so to be competitive and equal I have to do it"

What seperates you and I from those kind of people is an internal set of ethics or programming that keeps us from utilizing the same strategies they used to get to power.

This is the fundamental flaw. To be a libertarian you have to be morally consistent.

The final black pill is realizing that and seeing the world for what it is.

good comment
if it makes you feel any better i am a cultural christian