Your honest opinion on Serbs

Your honest opinion on Serbs .
NOT SERBIA.Because its a shithole

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S*rbs are the Jews of Europe. There will be no peace in Balkans as long as S*rbs are allowed to exist and procreate.

Turkified Russians

Presevo Bujanovac Bljerim or Avar rape baby from Vojvodina .You have been compromised

Turkish mentality with Slavic genes

Jesus Christ, that's an ugly fucking word.

*Slavic mentality with Turkish genes

Vojvodina is rightful Hungarian clay. It’s not even part of the Balkans and is still the Pannonia plain ffs.

White retards, prove me wrong.

Kafa ,cigare and other shit that we use is the product of the ottoman invasion.In terms of genetics vast majority of Serbs are i2a halpogroup which is a shit version of r1a

based neighbors

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>majority of Serbs are i2a halpogroup which is a shit version of r1a

I2a is an ethnic European haplogrouo related to I1, which is commonly found in Scandinavia. R1a comes from Eurasia, probably Iran. They’re not related.

Furthermore, J is also found include Serbs signalizing Turk rape.


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>average crnogorac

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Percentage of Turkish genes among Christian Serbs are very small.I would love for all 7 milion Serbs to get tested ,just so that we can end Turkish rape babies stigma

That hurts more than 400 years under ottomans .Btw im yet to see a Montenigger woman mixing with a fellow nigga

Oh I know it’s small, but one cannot deny it still is present there. Prob from 3-12%

It's because of gypsy mutts from southern Serbia mostly. It makes me sick everytime i meet dark subhuman whose name is Jovan Jovanovic or something generic like that

More like 5-7 %.

Those Mutts are mostly assimilated Albanians and Kurds that the Turks brought over when the Serbs left the region during the Great Migrations. They are good as a wall towards the Albos tho. Let mutts kill each other I say.

Don't worry you're good, as long as you don't have any tatar gyppo genes.

Had a big serb community in my highschhool, they are very full of themselves and very metrosexual.

Ironic coming from a Vojvodina rat.
Serbs are bro tier

rightful Austrian clay
serfs of the Kaiser

>eternal mutt problem

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Kek, did you feel threatened by how they acted? Should have just went and said hello.

Based kebab removers

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>side-switching rats like other side-switching rats
Checks out.

>be Serb
>help Turks with the siege of Constantinople, battle of Nicopolis, battle of Karanovasa, battle of Rovine...
>serve as Ottoman auxiliary troops for 500 years
>still LARP as based and redpilled kebab removers
Don't fall for the Serb trickery, user. Serbs are the kebab.

Serbians are the Germans of the Balkans.

>Only people worth a shit in there
>Did nothing wrong
>All the clay belongs to them

>tfw born from a kosovan serb orthodox family but still have gyppo skin color and dark curly nigger hair


>der ewige österreicher

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shithole is as shithole does

> look at this smoking hot aryan white man fellow white nationalists
what is with nazis and being gay?

>Be Magyar
>Sell cannons to take down the walls of Constantinople
>refuse to come to aid during the Kosovo battle
>Serbs forced into vassalage after the battle due to losing most battle ready young men, still kill the Sultan
>All it takes to btfo an all star Hungarian Crusade is the charge of a 500 Serbian knights

How does feel it knowing that the fastest shirking minority in Serbia is yours madjar :)

Dick or gtfo

I like them, I'm sorry we ever killed any of them because Clinton needed to distract people about getting blown by Monica.

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I love these old Austro-Hungarian propaganda picturees, but I have no real strong feelings about actual serbs.

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He’s fucking sexy whoever he is. If all the guys in Serbia look like that then I’m a fan.

Tesla was a serb. I am okay with Serbs.


What are you doing here? I thought Montenegro was all MI6 agents and arms dealers hanging out in lavish casinos?

>inb4 tesla wuz croat and shiiet

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* Blocks your path *

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A bunch of subhumans, but at least they don't have "negro" in their country's name which makes them better than monti-niggers.

I have never seen such subhumans like Russians .Honestly .I was always ortodox brothers kinda meme i thought we can get along .But my god .I prefer fucking turks to you lot .Your nigger kind smells bad ,your men beat their wives in the broad daylight .Their kids behave like fucking gypsys and overall .I wish i never met any Russians .It would be much better for me and my perception of them

it was actually 2000 knights
German and Yugoslav Partisan propaganda posters are funnier

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The women are quite fuckable.

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kek remember when I was a kid and me and my family shared a beach with this Russian family and Russian would always taunt my dad until my just slaped him and his pregnant wife

Why does every Serbroach on Jow Forums know who I am? Anyway:
>be Serb
>make an army with Bulgaria around 50000 strong
>get rekt by a roach with 800 men
>same roach gets rekt by a Herzegovinan nobleman (who was even outnumbered by said roach)
>would have been fully obliterated at Kosovo without catholic aid, even so it was a phyyrric victory
>Moravian Serbia (most of Serbia) becomes a roach vassal
>defends Ankara and fights against the rest of Europe at Nicopolis
>try to prevent an uprising against the lord Sultan in Bosnia led by catholics and muslims
>fight on the same side with Turkey in the 2nd Balkan War
>only times they removed Turks was one Balkan war and a few revolts and murders of civilians
Serbs are like a plague, I swear to God. Seems like they only fight well when they fight against white Christians. Just convert to Islam already.

Serbs are okay but can be extremely dense like the rest of the balkans. Very prone to not knowing how to debate (using logical fallacies, bad sources for arguments etc) and flat out believing disproven historical and scientific theories. But those are among the few bad things. I don't really think they're all that different from the rest of the balkans in what I've said.

Me and my father got into a fight with a russian guy over a cigar.His kid wanted us to stop .We did him pretty well desu .My first and only fight alongside my father

>Why does every Serbroach on Jow Forums know who I am? Anyway:
maybe because your the most ass hurted hungarian cigan in every thread with the topic about Serbia,also the Serbian flag doesn't help but you did tried the meme flag this past coupe off days

Serbs are rapebabies. Discount Croats.

same shit happend to us,his pregnent wife wanted my mother to stop smoking and she toled them to fuck off then the Russian just threw a bucket of water at her and my dad went ape shit on them.


Name checks out.

Why do subhumans fight over retarded things like cigars? Can somebody explain this phenomenon to me?

Kako je jevrejinu dovoljno samo malo da vas zavadi

Should have killed him desu .


Soon we will conquer Malmö just like we conquered istanbul haha

>Your honest opinion on Serbs .
i never think about them

You sure about that?

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Its not about a cigar .its about subhuman russian apes who think if they get a towel that they own the fucking beach .Anything that bothers them in the slightest they start wewuzijadu.They need to be taught a lesson

Serbs can't even unite themselves

Turks practicing a weird paganshit tier of Christianity

Lol ok chimp

some serb guy at high school went clubbing with a shirt that said something about albanians
he ended up in a fight with some albanians and got stabbed a bunch in the leg

Just cause they are rapebabies dont mean they are turks.

Yeah, like, that's so ignorant

Nikola Tesla was a proud Serb and in the modern day they remove kebab, so they're not all bad.

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Sounds like a normal night out in the Balkans

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whatever they are they are even worse than mudshits so imagine how shit they must be

Kek, your butthurt is easy to recognize. Just use a memeflag again. Also only Turks say the second battle of Maritsa happend. According to them after the combined forces of Serbia, Bulgaria, Wallachia and Hungary :D were defeated. The Serbs manged to raise a bigger force then the previous coalition together combined and then spent the next 7 years matching up and down Maritsa river. I can see why brainlets like you would believe it. Also considering Hungarians spent two world wars allied on the same side as Turks you are one to talk.

Seriously just fade into irrelevancy like most of Magyars in Serbia. Your numbers are getting to low to try anything except posting assblasted comments on a Mongolian throat singing board.

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Serbs are bro tier.
Still ashamed that France betrayed them.

Look, sure they are Serbs but they have their uses. They helped us in a lot of wars against whites.


user I..

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Subhumans mixed Gypsies and Magyars/Cumans/Mongols/Turks(and i mean the actual Asiatic Magyars,not today's LARPERS).
Unlike based Mountian Africans,who can track their lineage for 1000's of years because of their clan traditions,honor kill people for car accidents, come to Belgrade to abort female children and write books about killing poturicas.

>Those hooded eyes and moon face

Which tribe of asia does he hail from?

I get abuse for my country flag, I get abuse for this flag hah. I’ve been called homo an awful lot and heard every homo insult a million times and can deal with it. I can’t deal with the abuse of my country flag because well, the usual insults are retarded and false and I’m ashamed of most of the others who use it here.

I live in the capital and everyday when I take the bus all I see inside are subhumans with darkskins, I feel quite isolated having non-serb origin, thank god I'm not too related to them

>be a Serb
>pretend that the second battle of Maritsa didn't happen
>get fucking DROWNED
Why are Serbs such a meme? Is it because they're not Catholics?

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I want to guess your country. Will you tell me if I guess right?

Kek, Borča subhuman detected. Maybe you should move out of gypsy central you low wage cuck.

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>Trusting Turkish sources
Are you even trying?

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That's the first one, bitka kod Černomena was the second one. Both times you got BTFO hard.

Are you fucking thick in the head? Western sources say that the second didn't happen. Only Turks claim it did. And the Turks BTFO an entire coalition. Early Ottoman Empire was a nearly unstoppable force

How did you lose to some guys in chain mail when you had full plate armour?

Horse archers.

I've yet to see sources that say that the Černomen battle didn't happen. Hell, we learned about that shit in school if I remember correctly. But I'm in a good mood so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and request some SOURCES.

Source? The historians can't even agree when the second battle even happend. Turks say 1371. But other historians say it was in 1367 or 1363. The fact that the Serbian state was able raise an army after the first Maritsa battle is ludicrous. Anyway here:
Rossos, Andrew (2008). Macedonia and the Macedonians. Hoover Institution Press Publications.
Sedlar, Jean W. (1994). East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500. University of Washington Press.
Stavrianos, Leften Stavros (2000). The Balkans Since 1453. C. Hurst & Co. Publishers. ISBN 978-1-85065-551-0.
Turnbull, Stephen (2003). The Ottoman Empire 1326–1699. Osprey Publishing.

Also we both know that history is a continuous subject and the state of history in the Balkans is retarded.

I would totally let him rape my boipussi.

I really do not know, i hope modern Serbia are close to Europeans in mind and spirit.

>i hope modern Serbia are close to Europeans in mind and spirit.

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Oh boy that'll take a while...

I do mean it. Not like Europe should overtake Serbia which Europe would never do but more as things happen in the past but now we want to move forward.

Also joining Europe is free, leaving -europe is also free, getting expelled out of -europe is not possible regrettably.

I personally want to kick Hungary out, damn 5th colonn, first begging to join Europe now trying to destroy it.

This is some quality bait.