Is it just me, or is almost every woman coming out as a sexual assault survivor?
Is it just me, or is almost every woman coming out as a sexual assault survivor?
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Lying hysteric whores are everywhere and far more in common than you think desu.
that follows naturally from "all men are rapists"
Feminism teaches victim culture in order to gain power. The same tactics (((they))) use
are you raping me though
this is textual rape
every women, make of that what you will.
honestly ask your mum
>almost every liberal woman
The Fuck is this forced meme Nigger shit?
can someone explain why we keep seeing this, what's the context?
something about lynchings?
how many levels of NPC are you on?
Remember 2 things in life:
>Women subsist on attention
>Women follow the crowd
I'd be surprised if any of my friends were never groped or assaulted. It was commonplace in school to be grabbed by boys. I once stayed over a friend's house and her husband came ]this[ close to raping me and she didn't lift a finger to help me. I don't live my life in fear but I'm more realistic now about the peril of being alone with a guy.
Everyone who was born naturally has been a victim of sexual assault because they were touched by a man/woman with no consent
You guys would be surprised how many women were forced to have sex against their will (rape). Most of my female friends have expierenced it. I would say the realistic percentage is probably 70-80 percent.
>female friends
u gay lol
Source or fuck off. It's a dangerous line/slippery slope this new consent rule. Already in AZ if you are accused you're guilty until proven innocent.
Most is not technically rape. It's just an "awkward situation" where Chad turns creepy/violent and the girl does not like him anymore but does not feel safe enough to say no.
it's a classic movie you troglodytes
Potent meme.
tl;dr in To Kill a Mockingbird, a white woman falsely accuses a black man that he raped her. Everyone believed the woman. This can be shown libs/dems to easily show how retarded they are
this man got killed because of a womans lie
consential sex is just a meme it doesn’t exist. The very act is rape.
1. Every uncomfortable sexual encounter or unwanted advance is pretty much now sexual assault.
2. Very few men are rapists, but it only takes one to rape potentially hundreds of women. Thats were the skewed perception of "all men are rapists" is coming from.
Combine these and every woman can say that she is a sexual assault survivor.
Yes means no.
>back in 1972, I was on the subway, a man brushed against my arm, turned around, and said "excuse me"
I think being groped or messed with a little is more common than you think and frankly unavoidable if you're part of the drink, party, get high culture. I mean are you really expecting intoxicated people to act proper at all times?
It's just that now being groped or having a kiss forced on you counts as being a """survivor""", which is bullshit.
People who were genuinely assaulted stay quiet most of the time. Usually because it happened years ago and letting it out will only re-brand them as oh poor victims by their peers and bring more pain to them and those who care about them. Only vapid whores who didn't go through REAL assault boast about it on social media. It didn't truly hurt them so they don't care, they see the victimization as another type of attention instead of a reminder of what they went through.
t. actual abuse victim.
It's a 'sympathy seeking mechanism', just like how chicks make little battles about who gets the most sick or most injured all the time. Fucking listen to work goss between chicks, it's 80% 'injuries' and sickness, jesus fucking christ.
Saying 'I was molested as a kid' is the new norm for women. They don't see that shit as an embarrassment, a failure of theirs to recognise stranger danger, or a sign of their parents monumental failure to raise and protect their kids properly. They don't think far enough ahead to realise how it connects culpability to multiple people. It's all about the 'feel sorry for me' points.
Women were saying on twitter they "survived" harassing Flake like the flock of harpies
Jews picked up their tricked from the greatest predators in living history, the hunters of the hunters, Womyn.
They Cry out as they strike you and will hurt themselves and blame you if you dont strike them back.
Imagine being the typical roasty, checking snapchat feeds and twitter seeing all these women getting groped. Do you think they'll see through it, or stretch the truth of some experience to get attention?
>1. Every uncomfortable sexual encounter or unwanted advance is pretty much now sexual assault.
Still at harassment because assault is physical, but we're closing that gap fast.
>2. Very few men are rapists, but it only takes one to rape potentially hundreds of women. Thats were the skewed perception of "all men are rapists" is coming from.
This and false victimization. You'll also notice women direct this argument towards groups that either don't have a stance or aren't prepared to defend against it, regardless or guilt or innocence.
Like the STEM community. It's STEM vs Feminism.
It’s like the Ansari thing, women are clamoring to turn marginal or questionable sexual encounters into stories about rising up and overcoming, because women crave attention and sexual assault is a checkmate move into garnishing attention.
I can't tell you the amount of times my heart has been raped and I'm just supposed to suck it up and move on but sometimes it feels like the only way out is up another pussy.
Here's a protip from an oldfag who's been around the block.
If a girl tells you she's been sexually assaulted at any time in her past just do a 720 and walk away. Trust me it's not worth it. You do not want to try a serious relationship with her. Might sound callous but trust me on this one and it'll save you so much bullshit down the line.
So there are a few components at play here. There are some men out there who are poorly adjusted and don't know how to interact with women. In the very worst case, they're rapists. In the more common case, they're too aggressive when trying to make a move and scare off the girl.
In the past, this reflected poorly on the man and he'd be judged for it. Or have the police called. But since as said all men are rapists, and women are too lazy to report crimes against them, these guys are feeling no social stigma and are not being taken out of society. So a small portion of the population causes a ton of trouble, and the blame is put somewhere else entirely.
What's funny about this is that in my experience guys can tell when someone is a shitbag. I've been in multiple instances where some girl was like "Oh look I met so and so they're a new friend yay! XD" while every dude within earshot is rolling their eyes. Sure enough it doesn't take long before the idiot exposes himself as a creep and the girl is shaken and flabbergasted. They don't realize guys act like this for them specifically to be drawn in.
>To Kill a Mockingbird, a white woman falsely accuses a black man that he raped her. Everyone believed the woman. This can be shown libs/dems to easily show how retarded they are
This will never work as everyone knows a black man is infallible and white men are guilty of every crime and always lie, and especially if they appear to live a good clean life.
I've been thinking:
This baseless claim thing going on
Can we use it to our advantage against minorities, Italians, the Irish, and other people we dislike as the left is doing?
How the fuck are you not aware of this movie? We even had this white guilt flick (and book) shoved down our throats in school up here in Leafland.
Of course, alot of them are telling the truth unfortunately the loudest and notorious cases are usually money-grabbing liars.
Girls are more vulnerable and prone to be attacked sexually. Esp when they are so naive and young.
Most women just get on with life because they know its now apart of them. They become more aware and are more able to identify and even prevent sexually attcks from happening to their children.
It's just y-
Republicans better start galvanizing their women to make accusations or we're about to have a single party government.
Leftists kikes are trying to destroy due process and hang anyone they don't like based on baseless allegations.
To Kill a Mockingbird. Tom Robinson was a black delivery guy, the white woman asked him to come in and fix a light, and then she tried to kiss him and he turned her down, so she made a false rape claim against him.
All of us are victims of the patriarch. It doesn't matter if I was literally raped by a white male, all of us woman are victms and all white males are to blame. You all know this is the real true.
>every woman coming out as a sexual assault survivor?
Dude it's not just you. I can see it. Women are using rape as a weapon to ruin others without any act of mercy or evidence. And this has erupted from late 2017. But all women see is the massive cash out.
I believe it's a scene from the move "To Kill a Mockingbird".
that is cause their definition of sexual assault is so wide it includes stuff that happens between kids all of the time, boys included too. How may times as a kid were you beat up or held down and had someone sit on you or put their hand over your mouth and you started to panic a bit? Most boys had this happen many times growing up as they were roughhousing or legit fighting, they just don't whine about it and pretend it causes them lifetime psychological trauma. If you were ever kicked in the nuts that is much more serious, and painful than these women's complaints, and getting kicked in the nuts CAN cause serious long-term health and hormonal problems.
Women shouldn't be too eager to put men up against the wall, because we push back harder than you.
Yes, sure, there are some piece of shit men out there who do rape, but to conflate the issue painting all men with that same brush, there will be a point of counter-production.
Then innocent men will have to fight back against all women who are lying drama queens. In fact, it could get to the point where men could start getting away with rape because we all live in this hazy grey area of un-truth.
You want to think women are winning? LOL, you all lack fore-sight.
The left is weaponizing women's sexual assault claims to gain more power, and ignoring those claims that hurt their position. They can afford to do this because not believing an accuser is easy to emotionally manipulate people, especially women, who have been trained since birth not to trust men and to use bad experiences to damn the whole lot.
As for women, yes. Assault and rape and harassment are high for women, outrageously so. They will tell you it is rape culture, but also refuse to see their own hand in it.
Right now, if you are a woman and you don't/didn't report, you're an asshole. If you did report, your life becomes a veritable hell and honestly it's just easier not to say anything because you can't win.
But if you're a woman and you point out that abortion lets men get away with sexual assault, or that other women (Like Hillary) will silence you, or that you don't think there is enough evidence to support that hag, you will experience violence and vitriol that you have never seen before, your own assault be damned.
Feminists have been lying about rape statistics for so long, it's become 'truth' to many. Now they all have justification for lying, as Ford did multiple times, to get whatever they want or destroy whatever man's life is in their crosshairs.
yeah its the latest trick to get attention. women love attention so this will continue.
that expression "Dont stick your dick in crazy" is valuable advice.
My ex didn't think so.
your ex stuck his dick in you?
It's not just women, but men too.
I had to deal with some of my male circle of friends spreading rumors that I was under investigation for sexual assault during college. They made me a nervous fucking wreck unsure of who I could trust. I had done nothing, and never even had sex with any women who went to my college (always dated townies).
They loved using me as a punching bag when I was a fat beta, but as soon as I got fit/successful they went absolutely apeshit and slandered me any way they could.
It's the new hip trend for roasties. If they never got raped they believe themselves to be ugly or unwanted.
No. My ex was crazy.
>on pol
what's the truth, user
do you not even know how to play the game? do you not understand the concept of subversion? fuck you're terrible at this, this is why the jews win.
>What's funny about this is that in my experience guys can tell when someone is a shitbag. I've been in multiple instances where some girl was like "Oh look I met so and so they're a new friend yay! XD" while every dude within earshot is rolling their eyes. Sure enough it doesn't take long before the idiot exposes himself as a creep and the girl is shaken and flabbergasted. They don't realize guys act like this for them specifically to be drawn in.
Just to add on to this, you're essentially also explaining (white) women and their relation to Diversity™ and things like the Refugee™ crisis.
>but X is so sweet
Right, to you. You're a (white) chick. "But X -was- so sweet" is always the line said by every coalburner who is trying to explain her black eye and single motherhood. Every. Fucking. Time. They want to fuck you. Everyone wants to fuck you. Ever notice how guys initiate with you so much and offer things to you, but don't really do it with other guys? Of course you don't because you're blind to it. Guys who aren't nu-males aren't blind to it and that's why you see them getting increasingly pissed off over this diversity/refugee garbage. You're being competed for, you're not in competition.
I went from being a shut-in neet who was extremely fat to being a shut-in neet who was not fat who also leaves his house to work. That was successful for me.
A 720 would point you toward her again
> hair not dyed pink or blue
Wow almost like a majority of women have to deal with sexual assault at some point in their lifetime! Who would have guessed?!
It's just you. Best to take some time off of the internet.
Jews fantasies are so disgusting.
Often quoted statistics:
33% of women have been sexually assaulted.
60% of cases are not reported.
Doing the math, 83.3% of women have been sexually assaulted if these are correct.
kys faggot
unbelievable some of the pussies you see on Jow Forums holy fuck
fuck this country man
Is it 60% of the 33% that aren't reported? That's how I read that. I don't think it's implying a higher percentage actually have it happen.
it's almost like the bar for what counts as sexual assault has gotten lower to the point of encompassing bad flirting
Is Sexual Blackmailer the next up and coming profession for women?
It's not you. While comical due to recent events, the statistics of rape or molestation victims for BOTH genders are absolutely staggering. I'd say about 90% of the population has been molested or raped, it's just that nobody ever brings this up.
How did this meme start? Why are they not victims
I was standing on a crowded bus.
Bus stops people move around.
Women near me moves so that her butt is on my thigh and touching my penis
Even though there was room, I don't move
She doesn't move either
For 5 more stop we stay like that until she gets off the bus
I enjoyed a few minutes of a cheap thrill
But nowadays that would be a sexual assault
What you see as bad flirting a young woman might see as a potential kidnapping or rape attempt.
Wow. Some fat cow grabbed my dick through my pants. How will I get over the trauma of a disgusting drunken freak stroking my 8 inches through my pants. My life is ruined.
>bragging about the size of your penis on Jow Forums
i guess men should just kill themselves
That's up to you but I don't consider that a good option. Just make sure she feels safe.
>Is it just me, or is almost every woman coming out as a sexual assault survivor?
From my experience, it seems that every woman has a 'rape' story where someone 'raped' them. e.g. this guy at a bar tried to kiss me and I had to turn my face away it's like he was raping me
Like it's cool or something and they each need their own virtue signal rape story to get sympathy points from an audience. Are there women who aren't like this? Sure, but they seem to be a minority.
spread it
it's the hip new identity to politic with
and you cannot argue with it
Women like feeling validated about their looks.
She's right and it's going to resonate with a lot of blacks.
sounds like something liberals would do
that sort of passive aggressive female behaviour is right in line with liberal values
At this point, any woman who has been bumped into on the subway believes herself to be entitled to reparations and a book deal.
Makes me feel bad for everyone who's actually been sexually assaulted.
Hey truthfully this is a really sad thing. Many MANY women are victims of sexual abuse. It's terrible.
Real, non-degenerate men are needed to solve this problem.
>he doesn't take what ALL people say with a huge grain of salt
Are you an infant or something?
always triggers me