Uh oh. How are the Democrats going to deal with this?

I can't wait for the mid-terms.

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now this is interesting, big if true

Nice photoshop

if Kavanaugh is defeated by the Court of Social Justice before the mid-terms it could mean a big red wave

As the other side so often says "This is what democracy looks like."

That's really admirable of those guys, but it was actually me

Why would any one man admit to that let alone two?


GOP voters are already mobilized by this. Regardless of if he gets in or not, lots of GOP and on the fence people are just plain fed up with the left wing bullshit.

I assaulted those girls.

Normies don't get radicalized over this shit; 90% of voters don't even know who the fuck Kavanaugh is. It's just fringe internet people and Hollywood retards on Twitter.

Midterm elections only galvanize people who want to see change in their state first. The GOP hasn't worked with Trump to get anything done and they're capitulating here; they could've rushed the nomination but they didn't. What would be the motive for a normie to vote red ever again? For health care reform to never happen while premiums skyrocket unchecked?

Conspiracy theories, goy. Brett will get removed one way or another.

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No, I'm Spartacus

Because patriots are stepping up

Some people hate the idea of another person taking the blame for something they did. It's possible they regret their past crimes and in this manner, hope to make up for it in a small way. I think it's called integrity.

we know that. people at the hearing didn't bring it up. it's all corruption. the FBI investigation is only going to fuck over the democraps more after they access her emails, text messages, and call records


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He's getting in no matter what.

This shit happened BEFORE the vote.

We all did user.
We all did.

Even some of my normie white male democrat friends can see through this sham and have posted #walkaway statuses on facebook and shit. Citing this as the main reason.

Did you not see that USAtoday tweet? You are wrong. Many normies are furious, even liberals.

>fake news

Because they're not going to let the Supreme Court fall because they got handsy 40 years ago.

>90% of voters don't even know who the fuck Kavanaugh is
1 in 5 households in America tuned into the hearing my dude.


well, lets say Trump knew this was a setup. FBI could have actually already been investigation weeks ago. Could have already been active and classified.

Because Ford probably got passed around the party scene so often even she can't remember how many times she was "raped" while too drunk to consent.

How does this bitch remember she drank ONE BEER 35 years ago. But not what house it was?

sorry but it was me
I raped dr. ford

No, I assaulted the roastie.

because she knows it was the Garrett brothers home

i seen you all do it

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I am Rape'acus

This has been know prior to the Thursday hearing, yet not one fucking loser Republican brought it up.

>Defeating #MeToo lies with the old "I'm Spartacus" strategy


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>Has #itwasme started?
It was me

i made this same exact thread yesterday with 0 replies
Jow Forums would rather debate on whether or not the bitch is amy schumer in disguise

Well you are a leaf. The OP is a memeflag faggot. You can understand the situation..

>"Have you been drinking?"
>"Uh, I had one beer officer"

Every serious conversation on here is largely ignored.

>because she knows it was the Garrett brothers home
So now it did happen?

Because 2 can play this game.
If you are gonna trust a no one with no proofs that there was a rape, then you also need to trust a no one with no proofs he committed said rapes.

Pretty sure she was an easy fuck in high school.
She probably met boys in different places including random houses.

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it's real but was dismissed right after

the plot twist comes when you find out that Brett Kavanaugh was actually the one who was raped.



Geeez i thought that picture was shopped

Yes, but this NYT article makes a good point: We should assume the persons who confessed innocent until proven guilty and still assume kavanaugh did it

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There's no way this is real

These faggots really have no self awareness

it's not real, but you can be sure that they believe that

>the FBI investigation is only going to fuck over the democraps more after they access her emails, text messages, and call records

No they aren't, as they won't look. This isn't a criminal investigation, this is an extension of his background check. They'll try to contact possible witnesses, ask them what they know. They'll all say the same thing they already have. FBI will say no new evidence, inconclusive.

Now, if she would go to law enforcement and opened an actual criminal investigation, those things could be pulled. Of course, that will never happen as that's not the goal. Plus, as she's framing it as "my memory", she's leaving a huge loophole to get out of a libel suit later.

Is why I don't trust women and despise liberals.


But how does this tie into flat earth?

>that they not?

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Think of your moms flattened pussy andyou will see the grand design.

Because people are realizing that even though Kav is innocent the Dems are going to string him up anyway.

If someone comes forward and says "It wasn't him, it was me, and you were too drunk to remember." It gets Kav off the hook and his confirmation goes through.

If they're willing to believe a baseless accusation but won't believe a confession it blows a hole in their ass. Whats more nobody can go after these guys because statute of limitations.

She's literally a turbo-thot lying to keep a right winger out of SCOTUS.

>Roastie makes accusation without tangible evidence.
Women need to be believed! You have to believe her! She says it happened so it happened!
>Two men come forward and CONFESS, saying 'it wasn't Brett, it was us.'
Why are we believing them? They have no tangible evidence.

You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. My right leaning normie girlfriend watched the entirety of BOTH hearings.