How so many white countries became majority non-white

How did this happen to so many countries all in the same short time period? It's like everyone was drugged with sheep meds...

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Europe has really gone downhill since the mid-40s

The good guys lost WWII

It shows how easy the average person is to control with media propaganda. It’s pretty clear that at least 75% of people are NPCs.

>within one generation
AKA they breed, you don't

They breed with the intent to take over. This is a dog whistle to them to continue breeding so they continue to take over.

they breed because your wh*Te dog w*men are too busy fucking their master's degrees.

well ww2 was just white guys killing white guys. If we never had a war, this wouldnt be an issue.

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they breed because they are poor so more babies doesnt really change thier kids chances. middle class and above don't breed because they know their kids needs lots of education and tutoring and work to stay in their class, and more babies would make that impossible

Jesus Christ what’s happening to the west, we’ll soon all have one dull boring culture filled with loads of brown people, the center of it will be social justice, a never ending fight to end “white oppression,” they won’t be happy till every last drop of bloodline is tainted and ended.

What will happen to humanity when there are no white people left?
Its safe to say that they are the driving force behind technological progress.
Will humanity enter a period of stagnation?

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it wasn't fast, the negrification progress for france, england and the benelux started as early as 200 years ago given their colonial background. Think about Napoleon and his moroccan bodyguard and his half black lieuteneant from haiti.
If you really want to pinpoint at the start of the process in my opinion it was the french revolution.
Still, the rest of the countries in Europe are still decades and decades if not centuries away from white minority state.
Even cucked nations like germany and sweden are still 90% white. Many of this shocking news title are retarded because they take into account everyone with an immigrant background, ignoring the fact usually in Europe between 50-80% of the immigrant population of any given country comes from the EU.
Even the netherland are actually still more than 90% white with actually turks as the biggest minority group.
I call bs on that article, the tipping point is still far away.
around 14 millions including those coming back from colonial states are of dutch ethnicity, another million and a half are from europe, non whites are around 2 millions.
The closest european state is france that is currently only 87% white.

Imagine the entire population of a country is 100 people. 25% are nonwhite, so 25 of them.

Let's assume 24 of them match up with each other and each couple has an average of 4 children. 12 couples x 4 children = 48 for the next generation.

The 25th person breeds with a white person, and they have three kids, so we have 3 mixed race.

Of the 74 remaining whites, 10 never procreate, and the remaining 64 match with each other and have an average of 1.5 kids per couple, so 32 couples x 1.5 = 48 whites for the next generation.

Now 76 people are nonwhite. The initial 25, their 48 kids, and 3 mixed.

There would be 123 whites — the original 75 and their 48 kids, but unfortunately half of them were killed by the nonwhites. So the nonwhite are the majority.

Humanity will hit the Great Filter and go extinct.
European Fascism was Humanity's last chance.
I doubt China will save us.

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don't worry nederbro 75% is still more than 56%
also its only 4 million, not that hard to take care of, compared to the hundreds of millions in other countries

You are too kind neighbor

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And on the glorious day when whites are finally defeated, the entire world can be Africa.

Lol no, I'm in South FL, it's actually pretty bad.

Niggers and spics can't work for shit. They don't have any higher brain function than the next 30 minutes. I'm friends with them and they have no idea that I will blindly deport them all without any care in the world.

It's bad, they are shit drivers, can't help but commit crimes, the niggers much more so, and can't do anything by themselves. They need whites to do literally everything for them. I'm serious. But they just flee to whiter areas like a locust swarm.

Even the pureto ricans are fucking spics.

Anyways, we're fucked. They all migrate to nicer areas since "oh Miami is fucked now for some reason". Eventually they will spread killing us to Montana and Canada because they don't value life nearly as much as we do. They have no problem having 5 kids before 25, they get benefits. They're all going to school for free, affirmitive action, and even if they have jobs they do w/e they want because management wont do shit.

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The World Wars became inevitable after the french revolution; monarchy and divine right to rule lost its stranglehold on power and new systems had to develop throughout the 19th century. WWII was the final showdown of the new ideologies and liberalism/marxism won decisively.

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Bevolkingsgroepen Aantal
Allochtoon 3.594.744
Autochtoon 13.234.545
Totaal niet-westerse allochtoon 1.997.584 NON WHITE
Totaal westerse allochtoon 1.597.160
Totaal Afrika 612.627
Totaal Amerika 643.290
Totaal Azië 775.520
Totaal Europa (exclusief autochtoon) 1.542.277
Totaal Oceanië 21.030
Europese Unie (exclusief autochtoon) 984.106
Totale bevolking 17.000.260

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I'm just stating facts, memeflaggot. Fuck Churchill and his kike handlers.

Wh-whiter than you, Tyrone.

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Can you link the actual fucking article

>this damage control

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Wait until we wake up. 200+ times in history?

I would be scared shitless if I was a hook nosed freak.

You've debted millions and millions of dollars on our credit card, eventually we'll come to collect our payment.

The other 25% are refugees?

In this case it will be an improvement

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the banter between those two was the best part about that documentary
>mfw watching the whole part about them buying a few chickens

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What does Herzl have to do with this? He was a great man looking out for his people.

Remove citizenship from non-whites and your country becomes 100% white at the stroke of a pen. All you need is the will to do it.

Whites will have no choice but to go full Hitler or their nations will become either Brazil or South Africa tier. Without Europeans, Humanity may as well not exist. The thought of humanity stagnating for the rest of time is very sad.

When I was little I read all the science fiction books my dad had on his shelves.
I thought the future would be full of hope and awesome. We'd be on mars. We would have solved so many problems. We would have evolved past war, killing and hatred.
For a time Asimov, Clarke and Wells were my best friends.
>now only Heinlein makes sense and I have no hope for the future

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