Body Language: Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Christine Blasey Ford

Dr. Ford has a PHD in Educational Psychology from USC, so she has the expertise and knowledge to know how to prey on the psyche and emotions of unprepared, unsuspecting weak hearted and weak-minded souls, who are ill-trained in the detection of blatant, mind-control manipulation. She also probably got a good dose of unsolicited training from her father, who was a CIA operative. She ain't a victim - we are the victims of her phony emotional victim hood claims and mind-control machinations. This educated psychologist knows exactly how too manipulate people and how to pass polygraph. Dr. Ford has a Father and Grandfather in the CIA, and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford heads Stanford's CIA Undergraduate Internship, and She KNOWS EVERY TRICK IN THE BOOK, she knows what to say and exactly how to look when she was saying it, She is a WILLING Political Pawn in the game to Destroy President Trump.

- How did she get home? No car. Was there a pay phone nearby? Who did she call? Maybe she ran home 7 miles in her bathing suit? A friend? Whatever the case, the person she went home with would be the only witness who could speak to her frame of mind following the alleged assault. And yet, conveniently, she can’t tell us who that was.
- She sounds croaky but she never has to cough, clear her throat, or blow her nose. That much gurgle, will produce an involuntary cough. This is called 'vocal fry' and girls do it to make themselves look more vulnerable.
- She went from giggling to borderline crying and then at the end casually asked for some caffeine.
- Her publication history is weird: No papers prior to PhD awarded because it is usually a requirement to have prior papers before the degree is awarded and no papers together with PhD advisor. No papers 4 years after PhD but suddenly she's included in a high profile team.
- She's supposedly heads the CIA undergraduate internship program at Stanford, but that info has been scrubbed from their site.

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Yeah, I unsubscribed from that channel when I figured out they have a conservative bias. Don't get me wrong: I listen to some conservatives. But when I want to just learn about understanding people's body language, I don't want anything political attached to it. Hell, in some of the videos you can tell by the tone of the voice of the narrator that she's annoyed and disgusted when she talks about certain not-Right people and their body languages.

How can I trust I'm learning the right way to interpret someone's body language when there's a clear bias against for people of the opposing political viewpoint?

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>that reddit space opening
wow glownigger kys

Jow Forums

Notice how these kinds of posters do nothing to address the actual facts, and instead resort to ad hominem attacks and concern trolling. Flag these and move on. Spread the word.

True. Propaganda is useless except as propaganda

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Oh dude, I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about: something to do with Ford and whatnot but I don't know what exactly. To be honest; all I paid attention to was your picture, title, and video link which made me want to post how I unsuscribed from that Body Language channel last week.

I'm sure your OP has some good arguments that I probably agree with or something. I'm just saying I don't like that channel cause there is an ulterior political motive you'll pick up on if you watch enough of their videos.

>How can I trust I'm learning the right way to interpret someone's body language when there's a clear bias against for people of the opposing political viewpoint?

lol you dumb ass

everyone has a political leaning, and every piece of work will eventually bleed bias. You will never find someone with a true-neutral fact-only method of teaching, as everyone always has a certain agenda.

Moreover, you're looking for neutrality on youtube? are you a daft? youtube is accessible to everyone. There's a reason why Wikipedia isn't an acceptable source for information.

Christ you fence-sitters are fucking annoying. Even if you wanted to learn how to "be neutral" you still have to accept inherent bias in all your sources.

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About 35 years ago, at a party in San Francisco where everyone was very drunk, now Senator Feinstein sexually molested me. Don't remember the date or location or anything else, but it happened, I swear! Naturally, want to remain anonymous to protect my integrity, but it did happen! She shoved me down onto my knees and ground her crotch in my face. It was terrible, I can still recall the horrible smell to this day! The stench was a combination of rotting flesh and urine. Makes me nauseous just thinking of that sexual assault. INVESTIGATE this serial molester!!!!!

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(((SCHUMER))) is just another vile Juden who keeps trying to drag us Gentile into the same cesspool she lives in.

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no user is right though. it is obviously bent a certain way politically - its not useful as it could be from a more objective source

Report it to the FBI

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>everyone has a political leaning, and every piece of work will eventually bleed bias. You will never find someone with a true-neutral fact-only method of teaching, as everyone always has a certain agenda.

Strawman. I'm not denying the fact that reports/news-organizations/etc. don't have a political bias that leaks out subconsciously. That's not the issue: I'm not talking about a news source. I'm talking about a channel promoting itself as an educational channel for a particular subject that clearly has a hidden political bias. You can find other channels on YT that teach educational material without a political bias and objective explanation, e.g. Charisma on Command.

>Moreover, you're looking for neutrality on youtube? are you a daft? youtube is accessible to everyone. There's a reason why Wikipedia isn't an acceptable source for information.

Yeah, there are neutral and bias channels on YT: what's your point? Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for information? Bro, Wikipedia has sources next to their claims you can check for yourself. You know that little number at the top right after a claim is made (looks like this [#]): if you click that, it takes you to the bottom of the page where the work cited for the article is and you can click the highlighted link to go to the source and/or have information to source it claims to take from (e.g. a book).

>Christ you fence-sitters are fucking annoying. Even if you wanted to learn how to "be neutral" you still have to accept inherent bias in all your sources.

Sorry I don't want to be tribal, don't allow myself to be brainwash, and want to look for the most pragmatic long-term useful solution for every individual issue. I watch what I want to watch: I don't want to be tricked. When I just want to study people's body mannerisms objectively, I go to a channel that teaches so without political manipulation.

that is true. unsubscribed too because of it. she has definitely an agenda, she is really bad in inspecting conservative dudes but is really good in spotting crooked lefty shit. i watch her occasionally because it's interesting after all, just don't stop thinking for your self, else you become a jewish rightwing sperg like shapiro or other fox news shit.
anyway she is the best on youtube, but has an agenda that you should consider.

lol shumer also added the smudge of the lenses that ford is wearing. how did she take this picture? was she in the audience too? is there a proof?

No. Her friend Alyssa Milano was sitting where the vantage point of the picture was taken.