why do american asians support black lives matter?
Why do american asians support black lives matter?
They have an identity crisis because their parents want them to act more white
Anything to weaken Whitey.
They don't.
i don't see colors, they all look the same to me
The y don't. Blacks love to attack Asians.
They do.
Because wh*Tes are subhuman
They dont, they hate niggers
Blacks are the superior race
the enemy of my enemy yadda yadda
just like the (((elite))), asians have high intellect, and low empathy. This has them using blacks to wipe out whites. Usually 'they' have enough $$$ to have little interactions with the hoarde
*Gets enslaved by everyone, including your own family*
I was hoping the chink girl would go full kung fu on those nigs. What a disappointment
No Asian should support blacks. Blacks need to all be shipped off back to Africa where they can learn to support themselves, and tame themselves.
We whites and Asians and Indians have done all we can to help blacks. Time for blacks to go back to Africa. They can either die out or learn to be civilized.
The best post and the truth.
Not to mention the more we help them, the more they hate us.
Yes, in your own heads. If you were all shipped back to Africa, and left alone, you would genocide yourselves in two or three generations.
They enslaved themselves, sold them off to europeans and other blacks, amd only blame white people.
It's why they refusw to go backt o Agrica despite constantly complaining.
It occurs to me the Sabbath is over in Israeli local time
They are very Education focused and since the kikes have infiltrated the education system and made marxist ideas part of the curriculum, they think they are doing what is right. This is made further worse by the basis of which education has operated on during the Obama years -- learned helplessness.
>We whites and Asians and Indians
It's so hard to have any pity for you and your kin when you say things like this. You don't know how bad I want to go back in time and ensure Lincoln was successful in sending all the slaves back to Africa. I can only imagine how much better things would be.
asians are souless hiearachal climbers
they will do anything they have to to climb up the hierarchy
Blacks are pack animals, That's like saying Coyotes are superior to Lions
That's just the Chinese. Stop generalizing faggot. It doesn't help.
>muh eurasian alliance
chinks and other assorted gooks in america are wildly anti gun and pro democrat. Its like they enjoy feeding the niggers that feed upon them.
Not even in the reddest state they vote red.
I used to think they only voted left because they usually lived in big cities. But even in fucking wyoming they voted blue.
Ironic, Asian males are the minority closest to being red while Asian Female goes full libtard blue.
The Nazi Asian Female meme doesn't really work out in reality.
Asians are kind of like Judas.
Whites consider Asians to be pretty much our closest allies and we're impressed by their civilization because aside from our own there's is the only that could come close to ours.
But Asians sadly still see the white man as a threat. Also they don't tend to have raw empathy for those they identify with the way whites do. They're happy to work with us and trade with us... but I fear our friendship would mean nothing to them if the power dynamic flipped.
>Asian Female goes full libtard blue
When she has a red White boyfriend then she usually becomes red.
Nearly an entire generation of all races and ethnicities being pozzed by the zog in the education sector and you faggots still want to make this all about race and skin color still. Honest to Christ, you are all your own worst enemies because you really seem to enjoy hurting yourselves and causing people to feel like they'd outsiders in your cause, so being that they are already emotionally primed for it because of the pozzed zog education, they are more likely to end up in the enemies camp.
Stop working against yourselves you dumb faggots. Divide and conquer is how (((they))) got this far. It's easy to demonize, it's much harder to analyze. They rely on that. Quit being their pawns.
They're willing to side with the side that hurts white people even if they get hurt themselves is why.
this is inevitable as humans are tribalistic
ethnic divisions are inevitable in multirracial democracies
where the weapons cache? who the judge? the only justice is the justice we impose.
They don’t. Asians hate blacks more than whites. Unfortunately both republicans and democrats are each retarded in their own ways and they side with the democrats.
You're missing the damn point, Italy. Look up learned helplessness. It is the epidemic killing society. It's why we can't get through to these witless people.
Burn the coal, pay the toll
If you are Asian & you sleep with niggers, you are TRASH
((())) controls the media and has created words like “people of color” to signify everyone and put them under common ground that aren’t white. They’re trying to create bonds based solely on not being the meanie white people. Many Asians in American colleges will be tricked and follow suit. Most Japanese and South Koreans are right leaning I’ve met though. Bring up things like the LA riots and if an Asian smiles you know he’s based.
what is the story behind the pic?
deep down asians hate blacks - look at how they treat them in africa
but for now they will all band together to destroy the white man
OP is a fucking sharia blue poster
Stop pushing this BS narrative. I can tell you East Asians collectively hate blacks more so than whites. It's actually you guys (whites) that need to start uniting your voices and stop being pussies.