Pedophilia is a social construct created by feminists

Pedophilia is not a real thing you braindead fucking cucks, for the vast history of humanity men have impregnated women in their prime, If nature didn't want you to fuck 12-13 year old sluts why did they give them bodies like this?
Pedophilia only started existing as a concept in the early 20th century with the first wave of feminism, feminism was created solely because old used up roasties were jealous men preffered fucking young pussy instead of their used up cunts and you stupid cunts just accepted it for no fucking reason. Vriticizing a man for wanting to fuck a 12 tear old slut is the same as criticizing him for wanting to eat an apple, it's irrational and goes against your biological imperative.

>inb4 hurr durr young women are not mentally eveloped enough to have children at that age
Eat a dick you subhuman cucks, women are eternal children that never develop mentally anyways.
If you disagree with anything that i have said stop considering yourself redpilled, you are nothing but a brainwashed cuck and you deserve to be put in a concentration camp.

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How bout no.

This board just keeps getting worse

thats a convoluted way of saying "i wanna diddle kids"

>memeflag nigger shilling for pedophilia


Why can 10 year olds rear offsprings tho?

>t. low IQ cucks brainwashed by roasties

She's ugly.

Kids are for hugs, not for fugs.

>If nature didn't want you to fuck 12-13 year old sluts why did they give them bodies like this?
"Nature" didnt give them bodies like that. Puberty is found roughly 5 years younger than it was 200 hundred years ago. You're a nonce.

10 year old preggo, the mother was a cuck

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>says an anarchist


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Says your Twitter science and Youtube? Explain Islam.

Because it's nature's way of telling men to impregnate them. Not even 10 though but at 12 all females are already ready to bear children. No one has any arguments for why they have bodies like this yet it's considered immoral to fuck them.
It's nothing but a feminist trick to trick men and these retards just accept it.

As was said in another thread like this, those who advocate for pedophilia are usually older men (most convicted pedophiles are 30+), it would be fine if youger people wanted to marry each other, but that's not what these older guys want, all they want is a fresh young pussy

Technically, nothing OP said is false. He juse spoke in an abrasive way about a politically incorrect topic... so... all these replies are predictable.

My advice for curious lurkers, is to think about the facts OP said and do your own research and reflection (calmly).

Well I think someone bought her tits


Actually, what you described is hebephilia, not pedophilia. Pedophilia is an attraction to very young children and infants and a legit disorder. Hebephilia is the attraction to post-pubescent girls and healthy. The age of consent is like 14-15 in some places in Yurop.

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So age 6 is best?

I'm pretty sure women started having their periods at that age for all of human evolution. Stop quoting your feminist scientists you tard.

>literally only those on the right are unironically advocating for pedophilia

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>women are eternal children that never develop mentally anyways.

OP rises a very good point.

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Nah those are natural, they seem pretty saggy. Also i had a 13 year old classmate in middleschool who had tits just like that and they were really soft.

Hebephilia doesn't eist in modern society, if you said you want to fuck a 13 year old girl all brainwashed normalfags would call you a pedophile.

yeah consent so they can have sex WITH EACH OTHER.

Not so you old fucking fat neck-beards can diddle kids. You know you get raped in jail for that shit, right? Most people hate you people more than anything.

Sure, it's the right kissing children at gay parades, making them twerk and having them strut around in tranny shows.

It's the rights countless kike journalists who keep releasing articles about it being just an orientation, not a disease.

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I used to just ignore threads like this. But now that I have 2 year old daughter seeing threads like this just makes me want to skin OP alive. Sick fucks like you will never be accepted anywhere in society, even in prison you will be looked down upon and most likely killed.

Hopefully when Kavanaugh gets the seat he makes it legal, so he can enjoy it all he wants

All child fuckers get the rope. Period.

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>Men gave rights to women
>Women gave rights to children
>Children will demand pedophilia

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It's a social construct in the way that you don't want to start a family at 16 with a 14 yr old because the economy relies on you not fucking it up.
Every fucking idiot knows that a 15 year old can be more physically appealing that a 30 yr old.

How the actual fuck can an adult person be attracted to a 12 year old. Do you people know how fucking sick and disgusting you are?

Do you actually mean what you are writing or are you just laarping for attention?

You couldn't act the normalfag part better, well done!

I agree. For anyone having kids this is like a fucking nightmare to read... Creeps like these need to get the rope...

Its libertarians, of both more left and more right persuasions. Fuck is hard to understand about this?

I think 14 and upwards is healthy, like our consent laws in based Germany

How old is she?

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Why are you so triggered? I don't want to fuck your toddler daughter so fuck right off retard.
Americans are pure scum, stop spreading your bullshit puritan ideals to the world you retarded shit, that's why your daughter will end up getting gangbanged and pissed on by a gang of niggers.

If you are a libertarian it should be about YOUR right to choose. A child cannot choose. You think you can come here and try to diddle my kids just because "you feel like it" you sick fucks???


12 year olds in america generally have good sized tits and asses. But I think the sweet spot is 15-16

Early maturation?

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You bastards sure like to use the appeal to nature card, don't you? Here's a real redpill for you: the further humanity can seperate rhemselves from their base desires, the closer we come to true enlightenment. Just because an act can be found in nature or in our ancestor's lives does not make it moral. It was acceptable in the past because people were lucky to make it past twenty years of age. Since you're on Jow Forums I assume you have at least a distaste towards homosexuality, and I shouldn't have to tell you that they make the same kinds of arguments as you.

>Be little foul mouthed, undisciplined, lying strumpet.
>Dress like a total whore, showing boobs and butt to everyone.
>Talk and act in a sexually suggestive manner as much as possible.
>Berate adult men for hitting on her, saying, "I'm just a kid, what are you doing?"

ROPE yourself. That is what you will get. And you know it. There is nothing more society despises more than you fucking pedophiles.

>Kavanaugh is a pedophile
>pedophilia is a feminist invention
That was fast...
Conservacucks would do anything to save their butts

pedophilia refers to kids under the age of 4.
when do you first remember really thinking through what you where doing?
me, at 4.
when do i remember shit? like, i think most of the time.

Honestly how can you not be attracted to an ass so tiny you can pick it up and use it in any position you could possibly think of?

>A child cannot choose.
What a ridiculous axiom. Studies show they can choose, because in the majority of cases no one is harmed by sex.

>You think you can come here and try to diddle my kids just because "you feel like it" you sick fucks???
Nice estrogen

Yep. The correct term at her age is pederast.

Wow, this cope. You are a pedophile, deal with it. And stay the fuck away from kids. I assure you most fathers would gladly shoot your head off if you touched their daughters.

>denying nature is enlightenment
Nope, you transhumanist shit stain
>le komputers xD

>God made females baby ready at age 12
>Gubmint says God is wrong

almond activate

I see the mass arrests are starting to scare you. Tic tock faggot

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>year old sluts why did they give them bodies like this
her body is not natural, it's the result of an overdose of estrogen, caused by i don't know what
the peak age is 17-21

Pederasty is men and boys.


Change that from 15-19 and I agree.

Good eye user

He's 22 you insecure retard

Nature didn't give her a body like that, the Jews did.

What's up with those disgusting nails?

>mainstream leftist news publications push actual opinion pieces defending it

>only people on the right defending it are literal shitposters hiding behind anonymity, no real official support anywhere

>somehow your AIDS ridden leftist brain denies all this and says only conservatives defend it

What a dumb dishonest piece of garbage you are

But yeah Jews are the reason why feminism exists. Kinda interesting how the earliest and biggest feminists were literal witchcraft practicing Jews. And now Jews are the ones trafficking and abusing children the most disproportionately. Really makes you think.

>Here's a real redpill for you: the further humanity can seperate rhemselves from their base desires, the closer we come to true enlightenment.
I guess liberals are the true redpileld ones. Wanting ot associate with people of your own race is also a base desire, same goes for thinking homoseuality is normal.
I gues you fuckers love to pick and choose what you want to believe.

To be fair i actually despise you more than i despise pedophiles.

>Kavanaugh is a pedophile
Just when you think the left projection can't get any more blatant.

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Why is Jow Forums so bluepilled about this topic?

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>for the vast history of humanity men have impregnated women in their prime
Oh this isn't about your jollys or what you want asshole.
This is about what society says parents need. What parents need in order to properly raise and prepare their own offspring for the world and society. This is part of the reproductive process. Where parents instill their values, morals, and sense of legacy onto their children.
Until that process is finished, it is highly improper for another adult to come into the mix, and influence their child in ways they did not intend.
Society says when it's time for a child to stop being raised by his or her parents and there is typically a societal standard for this.
You're not fucking with feminists or anything of the sort when you try to fuck around with a 12 year old.
You're fucking with her parents, who are trying desperately to make a gift for the world of her and finish raising her, which they have EVERY right to do.
And this is why you'll see any father try to stomp a mudhole in your head for doing so. You're fucking with his reproduction of a new person he wants to create for the world.
And I know this has never occurred to any of you pathetic virgin pedos who never got over being a child yourself, because most of you will never have children of your own ( God forbid ).
So your opinion on all this is rather useless so it's best if you just shut the fuck up and let your betters figure things out for you.

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please go back to or lookism you fucking idiot.

I don't know, I remember when I was 15 and the "hot girls" being super developed, then a lot of time later saw a photo of those girls, and most of them looked like children.
Except one that was just hot, really hot.

You are a pedophile. You started a pedophile thread. People don't want people like you around their children. No it is not "feminism", I assure you most fathers would gladly fucking shoot your head off your shoulders. People like you are every parents worst nightmare.

No one wants to touch your ugly daughters

so pol what's the cutoff age?

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No, it isn't.

Humans have been evolving slowly sway from extremely young motherhood and young fatherhood. This is because humans noticed that healthier and happier families and civilizations are better served by fully mature parents, mature re: brain and body.

Children have better survival rates. Families are less poor. Men and women began to be more attracted to adults, evolved to not be attracted to young teens or kids.

If you believe this pedophilia bullshit, you are a vestigial human being, you should not be allowed to breed.

You should get used to it Muhammad, you are invaded after all. It's in their holy magic book.

Wait, people think fucking hot sluts is bad? Wtf's wrong with people...

Imagine that, she will get fucked by arabs... hows the cope going?

The girl he fucked changed her facebook status to "in a relationship" during the time he was fucking her. Also the little half nigress was making ghetto ass videos of her booty dancing and shit at 10 on youtube. She was a lost cause.

pretty rare!

I wont lie. If I saw her in a bar being served I wouldnt card her to fuck. I dare say everyone else would be like that too with beer goggles on. She could pass for 21.
t. I card people as part of my living

Did you even read what i said you dumb piece of shit? Women don't age mentally past the age of 12-13 anyways.

This girl is 14

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The West is experiencing white demographic collapse, moron. Your morality is the morality of feminism and the death of Western civilization. The people replacing us value young motherhood. You can take your virtuous faggot morality with you to the grave.

wow, women really are a lost cause

Wrong. Girls didn't used to get their period before age 14-16, before over nutrition and single mothers. Yes, living with your biological dad delays puberty 6 months in girls. Take that as a sign that early breeding is for NIGGERS.

She looks 30

Pepsi challenge - show me one leftist news article defending pedophilia that has been praised by the left like you say

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>evolved to not be attracted to young teens
But that wrong, teens are considered the most attractive by everyone.

Not if parents join in

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there's a difference between being attracted to a 14 year old having the body of a fully grown woman (probably from all the hormones in our food and water) and being attracted to an 8 year old that hasn't hit puberty yet. Pedophilia is the latter.

I do agree that age is an arbitrary number. You have people yelling "pedo!" at a 20 year old man banging a 16 year old with DD tits. That's not pedophilia, that's just natural

I saw this thread when it was created, it had 0 replies
I refresh the front page and it has 85 replies now
why is Jow Forums so pedophilic?

Unless you're Jewish, then you pay pedos to slurp on baby boy stump.

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>impregnated women in their prime, If nature didn't want you to fuck 12-13 year old sluts why did they give them bodies like this?
Nature doesnt do that. Growth hormone in our food does. The Jews put it there.

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First you cunts accept faggotry with your polgbt nonsense now this....KYS, all of you who unironically support op

Most inter-generational relationships occur within families.

I looked it up and you are right, user. I stand corrected. Looks like the proper term is probably Ephebophilia, attraction to teenagers.

3/10 feet

Your daughter will get gangbanged in all her holes and bukkaked by arabs at 12 and she will love very second of it. How's that make you feel cuck?