The Eurasian Mix is an inferior bastard race. Every Eurasian child is a force of cultural chaos and destruction because they have no history, tradition or culture that reconciles their mixed heritage. They have to create a common heritage and this will be on the death of European civilisation.
Men or women who mix with Asians are themselves inferior. Men that pursue Asian women are destroying their genetic history and culture. They are unwilling to suppress their degenerate urges to honour their ancestors by creating offspring that look like their ancestors and pass on the torch of culture and tradition to the next generation.
Many Asian women also have a stronger cultural tradition than their cucked white men and often end up dominating them. Watch as swarms of cuckolds will come to this thread to either praise how nice their feet are or how they just need to marry an Asian cutie because some bizarre fantasy reason.
In conclusion, the Eurasian child is an inferior human being who will struggle to exist. Mental illness and lack of heritage will drive this child to destroy the strange culture it finds itself in. The parents of a mixed child have failed it, by creating it in a world that hates it and where it has no true place to call home.
this thread looks familiar. here's my response from an hour ago.
if they're 1/4 asian or less they'll identify as white, or primarily white with a "splash" of asian. they're also often visually indistinguishable from white people, particularly if their asian side is japanese. i'd say that having 1/4 asian kids is a go but 1/2 asian kids are probably trouble. i'll let you brave racemixers have first crack at the yellow menace and then when i have white kids they'll be able to enjoy your hapa daughters.
i wouldn't care about dating someone who's 1/2 asian but i wouldn't want to have 1/2 asian kids. asian men are too effeminate and i'd rather not have an effeminate son.