87% of women have been victims of some form of sexual assault. This is the biggest epidemic facing the modern world. All men are either perpetrators or complicit in this female holocaust. How do we stop men from commiting sexual violence on a routine basis?
87% of women have been victims of some form of sexual assault. This is the biggest epidemic facing the modern world...
>How do we stop men from commiting sexual violence on a routine basis?
Make it legal
asking someone for a relationship is rape now
men experience all the same shit, difference is we don't bitch and complain about it constantly
men are more likely to get attacked on the street
>87% of women have had a man they're not attracted to express interest in them
I'm a guy and have had all of that image done for me except the bottom one.
Most men have had at least half of that image done to them
>This is the biggest epidemic facing the modern world
No, that would be Jews.
>69% being touched in a sexual way
it doesn't even say unwanted
If you walk past a Gay Pride parade, you will have half those things done to you.
Really roasts the chestnuts.
Women consider being looked at funny, touched on the shoulder or whistled at "sexual assault" so why the fuck should I care about their faggy little statistics?
I've been a victim of the first 6.
Oy vey what can I do now!?!?!
Fake and gay
So pajeets and chingchongs are rapist animals.
>propositioned for a relationship is now rape
only if you're ugly goys
10% of all women were asked to show up naked to an audition?
How big is the sample size?
only 1 of those is actual rape.
Women need to get back to the fucking kitchen if they don’t like it.
>Reminder its only "unwelcome" if they think you are ugly, if you are chad its ok.
no woman is gonna walk herself to the kitchen. men need to show them where they belong and stand with each other not against each other when it happens.
I've seen chads get accused more often because theyve been around the block and some girl decided she doesnt want to be that girl that got used, or she removes consent years after she gave consent, or she regrets doing it years later and then claims its rape.
What's the end goal for these oppression olympics? More legislation and anti-rape education?
The low IQ impulsive types don't give a fuck and never will. Only thing that will happen is the domesticated man whimpering and groveling even deeper, retweeting your sob stories with more intensity as your hamster brain urges you to wear less and less clothes lest your pussy mummify completely.
I guess I'm a victim too then even though I'm a male. I've had fat nasty bitches and older women make unwanted sexual comments to me, unwanted sexual advances, and put their hands on me uninvited, etc.
What now faggot?
>girlfriend got whistled at, catcalled
>She’s a “survivor”
What a joke, I just showed her this and she rolled her eyes
Every day there i find a new reason to hate the west, why must you do this ?
that "there" is redudant
We forgot how to strike a woman when she needs it. Women are silently terrified of men becoming violent so they hide behind the power of other men and exclaim she's the powerful one.
>propositioned for a relationship
so this is a crime now, ok, glad we sorted that out, hopefully the low IQ hordes who dont have the frontal lobe to worry about some autistic law will do the human race some good once we're gone
make women property again
I fell asleep drunk at a party in high school and when I woke up at like 4 am my friend's 27 year old fat nasty hamplanet sister had my penis out and was sucking it. So I've literally been "raped" before. Which i guess wasn't nearly as bad as the one time my sister did the same thing, but still...
How many similar things have happened to men everywhere, it just goes unreported?
Pic very related.
My God, imagine how ugly that 13% must be to have not received any unwelcome attention.
don't forget neglect rape
I’ve had everything but the last two happen to me
#metoo #believemen
>Ordered unexpectedly to appear naked for auditions
Wait, I thought all auditions were conducted in the nude...