"I Plan To Support Kavanaugh Unless They Turn Up Something—And They Might"

"I Plan To Support Kavanaugh Unless They Turn Up Something—And They Might"

>"And they might."

What the fuck does that shit mean? Why would you say that unless there is a plan here.
My theory is that they know the FBI will find some sort of discrepancy (nothing convicting) that will turn up as some sort of justification to delay it further. Here is my question. What are the chances of Kavanaugh still being confirmed? I feel like it's pretty much 80% right now but worse case scenario Flake decides to be a bitch, couldn't Pence break the tie?

I really hope Flake is getting told off by fellow Republicans right now.

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Flake is trash and I plan on going to the faggot town he's from to spit on it and leave.


Graham and McConnell will shit down his neck if the FBI turns up nothing and he doesn't vote yes

Kavanaugh is a rapist and going to prison.

You lost, get over it

>"And they might."

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Because they might. Wow do they honestly even still have an education system in America?

That meme needs slight improvement.
>the left
user, we all know what that helmet should say.

Traitors get the rope too.

We are getting warmer...

god that fucking face... it fills with me such rage, it's not the face of a man

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Flake flakes, filthy traitor

>biological attack
Hello CIA. Also checked

he wants to keep the rest of his fingers

Attempted rape was at her boyfriends house which she did not want to talk about. Now the fbi is involved all is fair game

They know he's guilty. They're already limiting the investigation.

Republicans are STILL trying to take the high road. The fact is, Flake will never vote for Kavanaugh because A. He’s a fucking bitch B. He’s already hated in his home state and C. HE plans to retire anyway. He’s trying to Mcain his legacy and have the media write him as a hero when he’s a damn traitor, but he’s in too deep.

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Flake cucked.
The GOP cucked
Trump cucked.
Why they even gave this coke bottle glasses wearing prostitute a platform to begin with is beyond me. The GOP hold all the cards, but are afraid of hurting the democrats feelings about everything.

Why is he in politics? Does he think the Democrats will take him in as the token "Good White Boi" when he's done in the Senate?

This fucker would be a Janitor if he wasn't born into Mormon nobility and his uncle wasn't a state senator.

He should have pulled a Graham and referred elevator harpy to the relevant authorities, but he pussed out.

Lmao imagine they uncover something unrelated and arrest Kav?

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YEs, Pence breaks a tie. However, there are two other Repubs who are VERY treacherous, and might vote with the Dems. On the other hand, there are 1 or 2 Dems who might break ranks and vote for Kavanaugh.

It means you're a fucking subversive kike unless you can see the obvious path of complete bullshit. If you need to question it more, you don't deserve any vote on the matter at all

100% truth. He also picked her up and took her home, which is where Ms. Mitchell was going with her line of questioning. Likely they already have a statement from said guy.

Has anyone submitted the wheelen theory to Friendly Bureau of Instigation?

(((European-style socialists))), amirite

the investigation was limited by flake's request

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You guys keep forgetting about Wild Card Joe

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I hope someone runs against Flake and beats him. Why isn't that Arizona has such terrible senators?

FBI said no to investigating as they know
there is nothing.

a week will go by, some false allegations which
will be proven untrue and this time, THIS TIME
someones going to prison for obstruction.

bret doesn't have to back down, there's nothing
to stop bret other than himself. if he wants the job
he's already got it, just has to wait a week.

Good, investigations are supposed to be very specific, not cast a broad net and hope.

it's a nothing statement to make him look "unbiased". the dude's a little bitch who will fall in line like a good little stooge. chill out.

I wouldn't read too much into this, as he could be saying that just to make clear that a 1 week investigation is meaningful, "it might turn out something, thus it is justified". It also goes against what the democrats will want to sell, which is that a 1 week investigation is not enough

No, we've accounted for him.


these odds were at 80% Yes at one point yesterday. thank you Flake for royally fucking it up

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He’s retiring, he can and will tell Graham/McConnell to get back to sucking Trump’s cock.

Literally fuck these .monkeys

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Jeff Flake is a schoolyard bitch that got cucked into submission by fanatical roasties

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He's already declined to run for another term.

you should just spit on him. I probably would, if I ever met him. I'd just act like I had a lisp and ask him a lot of really in-depth questionsssssssppppsssspsss

They were also about 33% before the testimony on Friday. Look at the big picture m8.

Holy FUCK will *SOMEONE* please (not) EXECUTE this fucking TRAITOR

thats no way to talk about the future presidents of america

Because he's a fag and couldn't beat a chimp in a primary

Nigger is gonna vote no and then be on cnn a couple months later

The bigger picture is that it will be 50/50 on vote day, nobody will now if those 3 Rs will vote yes or no because Flake is a retard.

>I really hope Flake is getting told off by fellow Republicans right now.

Oh he is:

>"He's a pompous a** who has lost his f**king mind," a high-level GOP official told The Daily Wire on the condition of anonymity.
>"He betrayed the Republican Party and went full-Democrat," the official said, adding that Flake's decision to call for an FBI investigation was short-sighted because of how that move puts the vacant Supreme Court seat in jeopardy. "He did not consider how his actions will affect the America that his grandchildren will grow up in and whether they will have the same freedoms that we have today."

If Murkowski, Collins, or Flake cuck.............

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He added that because of the legions of morons who don't understand the simple concept of a conditional commitment. All the screeching sycophants hear is that he plans to support Kavanaugh, period, but that's not what he said.

He has to break it down further into itty bitty duncebits because people are so miserably, insanely, hopelessly stupid in this worthless fucking society.

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Flake is a sniveling pussy. He's so cucked that the other cucks notice it.

Because they might.

>I really hope Flake is getting told off by fellow Republicans right now.
Do you think that matters? He works for leftist kikes. Nothing short of a republican senator beating his ass on the congressional floor like Andrew Jackson did to that guy with his cane is going to cause that traitor to do anything differently.

trump should just end this charad and pick amy barret to really fuck democrats in the ass.
Dems lose all ammuntion and amy is even more republican than kava anyway

Can someone explain to me how flake is a republican?
>He's not, harhar
I'm serious, I don't understand what this guy stands for that has him running as a republican, and being voted for as a republican, by republicans. A couple hours ago I saw him on MSNBC at the "Global Citizen Festival" with a Democrat (cohn, I think) acting all friendly and "hello young people". Now, this is a "our type of people" event, Dems/lefties aren't going to let a republican in, and they spent the day on and off trash talking them as proof, yet somehow Flake is anointed and allowed in. I don't get it. Everything I see from this guy says democrat. How did he pass the republican sniff test? What made republicans vote for him? Would someone please explain it to me.

He's from the same place that kept on electing faggot mcbrain over and over again. This flake faggot has already announced that he's not seeking reelection, so he's fucking shit up on the way out. Most likely he's signed on with CNN or some other gay ass network to be their newest contributor once his term is up. He deserves to be strung up.

nah, it'll be fine

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So is arizona so far left that even the right behaves like the left there? Though I guess suggesting congressional democrats behave like the proper left is not really true, but in the sense of the current political poles. I guess it would make sense if he landed himself some sweetheart deal, so he needs to ham it up, but that means he's knowingly throwing a good guy under the bus, just to market his ego. Scummy.

It will be 53-47 to confirm Kav.
Flake will vote no.
Won't matter, Donnelly, McCaskill and Manchin will see how McCaskill is getting thumped in polls where 58% of Missouri residents say they are less likely to vote D as a result of hearings and will vote yes. Collins and Murkowski will say "FBI did it's job" and "we listened to the moms with sons who are sending us hundreds of emails," and will vote yes.
Dems will chimpout.
Check em.

As afar as I know, Arizona has some of the best gun laws in the country. They're supposedly very red, but I don't understand why they elect these fags.

If he switched and became a Democrat I don't think it would be that much of a difference. He'd probably fancy himself a 'moderate' Democrat or something.

The ghost of John McCain from the grave the haunting of Jeff Flake

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Jeff Flake tried to fuck me in the ass in 1996 in Phoenix while his Uncle Jake Flake took Polaroids.


Jeffry Lane Flake was born in Snowflake, Arizona,


no shit...

She’s Ginsburg’s replacement

>I feel like it's pretty much 80% right now but worse case scenario Flake decides to be a bitch, couldn't Pence break the tie?
We don't need Pence, Manchin and that Democrat whore is voting for Kavanaugh.


Arizona is the most cucked “Red” (will be blue soon because of all the Mexicans) state in the Country

Can Flake be trusted not to Flake?

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too late. getting a new nominee through before november 8th is impossible.

>time for a good 'ol fashioned unbiased background check.

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Your analysis is incorrect. THIS is Ginsburg’s replacement, alongside Hillary’s.

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goddamn, even justin trudeau is more manly than flake

Alexandria "occasionally coherent" Ocasio-Cortez.

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Cortez trading cards... GO!

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I have an answer for those ladies in the elevator, I wish someone would come out and just say it. DC is a fantasy land, so yes, you should tell your daughters if they get sexually assaulted and don't report it nobody is ever going to know. If they get raped they need to tell someone within the first two or three days or guess what? Tough.

No, in the real world, not DC, if you are raped and you keep it a secret and tell people 20 years later they aren't going to care. you might have one friend that will cry with you, but that's it. This is DC though, so these old fuckers act like they justice is priority number one, and these girls keep going out and acting like idiots. The only difference is outside of DC nobody gives a shit, which is what leads those same girls to become complete lunatics.

All these women are ranting about their experience but guess what
>they still send their daughters off to parties on weekends
>they still allow their daughters to drink socially around guys
>they still let their daughters listen to slutty music like nikki minaj
>they still glorify their partying days in college and highschool

The fathers too, this is the reality they have made for themselves.

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They’ll uncover convincing evidence that he lied “under penalty of felony” as he’s wont to say

The int agencies are all (((compromised))), friend. They'll find something because the left needs them to.

Aren't the forms that the FBI gonna bring forward the exact same forms they were caught falsifying during the Clinton email 'investigation'?

This event is entirely under-memed.

The guys name is Flake, the "flaked/flaky" jokes write themselves people.

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He's a Rino, he was just at some globalist even today with his buddy democrat Coons

Kavenaugh is a done deal
Screencap my screencap

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I know, I can totally see someone snapping and killing the guy.
>I waited all these years for songbird mcstain to die for this nigger to come fuck it up. No. Not this time.

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>I was sexually assaulted by a Supreme Court Justice and all I got was this lousy shirt
How many pre-orders can I put you guys down for?

It is said that he came back with the conditional yes after being "dressed down" by a SJW harpy. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Cohencidentally CNN got it on tape too. I haven't watched it or I'd probably burst a blood vessel

I can't help but wonder what their plan was if Clinton was elected. It's obvious at this point the Democrats view the FBI as their personal secret police to take out their rivals. Imagine if it was Clinton/Strzok doing this type of stuff, and since they weren't worried about the SC justice they were just targeting ordinary people that were their rivals.


they really do

Underage drinking? Supplying alcohol to minors?

Was he one of the two Spartacuses?

There is no line between meme and reality anymore.

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This man is a next gen meme
y he so sad all the time

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I mean like really its so stupid. You wanna know who should go get witness forms? The state of Maryland or what not. The FBI is gonna nigger it up, everyone knows it, and it will backfire horribly during the midterms when it gets exposed. Probably some bait that can be used to track their seditious networking or some turncoats within their own ranks, the 'I didn't think they would take it this far' types. After that? Rioting maybe, the DNC is only going to down kicking and screaming in a disgraceful disgusting death.

The Arch Of Baal Was Put Up In Washington D.C. One Day Before Brett Kavanaugh Testified To Congress


Flake flakes Mexico Arizona McCain mentor actual democrat operative. Gee I wonder why zzz

If you republican Americans had brains you would be in his face 24/7 at home and work reminding him that you know.

He's a sensitive modern man user