About Portugal

How is life in portugal? The demographics looks real good compared to other western nations. What are the politics like?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Portugal.svg.png (1200x800, 86K)

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Would love to learn the language and move there. Heard libson is the shittiest place



Divorce rates are the highest in the EU. I saw somewhere that theu were about 70%
I think i sitll have the map, I'll dig througj my files for it.

Found it

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This is just an interesting map I found in another spain/Portugal thread. They usually post together

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Why so high?

>demographics are really good
what does that even mean?
The place is full of non-white immigrants because its another eu leftard paradise

lefty feminists are fucking crazy here and our neighbour took them too.

Fuck if I know
Best guess I can make is based on what some portugal user told me about the country being full of batshit feminists and lgbt shit. I think it's worse there than it is here

if you like socialism, it's the perfect place

I might end up visiting sometime. What are some good sights to see aroubd Lisbon?

It's a comfy place, all things considered, but we're cronically inferior to other european countries

People here just cannot for the life of them logically think about politics and there's about a -100000000% chance our retarded socialist policies ever get reversed because people here can't resist the gibs and >muh pension

We actually have pretty much no "non-white" immigrants, especially in the northern parts of the country and especially compared to the rest of western europe.

Our average iq is 95. Everyone as a huge inferiority complex and trys to bring each other down.
Typical Portuguese complains of corrupt government officials but given the chance would do the same.
TLDR Shity country, but so shity that mudslims don't want to come. All in all could be worst

You'll be seeing a lot of niggers, just be mindful of that.
If you're going to Lisbon, I guess downtown or "baixa" in portuguese is where all the people go for sightseeing, you could also go up to São Jorge castle if want to take some pictures like the one here.
Also, be sure to visit Sintra too, it's a city next to Lisbon and it has got the best views in Portugal with a lot of palaces and shit you can check out.

Attached: Castle-Of-Sao-Jorge.jpg (936x526, 215K)

Come to alentejo, rural small towns, not much to do but virtually no crime and full white with the gypsy here and there

I'd rather be in Texas.

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>Virtually no crime
Not the obvious street crime, lots of organized crime (drug dealing).

>How is life in portugal?
and its shit

Attached: 1528239748538.jpg (2000x2000, 309K)

>playing chess in park with Frenchie
>Porto guys comes along
>apparently everyone sells hash.jpg
>oh so by the way bros, don't come here at night

Thanks, screencapped, will refer back to

Never saw feminist shit here. Lgbt though... But there is less here tuan in america, i guess

My girl is from the Azores and I am going to Lisbon as a birthday gift. Yeah, go figure. Are there a ton of niggers there?

Lisboa more like Lixoboa (lixo means trash).

For the record Portugal isn’t just that shithole Lisbon, there’s life beyond it, I wouldn’t be surprised if foreigners didn’t know that more than Lisbon and Porto exist here because the actual “”people”” from Lisbon actually believe that the universe revolves around Lisbon.

It’s funny, I work in Lisbon and my coworkers can’t seem to wrap their tiny heads around the fact that I don’t live anywhere near the city. It makes me want to vomit.

There’s much better places to live where you don’t get raped by rent and a bloated housing bubble.

Bottom line is we need to genocide all the worthless commies and immigrant leeches.

Its pretty obvious that someone up stairs is making a lot of money with all the drugs that flow in this country.
Some cops are in on it, some investigation police are in on it, some IC are in on it, results in violent dealers getting protected (not all thou, but some chosen ones do), jewish business owners launder the money. Corruption is rampart.
I want to serve in the US navy to leave this kicked up, packed with commies and crypto-kikes country.
Guy in pic related is a Portuguese traitor.

Attached: UN_Forces_Migration_Anti_Democratic_Guterres.png (658x667, 400K)

Frenchy living in the azores here.
Very niggers, though I see more and more.
Cheap life.
Tourism is growing quickly, money to make
Cheap houses
Weather is amazing, not too hot, no winter.
Fertile soil, grass fed cows.
Natural green paradise with volcanos, whales, thermal water, beaches, lakes.

Cons =
10-20% of the population is shit, no criminals but stupid.
Too much administration.

>I am going to Lisbon as a birthday gift
why would you do this?

You're right, I was thinking of my region of alentejo. My b

>How is life in portugal?
Trash. Its the very definition of cronyism.

And Bangladeshis. Those tend to be peaceful thou.

The left charges more corporate tax and less income tax to workers, the right does the opposite. None of them ever causes an overall drop in taxes.


I hate Lisbon. Dirty, full of niggers. Trash. Go north. Nazaré, aveiro and Porto are great places.

So Moortugal is not a meme after all

She is paying for the entire trip. Naturally, its a win-win for her. She is going to spend time with her mother and I will be hitting the city with her brother. In contrast, I got her a new MacBook Pro for her birthday.

As long as they aren't assholes.

The country is small and now with the highways it's perfectly possible to live in a rural area and work in the city.

There are massive drug dealing networks in Alentejo.
When I was 16, went to a new school. Biggest drug dealer in school was the son of a cop. Got busted, nothing happened to him, in 2 weeks he was selling again.
The 2nd biggest dealer was a guy that knew every cop from the "Safe School" initiative.
And that is just a small small example.
Go figure.

Never work for jews.
And there are a lot of crypto jews around.

Because Portuguese men have to deal with Portuguese women.

Lmao it isn’t, only retarded urbanites adopt the lame american leftism bullshit of feminism and cultural marxism. Portuguese people in general are conservative as fuck. Not to mention elitist when it comes to people from noble families. There are many unspoken rules and social norms that are extremely conservative. My girlfriend wore a hot pink purse and every woman in a 100m radius looked at her like she murdered a kitten infront of them. I couldn’t understand why but then I noticed it was only women looking at her.

Don’t be fooled, just because some garbage ideologies and faggot shit are “tolerated” doesn’t mean they are accepted.

Thank God people here are still close minded, if you look and act like a faggot people will look at you and make fun of you, even lowkey ostracize you.


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They are coming here as refugees so I guess it's shit

Brazil is full of kikes.

leftist shithole

their version of right-wing populism is putting the communist party and the sjw far-leftist party in coalition with the socialist party in government, while the """right-wing""" are social-democrats

This is true the "ringht wing" in portugal is socialist. lol

Are a lot of portugese moving to brazil?

I'm not saying there aren't drugs, I'm saying there aren't crimes with victims.
Literally 90% of my friends and peers do drugs in some quantity.

I think you got that backwards, all of you are coming here, there’s brazilians everywhere. It’s like someone opened the huehuehue floodgates. Fucking unbelievable. BRs are usually nice people but a lot of fucking degenerate faggots are coming here.

Weed/hash should be legalized and home plantations allowed in order to deny the profits to the ME terrorist orgs the revenue.
Also, the dealers tend to be violent if you get on the wrong side of them, and many are protected by cops. The whole thing is rotten.

No there aren’t, Brazil’s economy is in the shitter while ours is booming, why the hell would anyone go to Brazil when Brazilians don’t even want to be there? I hope Bolsonaro wins and fixes that country. I feel bad for the BR bros.

Because of Americanism. Do you think it's purely coincidental that Portugal went from having one of the lowest rates of divorce prior to 1974 to, in a matter of years, one of the highest?

And what changed? Portugal went from a corporatist regime that preserved its deeply Catholic identity to an Americanist liberal democratic dump formed by the CIA and the guiding hand of Reagan's ambassador to Portugal, Frank Carlucci.

That's why.

Anyway, if it were up to me Americans would not be allowed in Portugal. Portugal is not your "ethnostate" and if you're not Portuguese and living in Portugal, you're an alien rat who should be thrown from the cliffs of Cabo da Roca with a millstone about your neck.

Perhaps on a per-capita basis, there are more Portuguese going there than Uma Delicia eaters coming here.

You have more info, memes or links about the CIA connection to Portugal?
Thanks in advance.

Spain looks cooler

E. Michael Jones has done a bit of research about it. You'd also want to look at the article "Blue Revolution" in Time's 1974 issue (can't recall which).

Basically, Portugal of the post-74 period was a CIA-KGB playground.

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Makes sense.
This shit has soviet style IC ops going on up the ass like crazy.
Most people don't realize it thou.
Fuck this place.

Bullshit, you have thousands coming here, it’s getting to the point where it’s unbearable.

Unless you are another one from Açores, fuck off we are full

I can't find the EMJ article.
Also, can't find the Time's article.
Can you give me more clues or key words so I can find them?

based. getting married is for cucks and betas. no actual man wants to be shackled down by that shit.

>anyone who isn’t a neoliberal corporate cuck is a socialist

Here we have the brilliant insight of the memeflag nigger.

If Bolsonaro could win (yeah right) he would most likely become an autocrat and lock them all there. Problem is that in the beginning there would be an exodus.

I was thinking about the way to calculate the per-capita in reverse.

i know you are lying because a portugese guy explained that you consider asian etc all portugese. Your country is full of chinese

Okay meme flag nigger, tell me more about my country.

it only makes sense to live here if you have borderline fuck you money and want to settle down for life without having to deal with significant stress.
otherwise it's a dump. engineers make less then fast food workers in america. everyone has a collective inferiority complex, but an individual superiority one. I'm still trying to get a job abroad because you need to be brain dead retard to accept to participate in our job market. and i don't know if I'll return in case I make it.
fuck this place, honestly.

EMJ didn't write an article. His information is in Libido Dominandi in which he talks about how the CIA flooded Portugal with porn do undermine the morals of Portuguese society.

I can't seem to find the article from Time. I was able to find it before in Time's archives, but it's either gone or the link has changed. Jones refers to it in this interview:


also we are full to the brim with south american pajeets.

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Thanks leaf-bro!

would it be easy for an American to move/live/work there?

Yeah good luck going abroad and realize it’s actually not that great.

Nofappers will inherit Portugal

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Loads of Americans are moving here for some reason.

Being that "nofapping" is the natural and correct state of life, they would were it not for the fact that the powers that be have a vested interest in keeping young men utterly mastered by their own passions and incapable of controlling themselves. The fact that "nofapping" is regarded as some kind of "challenge" and going a week without abusing yourself is deemed praiseworthy is an indictment of this generation and the pathetic state of the world.

>left bloc
>communist party of portugal
>people, animals, nature
leftist and retarded

too easy, even if it´s not easy

>Lots of pensioners are moving here for no reason
>Lots of tourists are moving here for no reason
>Lots of ERASUMUS are moving here for no reason
>Lots of euro trash is moving here for no reason

And that reason is that they want more money to squeze to support their failing technocracy, preferably from those who wont complain on account of all the servants they will get


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I've been abroad, it wasn't great but it was better then anything I could get here. go figure that even eastern europe is better than our shithole for early stage qualified workforce. Also there is a very, very clear difference between everyone I know from multiple fields who left vs those who stayed. It's not just money, people here get stuck in dead-end careers while those abroad acquire valuable skillsets and opportunities to jump ship to better positions.

(((United States of America))) and (((Soviet Union))), two sides of the same shekels, work together to exterminate the TRUE alternative with WW2, by killing German National Socialism and Italian Facism, and by mass boycott (them and their respective allies) and economical blocus against Fascist Portugal. It was during the -(((cold war))). All theater, a big D&C. Funny how the two """worst enemies""" conveniently work together to shut down the true alternative, fascism in this case for Portugal. "Proudly Alone" isn't a quote for nothing.
By the way, Portugal is the second highest naturaliasition rate country in europe behind Sweden, and they give the Portuguse nationality to African niggers and Brazilians mutts.

Here's how bad it is:
A newly graduated doctor has a monthly income of 15000 on average in brazil

In Portugal that same doctor would study 2 years longer and receive an average monthly income of measly 7000.