AR-15 Thread

>Edits Edition

Do you live in a state that's not a shithole that allows you to exercise your 2nd amendment right?
Have you been putting off on getting a gun because you're just too lazy?

Here's a quick guide to building your own AR-15 on the cheap.

This is the first part we're going to buy and it's the most important. This is the only part of an AR-15 that is regulated, you can purchase everything else without getting a background check except this. It will need to be mailed to a local dealer who will charge you a fee and background check you.

This kit contains the entire rest of the rifle. Stock, barrel, grip, trigger, barrel all that good stuff. It's a more basic kit but it will be enough to get you started on the AR-15 platform.

This punch set will help with assembly and is a good tool set to have for beginners.

These are your run of the mill magazines. I'd say 10 is a good start but you can get as many or little as you want. You can also likely head down to any local gun store to purchase some and meet your local FLGS owner.

After you get the parts it's time to assemble your rifle.

Some things to consider at this point:
>Clean your fucking gun
>Begin stockpiling ammunition. A little here and there never hurts.
>Look for an optic. Iron sights are fine but red dots / acogs go great if you have the money & Wesson/M&P 15 Rifles/S&W M&P 15 SPORT II .223/5.56 16
Want a full rifle instead?

What would you add to this?

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Other urls found in this thread: & Wesson/M&P 15 Rifles/S&W M&P 15 SPORT II .223/5.56 16

I'm too lazy to do all that shit. Why not just buy an AR by itself?

Attached: fgmulzlci5qx.jpg (1024x768, 169K) & Wesson/M&P 15 Rifles/S&W M&P 15 SPORT II .223/5.56 16
Want a full rifle instead?

Or if you just want the cheapest pre-built
They have a 4-month payment option so you only need to pay 100 up front, and then whatever the FFL/transfer fees are for your area.

Yee, already have an AR, but the next thing I am looking to purchase is a Daniel Defense complete MK18 upper receiver, and put that on a Radian AX556 lower receiver. Not sure on what trigger I'd like to put in it, but I'm more leaning toward a Geissele Super Dynamic Combat Trigger

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I live in Cuckifornia and still have multiple AR’s, no reason for anyone posting on Jow Forums in the US not to have one.

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Geissele is the way to go

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no thanks

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How can one pic contain so much garbage?

>buying a jamomatic

How about don't buy trash?

>What would you add to this?
30 cal is the better cal

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>imagine not being able to afford a nice AK
I see why you bought the AR, nice $200 vortex scope buddy.

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A 3-15 optic.

Leupold mk5

No matter the gun you own buy plenty of ammo and store it properly.

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don't be a memester. Guns arent console war shit. Only the calibers are fought over that way.

So much wrong with wrong with this build I don't even know where to begin

apply trashcan

post AR

Needs a better optic and mount. But off to a good start

Heres my FN M16A4.

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>So much wrong with wrong with this build I don't even know where to begin
lol, says the poorfag with the nickle blaster


I've always owned AK's never owned an AR.
I'm thinking about getting one our building one though. So I guess my question is:
Is building one really worth what you might save in money? I've seen AR's going for around 350 dollars. It doesn't seem like a lot of savings, especially when you factor in the cost of tools. Would you get a better quality build for that amount of money? or would everything just be bottom of the barrel AR parts?

Building one allows you to get more familiar with the platform, will let you know which parts you may way to change or upgrade. There are some that are super cheap and some that are expensive, it just depends on how much you want to spend.

The one in the OP is only 365 plus an hour or two labor, but you can get a prebuilt DPMS oracle for 400

>Is building one really worth what you might save in money?
yes if you build a half dozen. buying complete rifles is nice but they are only as good as the assembler, aka Palmetto State
either way the golden age of ARs wont last past Trumps term

I really miss the golden age of AK's desu senpai. We used to be able to get WASR's for 400 dollars and Russian AK's for like 750. I love the platform but I'm getting priced out of it so I'm thinking of switching to the AR.

>literally told myself saiga rifles would always be cheep and around so i didnt buy one

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>TFW AK107's and AK108's about to come in then the ban hit.

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>being a guncuck

I'd rather keep the money

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the cheapest mosins I can find are 300 dollars
300 fucking dollars for a MOSIN

You need an aimpoint t2 or an acog.

>tfw you were called a idiot for buying a crate of 20 for $2k in 2012

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Was about to buy one but the online store was a scam. Fuck that guy

>old women shouldn't be able to defend themselves
Imagine the utter insanity and small-mindedness of the creator of that text.

Nice. I'm thinking about a Colt light machine gun build.
>I know the upper is over 4 grand.

Here's my ar10

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>$366 + shipping for something worse than an SKS

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How about a Springfield SAINT pistol? I get a first responder discount on it and it seems like a pretty good deal. What's the difference between an AR pistol and a rifle? They look the same except one's shorter, right?

>Imagine how utterly paranoid, fearful, weak, and cowardly someone must be inside to feel so desperately threatened by the presence of a powerful lethal weapon just doing what millions upon millions of people do every day without any problem at all
I worked with a guy who was such a leftist pussy faggot that he broke in to sweat any time he had to walk by the armed security guard. They can't contain their projection, they know if they had one of those they wouldn't be able to control themselves.

Here is the blue print for ar lower, all you need is a block of aluminum, plastic, even steal, and a mill or drill press with x-y vice

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>Russian AK's for like 750
they were $400 new, like $5-600 after conversion

Also here is my ak.

Remember that AKs and ARs should not compete, but be tools for the same purpose

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You keep your money, I’ll keep my guns. Nobody said you have to own a gun, you just can’t take it from me

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I like the BCM uppers,some of the Palmetto barrels at least were FN and the hammered ones very nice.Some one mentioned the Geissele triggers,very nice but pricey,the LaRue 2 stage very nice and under a 100,to all get plenty of ammo/good sling/spare parts for bcg ect.,have fun shooting.

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Imagine how stupid one has to be to think they are safe 24/7

Anyone got that quote from the black dude about how gun control is the epitome of white privilege?


But I'm white

BCM is good stuff.

I'd avoid PSA on the whole.

A couple other newer smaller shops doing great things are Sons of Liberty and Sionics. Son's has lifetime warranty on their barrels and bcgs.

I wish I had bought a Romanian PSL for 800 bucks back in the day. Now they're like 2k.

I have few PSA uppers. 16in 20in 300AAC. I haven’t had any issues.

Sounds solid...Daniel Defense makes a great platform. You should take a look at Battle Rifle Company I bought a BR4 Trident a while back and quality is top notch


Thought about getting a Colt or even S&W.

Then turned to FN-15 for considering.

Went full Gucci and bought my first AR-15, Daniel Defense DDM4 V7.

Feels good man.

Pic related is my current 5.56 build, considering building a 6.5 Grendel upper for it. Anyone with experience with that round?

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Hating on PSA is just one of those meme things people who have never used them do


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Yeah people think more expensive rifle makes them better marksman

I understand a lot of folks do not like Palmetto(at times with good reason)but their better uppers with your bcg and charge not bad and price friendly for new assemblers.I would say for first buy probably just get a decent AR in the 600 range and grow it up/build one as you become familiar with the platform.A lot of calibers to choose from but would say go with 5.56 initially or go AR-10 in .308,a lot of parts/ammo for both in todays market.

That said,can set up AR in .22/(.223/5.56)/.300/.458/6.5/6.8/7.62/9mm,a lot to choose from in uppers.

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Buying the equipment and learning to reload your own doesn't hurt either

Stop posting this shit to gullible noguns. PSA is literal trash, both AR15 kits I purchased from them have been fucked in some way. First came with a front sight base canted 10 degrees to the left, second one was literally the wrong build kit and I had to send it back in and wait 1 month for them to unfuck my order and get the right product shipped out.

Also I fell for the PSA $7 D&H mag meme too. Mine don't hold a full 30 rounds without jamming the first couple of shots and you have to smack the fuck out of them to get them to lock into the magwell.

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By all means do something similar with your recommended build and start spreading awareness fuckhead

Thats sexy

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>sight base canted 10 degrees
Then get another gas block. if front sight is canted 10degrees your gas tube would be bent too

whats the best way to store it for awhile? im guessing cool dry place?

>wrong build kit
Only two build kit user, rifle or pistol and they both work on any AR lower

Mil spec ammo box

You need a rear sight faggot

I have never shot the 6.5 for poster asking,my friend loves the round but is shooting it out of a bolt action,he is getting into distance competition and trying many rounds for different ranges and as a hunter he always looks at new stuff but at moment sticks with the .308 as his hunting round.

WTF is with the captcha bullshit tonight,fuck......

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would this be a good thread to ask what exactly a lightning link is?