Can't homosexuals really not become straight?
Can't homosexuals really not become straight?
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You tell me OP
Some of them are so deeply scarred that there's no hope for them, others are just hedonistic perverts who chose to be faggots.
Neither group is better than the other.
it's like asking a straight man to become gay. it's not about having gay sex it's about falling in love with a man.
says the frog, I guess the stereotypes are true
No gays become gay due to sexual abuse trauma (yes 100% of them some just lie) and that shit changes their whole heart and soul to what we call gay.
Sorry I like to think about things and not play a role to appear "bad ass" at any coast on an anonymous board.
Came to post this
They can, but generally don't want to.
They identify solely by their favorite sin.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah. tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return. shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.
The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.
that sounds really retarded, but then again coming from new worlders it's not a surprise
when you have a 3 inch dick what option do you have other than being gay
I already figured out you were a retard, consider yourself happy that I'm not the man in charge, you failed my eugenic standards.
There was a time when they kept it to themselves and still lived normal lives with a family of their own, faggot
fucking kek
who the fuck even cares lol.. 3% of the population at best and they can't into babby. All the whining on Jow Forums about faggotry is even faggier than the fags that you fags are fagging about.
they were still gay you absolute retard.
yah, prepare to see bullshit articles about the gay gene accompanied by lady Gaga's born this way gifs
That's funny coming from a genetic dead end.
It's not a coincidence that just about every moral code ever thought up considered your kind reprehensible.
well I hope that one day we'll find the genes responsible for that chemical imbalance so we can remove yet another flaw from the genepool
PEDOPHILIA: It's how faggots reproduce
They can become normal with hormone therapy to correct their hormone imbalances, but first they need the right mindset and willingness to be cured.
if I was blinded and thought a woman was sucking my dick but it turned out to be a man. Would it make me gay?
I could fuck a couch and get off. I'm a couchosexual
it's not a coincidence that all that pride shit comes from your shithole made up of unwanted retards
and if they can appear straight that's straight enough, now why can't you do the same you gay frog?
>who the fuck even cares lol
The people who don't want faggots fucking women out of spite/because they're in denial and giving them their fucking gay AIDS.
Just bog em
didnt read the question right the first time, gays can become straight, all conscious decisions are learned and if something can be learned they can be unlearned. much like a computer a memory or feeling to certain stimuli in the brain is stored and can be erased (overwritten).
When you look at the prevalence among LGBTQ etc of other behaviors and lifestyles that are categorized or perceived as various forms of mental illness, it's pretty clear that homosexuality is in the same group, and has simply been arbitrarily removed from that group to create a particular reality.
My view: if homosexuality is not a mental illness the same as depression, schizophrenia, psychopathy, etc., then there is no such thing as mental illness.
Do me a favor and try to keep my shithole out of your mind faggot.
What you just said doesn't even make any sense.
Yeah, but you're forgetting that there are women with different sensitivity. Also there are women who experience multiple orgasms per day, and the best part is that its called: "Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder" a DISORDER, so faggetry is normal, but multiple orgasm is a disorder. That's the world they are making.
So you’re advocating for widespread social acceptance of openly gay adults. appreciate rhat.
this is what you tell yourself faggot to feel better about yourself?
you're the home oif all that pride and degeneracy shit, you spread it everywhere. you have no right to talk
Average night at the gloryhole for that faggot
they certainly can be straight
If it means faggots are easier to identify and cull, then yes.
>t. Upset faggot
no we're about removing gays here. "it's ok if they pretedn they're no gay"
I don't hate them for being gay, I hate them for acting gay
Like how I hate you for acting gay right now, you flaming homosexual
You just told everyone you want to suck a dick right?
I hate them for being gay. I hate their genetical defects
This is why you sacks of pathology get tossed from buildings.
no, I think most homophobes are gay people that have been brainwashed into thinking its a sin. Most have probably not even had sex and are jealous
because you are a cunt?
>when faggots get more pussy than you do
imagine being this pathetic
I'm really trying. It's quite difficult to break the conditioning. It roots itself deep in the mind, and it takes less than you think to get lodged in there.
I was gay from about 14 to 23, and then it just went away. I started to look at women and not men.
It's almost never their genetics. Your sexuality is mostly developed as you age, particularly when you're a child. You look to your environment to know how to act sexually, primarily your parents.
Ask yourself a question, why do young boys abused by older men often have homosexual thoughts as they get older? It scarred their psyche.
Ask yourself another question. If there was a gay gene, why has it not destroyed itself yet? It's literally working against it's own survival.
Here's a good example. 50% of British youth are not 100% straight. Meanwhile the older generations nearly all are. Did that gay gene suddenly develop in a large part of the population? Or did societal changes in that time change the views of sexuality on the youth?
Is that a triple negative?
I think gay dudes generally have bigger ding dongs
It's mostly epigenetic. Different expressions caused by life factors. It's why it's important to have an upstanding society, so that the correct person is formed to seek the truth and good in the world.
I love Donald Trump. It doesn't make me gay.
If Brad Pitt wanted to suck your dick you would drop your pants in an instant, just saying
can confirm this true
Faggots should be gassed
Why would we want them to become straight?
I mean, I would enjoy my dick sucked by anyone but I'm not attracted to guys anymore, and wouldn't want a relationship with one anymore.
>Muh if you hate something you must want to fuck it!
>You hate spiders? You must secretly want to fuck them!
Are faggots always so delusional?
>If I make a baseless assertion about why he's angry, that will trump his argument :^)
Yeah good argument, you fucking brainlet degenerate. And you wonder why normal people hate you?
wanna know how I know you never get laid?
Where did you come from, friendo?
No, no one wants you to make another post.