BLM vs MeToo

You can't support Black Lives Matter and Me is a movement that calls for a reduction in police authority and greater protections for people accused of crimes. The other wants to greatly expand police authority and reduce the rights of the accused defendants. The 2 most popular Leftist movements of our time have diametrically opposing goals.

this level of massive cognitive dissonance annoys the shit out of me...

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Other urls found in this thread:

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That moment you think you came up with something clever but it just diarrheas out of your mouth and everyone points and laughs.

That's quite the mental gymnastics there faggot.

care to explain how I'm wrong?

BLM is just like the anti-war movement during Bush. Democrats can switch it on and off like a light.

he's so right shills are getting desperate

that makes the most sense...especially considering the Left's history with the Black community; use them when they are useful, dumb them when they are not.

No fucking duh. The whole left wing is contradictory even at the lowest level.

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excuse me *dump.

> metoo is about expanding police authority
Are you really this retarded?
Or are you regurgitating another retards thoughts?

spread this meme...

not only expanding police authority and state power but undermining basic civil rights like confronting one's accuser and questioning witness credibility.

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also the erosion of civil protections under due process.

this one seems so blatant though...

too wordy
needs to just say "believe women" so when basedboys and femens retweet they look retarded

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Yes on witness credibility. But where the fuck do you get expanding police authority

you're a fucking autist trying to make two puzzle pieces fit

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I still haven’t figured out why rappers haven’t suffered the wrath of the #MeToo feminists.

Real Men Believe Women
would work better

fucking brilliant...I kek'd

wait a tick...

>metoo keeps saying white men are raping everyone.
>support blm
its 1984 they are simultaneously supporting the actual rapists in the US while projecting it onto innocent white men.

Trump should just order every democrap in the US into a building then nuke the building!

This is very effective. Libs can't ignore the racism aspect so it prevents shouting down or shaming. Avoid gore though, you want people to post this shit on FB/Twitter.

That's where you're wrong, buckaroo!!! Liberals can, and do!!! Question is,
>how do we weaponize it?

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Lynching wasn't typically a police action. If anything, you could argue that it was a case of white knighting and attack it on that basis but otherwise it's an apt comparison

I told you niggers that the left will eat eachother.
But this is gonna be good.

because feminists are purely anti-white. They are ok with minority rapists.

metoo has mostly gone after minorities...

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What? I had a conversation with a feminist yesterday, and she said she wants cat callers to be fined. With tickets. From police.

Neither want police intervention, they use public discourse to destroy your life and the lives of everyone you know. They wish to crush you mentally and emotionally, while censoring your protest and demonizing your defense. Both wish to topple ThE pAtRiArChY and flip the status quo, expecting a phoenix to rise from the ashes. They believe that white men are the biggest problem in the countries their ancestors created specifically for them.

>Lynching wasn't typically a police action.

good point, although local law enforcement was often involved unofficially and there were cases where official police action resulted in defacto the case of George Stinney.

perhaps it'd be more accurate to call the lyncher's activists...feminist allies if you will.

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I wonder what they did to make his face look like a flat tire...

an Irish jig

But shes still going to hate the police.

Yeah the results of metoo could mean more shit for the police to do. But metoo people arent going to become the number one fans of the police and fight blm over it.

>But where the fuck do you get expanding police authority
> who is Judge Aaron Persky?

they've already ruined the career of one "soft" judge.

Collateral damage. White men were always the target.

What they really want is to eliminate the presumption of innocence for men accused of any offense against a woman. I mean this literally and have heard it directly from women's rights advocates, in those words.

bump cuz this sounds hilarious

Add un "white".
>Believe white women
And you will see those geniuses shooting each other.

which would amount to the most dramatic increase in police power in our country's history.

interesting, metoo could do more than any single movement to bring about the rise of American fascism.

if anything more than once feminists have been reprimanded for going after anyone but white men.
White feminists arent white people they are traitors pure and simple.

I don't understand how that relates to lobbying or policy.

Yeah, you are right. The BLM people don't like police power, but their metoo# sisters will unintentionally (ironically ) increase police power by running to police for even small sexist offenses.
Kavanaugh Help FBI help!
Cosby Help police help!
And so on

yet metoo has really only gone after jews and other minorities (cosby, weinstein, louis ck, anzari, the nfl, etc)...

Kavanaugh seems to be first major target aside from that Standford kid...

where were all of the #metoo feminists when the duggar girls identities were released?

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nailed it...

*white target I mean...

It would also make any man's freedom conditional upon the goodwill of every female, known or unknown to him. One should carefully note that we are almost there already.

what metoo fails to understand is that they are basically asking to return to the legal status-quo prior to the 1960s.

traditionally the American legal system had very strong protections for women and rape charges routinely resulted in the death penalty.

traditional American culture was also extremely protective of women...chivalry was a meme but many tried to live by it.

>eliminate presumption of innocence
So eliminate a civil right.
Make government more powerful.
Police enforce for the government.
Sisters fuck over BLM.

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persky dug his own grave

in certain circles yes, those circles are aggresively trying to influence the rest of society.

Major part of #metoo is about victim justice, erosion of innocence before proven guilty, court of public appeal besmirchment.

It's absolutely at odds with BLM, and I've seen black feminists at (((college))) bring it up and complain at white women for it

You have never spoken to a feminist before have you?

story behind pic related plz

the defenders of civil liberties in our country disagree:

sure thing's from a documentary about this kid;

The police, the courts, the prison system, #metoo wants all of it to be their weapon against "female oppression"

You need to reflect user

Well why else would the dems be losing elections when they have a majority

ironic, it seems the fastest way for the alt-right to see their goals become reality is to embrace metoo and 4th wave feminism.

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>metoo "anti-rapist" movement
>blm pro-rapist movement

great fucking point tier insight.

This idea isn’t totall unheard of on the left...

the big examples is because there are too many victims and too much evidence to ignore.
Look at all the big profile people they are ignoring right now. Preferring to target white men.

Also louis ck is a mexican that looks like a white guy they lynched him for CONSENSUAL sex acts.
Purely because he looks white.

Memeflag genocide when?

you're going to have to get specific because it mostly seems like blacks and jews going down...

Has anyone actually posted anything???

Put em in a field and let em fight it out.

Look at that little bitch, knowing full well she killed an innocent man just to brag to her friends that her dad is a "nigger killer."

Theres literally right now two black politicians with credible accusations against them being ignored by the metoo movement.


>I lied about sexual assault

Young white girl feminists would see it an honor to be the sexual object of a black man. You're not going to see a case where a non white man loses his innocence before proven guilty.

It's the BBC meme. White women have swallowed the BBC meme whole.

Kek okay that’s bretty epic well meme’d friend xD

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Oh user :^)

Good thinking on this post user.
Don’t forget Emmett Till either.
Girl accused him of grabbing her waste, groping, and he was lynched


Leftists BTFO
Women BTFO
Feminists BTFO
Liberals BTFO

This is the single best thing I’ve seen this week lads. Keep up the good work.

It is sad too.
On gay sex apps there are blacks who will post “No I don’t have a BBC don’t ask” because I guess the degenerates text him up and the only thing they want to know is how big his dick is.
Seems like the majority of blacks who are in fact average have to deal with constant rejection for not having a massive dong.
Gonna have to suffer some social justice movement lecturing gay men to see blacks as more than just a penis

we got you user...

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thank you sir...

I wish this was Fallout 5 instead of 76 it looks based and redpilled

>George was reported to have gotten into fights at school, including a fight where he scratched a girl with a knife. This assertion by Stinney's seventh-grade teacher, who was African-American, was disputed by Aime Stinney Ruffner when it was reported in 1995. A local white woman who remembered Stinney from childhood said Stinney had threatened to kill her and her friend the day before the murder, and that he was known as a bully.

Welp, that case solves itself. Don't know why niggers today are still yelling that he "dindu nuffin".

They have. I forgot his name Russel something