What was society like before everyone carried a Smartphone around?

What was society like before everyone carried a Smartphone around?

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burn in hell and die newfag

Same but without smartphones
Are you like 7?

Like that but with newspapers and comics

dont ever try to steal my d igits again igor or else

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You could smoke in bars and only the cool kids had good weed

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about the same but with palm pilots instead

people said hello to everbody they passed
women stood aside to make way for men
foreigners bowed their heads when passing a gentleman
it was a simpler time

It was better.

Soon phones will be recognized for being worse than cigarettes or meth.

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that has as much to do with politics, if not more so

everyone had a minidisk player.
before that tape deck
before that newspaper
before that cup and ball or pocket watch
before that whiskey

Only yuppie fags had Palm pilots

The difference is that these people are educating themselves with the news of the day. The people in the OP are looking at thots & cat videos

It was boring.
Smartphones keep ur brain sharp

>What was society like before everyone carried a Smartphone around?
everyone carried a magazine, newspaper or a Walkman around.

people walked around with a newspaper/book/mp3/tape/cd player.
but if you mean like what people did for fun,
we obviously talked to people i'm an 85er and i used to hang around on the street with friends, girls and guys, go on bike rides/motorbike rides, took drugs, smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol.
played football, fishing, fighting, exploring places, stealing farmers crops, played pretend army games or w/e, cinema, watch tv, videos, some playstation or earlier consoles. Mostly just fuck around and banter a lot.


I was waiting for a flight at the gate, and a guy sat in the row of seats in front of me, and said (to me and everyone in my row and his), "just a decade ago, we'd be having a nice, quality conversation, but today we're all stuck in our little iDevices. So how about it? Let's put our phones down and have a decent conversation."

I don't know what happened next cause I tried to leave without anyone knowing.

You ever read a newspaper? They weren't any better 20 years ago.

this but with newspaper/books

Better imo. Our minds can't handle this amount of constant stimulation. You went to school or work then you had home as a refuge. Now billions are always right there at your fingertips. People treated/still treat each other with respect face-to-face. They don't online.

Not really. It keeps your brain in a fatiguing stress-relief-reward cycle.

Would give anything to go back to the 80s and 90s to live a 20 year loop for eternity. Fuck this life.

People were starting at books and newspapers.

you cant smoke in bars anymore?

I make a conscious effort out of principle to refrain from fucking around on my phone in public, feel like im doing my bit

Wrong you underage fags, you got sold a meme.

No one was crashing their car because they were reading comics and driving.

People did not whip out "The Shining" in the middle of the work an start reading instead of doing their job every 30 minutes.

Children did not throw a fit if you took their newspaper away.

No technology in history period has atomized people this way. Camille Paglia says her young students barely understand body language or facial expressions anymore.

Not to mention the fact that any number of these people are looking at pornography, or targeted content.

Smartphones are a disease.

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you can in arkansas, got senpai over there and was a pleasant surprise

20 years ago everyone was a nigger that saw nokia phones as a status symbol.

Leftist scum would read leftist broadsheets like self important posers.

There were less NPCs

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I went further.

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Not many. On the patio maybe.

At all hours of the day? Even the younger folk? Reading? Lmao

Imagine the exact same scene but with newspapers instead of phones.

I walk around without my shackle all the time and enjoy watching people do this.

We lived a life better than this OP

exactly the same but more boring.

People could put the newspaper down. Smartphones and social networking were made to be addicting. It's their entire business model.

You had to talk to people more or know things. Most people don't even know their best friends phone number anymore, nor how to get around their own city, let alone the surrounding area.

Basically you had to get by more on your wits and people skills.

This. Also books are not 95% ads. People are being socially engineered by their phone. Check out Jaron Lanier.

>Songs took 20 minutes to download
>You got internet through AOL free trials
>At our county fair, we met girls through the walkie talkie
>A small portion of people had flip phones and songs were like $5 to download for a ringtone

You ever go to a room where you cant use your smartphone and everyone just ignore everyone else and finds the 2 meters of dead space where nobody else is looking until some 50 year old single soccer mom boomer with her I want to speak to the manager haircut starts talking and everyone's thoughts drift to brutally murdering her?

Basically that. But all the time.

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Long story short I lived the first 20 years of my life in a great society being full of hope, the last 20 years we've gone downhill. I'm wishing for a plague which I somehow survive.

they're all idiots staring into a 4" screen and getting their little dopamine buzz.

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