I fucking love how this woman BTFO snowflake white men and rapists

I fucking love how this woman BTFO snowflake white men and rapists.

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>tfw your staff can make press releases in your name but you can no longer speak coherently in front of a camera

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Imagine being totally neutered by an 83 year old woman? If cucks like Kavenaugh, Trump, and pee pee toucher Cruz are what white men have to look up to the race is fucked.

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Nancy pelosi puts candy inside
her vagina to lure childen in there hoping they will mistake her pale yellow clit for one and suck on it.
Thats how fucking wrong that woma- .... thing is.

nancy is a satanic witch
im not kidding

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>two SCOTUS nominations
>two scoops
>two terms
>two genders
Your irrelevance is growing too large to ignore

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Refer to all democrat females as hysterical now, they will literally go into hysterics

One fall in the shower and this cunt is the next to suffer the Trump curse.

shills are out tonight boys. getting that weekend differential

She's hot.

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I love how he's required to defend himself as if he were ruling on a case. "a judge must be very even-tempered" etc.

Falsely accused of rape

>Get Mad and show emotion
>Look at that male entitlement to female bodies

>Show no emotion
>Look he is cold and doesn't care about her pain!!!

I mean lets be Cryin' Kav got really bitchy and whiny. Like really, what sort of little girl tantrums like that when an interview gets rough? Christ. Only one of them acted like a sniveling bitch of a cock-socket, and it wasn't the blond. Hope they charge him in Md so he can get held down some.

So brave.


So when he acts like a woman he's not fit for the Supreme Court? That's pretty sexist

long record of court conduct shows no problem, but elevation to the high court will just really go to his and he'll lose his cool all the time, because

says the one that thought trump was dubya


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>This fucking rapist white male is not fit to serve and should be guilty until proven innocent. All the dems agree.

>Also please make sure men vote for democrats 2018.

I will be looking forward to their "but how???" reactions this November.

you have to be 18 to post here

It's not sexist to expect a man to act like one. If he wants to act like a bitch he should just buy some tits and call himself Brettney

America, we love you. Fix your shit
Signed - everyone that's cool


That term is sexist and anti-feminist. She can't keep getting away with this.

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>America please stop letting free speech exist!

There is always good news. This old bag is 78 years old. She can't live forever. Feinstein is 85, Reid is 78, Leahy is 78. This cancer won't be around very much longer.

This is fascism. The left can call you a rapist and a pedophile with no proof and how dare you get upset or challenge why they are calling you that.

I'd hit it....with a shovel.

If you go against the state, in the gulag you go, comrade.

>1 post by this id

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This, liberals projecting fears as usual. Women go absolutely batshit if you mention they're hysterical.

Lesson one for shillposting: don’t address your opponents as snowflakes when that term is already associated with you and your kind.

FFS Israel, are you even trying?