Well well well...
Well well well
>Kavanaugh wins
>The Incel Majority is constantly reminded they do not know what it's like to be raped by a woman unironically knowing they don't know what it's like to have sex.
This fucking time line.
Why the fuck would we support him? He wasn't an incel at all, volcel at best. And that's just in the past, he's a normie now
Most “incels” are volcels who become normies
If only that were true
>Football team
>Had tons of friends
>Talked to girls on the phone all time
>Went to parties
>Drank with his buddies
>Lifted weights
>Went to the beach
>Highest grades
He must have been one of the coolest kids in school
He was no incel
Lets list all the things Brett is/has now according to leftists since inception.
>mean drunk
>dick flasher / mushroom slapper
>gang rapist mastermind
>bill cosby
>angry blackout beligerent drunk
>wife beater
>pedophile who molests his daughter
what comes next?
It is true for some.
Frankly thats what the right and left is full of. A bunch of fucking incel pussies who cant get laid and are worthless ignorant fucks.
Libertarian master pol race still like the old days when this place was libertarian.
Incels are reddit people, they are largely normals. Here on this four chan they are robots, none of the real robots are normals. Both groups have plenty of faggots who could have been volcel at some point but a robot becoming volcel has never happened
Former Kavanaugh supporter here. It's funny watching Kavanaugh crash and burn, but in all seriousness we can't let him coach the girls basketball team.