>Locke (1951) reported data which subtantiated the work of Terman (1938) and also indicated the increase of premarital sex patterns in a similar time period. Only 4.5% of the females had reported premarital intercourse with one or more persons when born before 1890. Females born in 1910 or later indicated such behavior in 22.7% of the cases.
>Only 4.5% of the females had reported premarital intercourse with one or more persons when born before 1890
>4.5% of the females had reported premarital intercourse
Any other theories? It's a four years difference, and the premarital rate is still ridiculously high at age 21 than age 24 (maybe 60% to 80% respectively)
>Actually that is blackpill asfuck >burger missinterpretating statistics and scientific research as usual Does I have to bother in explaining why that is totally the inverse of what you think or can you figure it out by yourself?
Brandon Jenkins
>70% of white women """only""" had sex with one person over the past year >70% of White women are only kinda slutty There are still good women, but that chart doesn't exactly prove anything
Caleb Walker
at least the first point is just kek for the white race.
Landon Garcia
It's part and parcel of a society that becomes increasingly more liberal. Promiscuity increased as the ideas of democracy, materialism, and hyper individualism gained more traction. Liberty follows an anarchistic pipeline where at first people will support democracy (a government for the people, of the people, by the people), then they will support a system which talks of benefitting the working man (communism, socialism, social democracy, etc.) When representative governance or mob rule isn't enough, they will turn towards financial equality to acquire the wealthy's extorted money as they did with rights when they overthrew the monarchy. When that isn't' enough, the liberal will then wish to abolish the state altogether, seeing it as coercive and oppressive, much like how they viewed capitalism and monarchism. Women have fallen into this liberal pipeline. Originally, property owning white men could vote, now the vote is extended to women because people asked themselves "if men can vote why can't women. We're a democracy guyz, not supporting equal rights infringes on our democracy!" and they will support the type of system which will "liberate" them from contributing to the nuclear family, seeing motherhood as controlling. It was liberalism and the decay of values that comes with it that bastardized women's place in society
Gavin Sanchez
As a man with a thing for promiscuous women all I have to say that this is a good thing
Robert Gonzalez
Yes but look at what the men looked like back then, compared to the basedboy cucks we have today. Do you think any of them would have been OK with a slutty wife?
Contraception, and, it was also encouraged as a heroic revolt against repressive Christian values.
Julian Richardson
>emales born in 1910 or later indicated such behavior in 22.7% of the cases. sluts
Charles Martinez
>It's disgusting because I'm not getting any. FTFY
Jaxson Martin
>lelel virgin Says the hedonist garbage. It's disgusting because it's degenerate. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1741-3737.2012.00996.x/abstract >Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1741-3737.2003.00444.x/abstract >"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."
psycnet.apa.org/record/2010-25811-011 >"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."
Elijah Gonzalez
Jews Feminism Birth control bills, which masculinize women
Jacob Morris
>ITT: Beta virgin faggots who think women should voluntarily remain celibate despite access to the pill and Plan B. What difference does access to birth control make? Men don't want the mother of their children to be a whore, it's simple as that.