>Canada's Federal Court on Thursday declined to review a decision to revoke the citizenship of a Ukrainian immigrant accused of having links to a Nazi SS killing squad during World War II.
>In a statement, the court said the Canadian government's finding that Helmut Oberlander, now aged 94, had lied about his wartime activities when he arrived in Canada with his wife in 1954 was "justifiable," paving the way to his deportation.
>Canadian court documents allege Oberlander was a member of Einsatzkommando 10a (Ek10a), a Nazi mobile killing squad that systematically executed thousands of people in the former Soviet Union after the German invasion.
What the fuck are these faggots going to talk about once everyone who was in WW2 is fuckng dead? We only have a few years left... oh, I see now, they will just create an all new breed of "nazis" they can talk about endlessly. >EVERYONE IS A LITERAL NAZI!
Zachary Reed
If he lied about being part of the Einsatzgruppen then he was hiding crimes. How does he keep getting Canadian citizen back? What I don't like is when nations try to treat any member of the Allgemeine SS, even if they were something like an office clerk of courier, like a war criminal. The SS was a massive organization with so many jobs, not every single person belonging to it was a camp guard, Gestapo, or other person who courts would want to pursue.
Brayden Cooper
So now where does he go? Or are they turning him over to the Hague?
Ethan Powell
>nazi's >bad
Sad day for Canada but then again that place is fucked.