Is college even useful anymore? I don't pay to go to a liberal college where my freedom of speech is taken away and I'm taught to be left wing. But I'm not sure if I need to go to actually have a good job to provide for my future family. Also what are the pros and cons of college
College or Internship or something
Become a cnc coder and machinist nao
Go to college
Go for something like STEM. Research the outcome in the future as much as you can so you don't get fucked. Avoid making friends there and never give away your power levels.
Working some where with a ladder to climb for better pay or trade school are other options.
You can make more money as a plumber than you can with most college degrees. Chew on that for a while.
Yeah but you have to plunge shit. It's not all fun stuff like torching pipes and bending them around and soldering them together so it doesn't leak.
>Yes & no
College is bullshit and everyone knows but it still means a lot to your future job growth. A lot of jobs still require a degree. Also, still depends what you're going to study.
This. If you're going to college to actually get educated, you won't get that most of the time. However, pretty much every white collar job requires a degree now.
At this point, college is basically just highschool 2.0, preparing you for graduate school where you actually learn useful things and get a degree that will land you a good job.
If you're willing to stick it out for the 4 years of college and 2-4 years of grad school, and can do that without getting into debt, it's definitely worth it.
If you don't plan on going to grad school, don't bother with college. A college degree on its own is useless in most fields, and you'd be better just learning a trade instead.
what trade causes the least joint pain and need for opiate addiction
Get a unionized white collar job
Go to a technical college and study STEM or business. Ignore literally everything else.
>Literally excludes one of the most lucrative fields rn
I think you should be ignored.
Killing niggers and jews.
Look into colleges that require internships. Say Kettering or something of the sort.
I'm doing electrical engineering, surprisingly little math
It absolutely is useful, you dumb faggot. Trust me, don't fall for the "just do a trade" meme like idiots on Jow Forums will tell you.
Nobody forces you to take gen ed in university. Just get a BSc and use your gen ed credits to take additional science courses and get a minor.
So you're a wire monkey who can't be bothered to run a calculator?
arent these completely impossible to get
what even are they other than fedgov jobs which are entirely niggers and women
It depends on what you want to do. STEM, yes absolutely (except coding). Other stuff, less stuff depending on your career course. You won't be a C-suite executive if you don't have a degree. In the age of the internet, it is nowhere near as useful as it was pre-early 200's.
You don't need grad school. Around here all you need to do is enroll in a program that offers coop. A lot of the more technical degrees, like science and engineering, offer this now in Ontario. I'm sure that in America, where your education system is leaps and bounds ahead of Canada, you have something comparable.
I have a degree, no debt, studied something that’s somewhat useful and has set me up for a solid middle class life
Can’t complain, that’s all I ever wanted
I hope Doug Ford shuts all that garbage down next week
if you have a quality community college in your area like I do go to it. Way fucking cheaper and you actually learn shit and the professors care. Im going for my associates computer networking and Ive already got an internship lined up laying out networks. Its only costing me about 5k which my parents promised to pay for, I just have to pay for my books which dont cost alot if you rent. Then again it all depends on who you know and what you are going school for. Just dont be a retard and make bad financial decisions like putting yourself in significant and inescapable debt when you are very young and you will do fine.
can you really lie about your ethnicity
i guess how could they dispute it
how the fuck do we even have this question
why cant i just put black
It's full of well-connected bourgeois Leftists. You cannot learn anything from pigs like that.
But user, I voted for Doug Ford. I also live in Toronto and I'm glad he's cutting down the number of councilors. They do absolutely nothing and they get paid more than two times as much as me.
I don't give a fuck. I'll never know the love of another warm body. You can go take a jump in a cold river for all I care and huff ice until you die.
Only if you're in an arts faculty. Did you ever wonder who makes those posters you see plastered all over the halls that say shit like "1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted blah blah blah"? I've never met even one of those people. It's because they're all going to the do-nothing classes on daddy's dollar. You won't find them in Linear Algebra or Mechanics.
Im a plumber and work in residential and commercial construction (new builds and renovations.)
I rarely do service work and when I do its usually to Navien tankless water heaters and water filters etc. I hooked up a sewer line to a new build yesterday which needed about 3 feet of 4" ABS, a cleanout and a 4" Y and took me all of 20 minutes, charged him $350.
Honestly do a trade, its 6 weeks of school a year for 4 years and you may even be able to find an employer who will sponsor your apprenticeship tuition fees. Additionally you get to work for most of your training which is paid.
how do your joints feel
how old can people plumb until
Joints are fine. buy a pair of $10 knee pads at home depot. The man who apprenticed me is 63 and has no plans on retiring, especially now he has a crew and they basically do all the work for him.
Hire me. I'm willing to have to swipe a pipe once or twice a week and I can do most other contractor jobs you'll be in for. I can even grow food if you want. Take me out of this hell.