Why is it so hard for you to understand the daily struggles of women?

Why is it so hard for you to understand the daily struggles of women?

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Other urls found in this thread:


They create emotional drama to feel something. Their imaginated 'problems' are merely representations of loneliness and degeneracy. If you go against human nature you eventually have to compensate.

>1 post by this ID

how about you fuck off you faggot ass retard?

>women have such a tough life!
>it is so hard being a woman!
>so many ugly guys always hitting on me!
>people holding the door for me!
>disgusting men!
>leave me alone!

When people tell me women are funny is this what they mean?

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what are you getting triggered for?

That's how many posts he has in this thread, not on all of pol.

Most of the replies to her are other women telling her she's a nutcase

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lmao yeah thats what I thought he was reeeeeing about

You say this after two posts in the thread?

>1 post by this ID

Glowing fucking kikes, you'll make excellent additions to my holocaust museum

It was obviously a joke and a lot of women dont understans that there fucking pwriods actually do make them horrible to be around. Some girls that have grown up with brothers usually understand how to control there attitudes those who dont usually end up huge fucking cunts that make excuses for there bitchness. I'm only talking about white women not nonwhites.

You are right. Nonwhites are far worse on the rag. My source is experience.

Checked and Confirmed, women aren't funny.

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OP still at only 1 post . Shills should at least stay in a thread and engage with us . We're willing to debate them . They're just here to disrupt our flow .


What they mean is:


(or you're a rapist)

>the cute ones are almost always unfunny progressives

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Nigger what?

You get a new ID __PER THREAD__. His point is absolutely valid. You can't predict a slide thread when you're the third poster unless the content is quite obvious. This OP does not meet that criteria.

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yikes what a cunt

Leaf don't post shitty memes.
Cleaning, cooking and housework is fucking easy.

>be female and also nonwhite
>argue with another female on twitter
>they call me a man and sometimes even assume I'm a white male
>tell them otherwise
What the fuck is wrong with people? Stop being so fucking racist and sexist.

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thats the joke you dumbass

It's hard to tell these days with leafs.
Which ones are retard and which ones are just pretending to be retarded.

t. incels

When a complete bitch spergs out at you in public, just look at her... and smile.

That's all you need to do.

White women are fucking trash. We really need to solve this problem.

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I have a mother and a gf and all that but jesus christ I hate women

Mary, Mary, why ya buggin?

it should be called
"the female perspective"

What is your game OP?

You faggots who post the screenshot, but not a link to the tweet need to die in a fire

completely BATSHIT insane. 100% genuinly fucking retarded in the literal sense of the word.

>woman makes joking, self deprecating tweet about how women are overemotional
>Jow Forums takes it literally, the tweet completely flying over the heads of every "reee roasties" poster in this thread
is it autism?

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t. cuck

The follow up tweet proves it wasn't really a joke.
Faggot leaf.

The """joke""" was terrible you white knight.

Oh no it’s retarded :(

>women trying to be funny
its oh so tiresome


Can you imagine having to defend this joke if you are David Cross?

It was a shit joke and she should be ashamed if she behaves anything like that in public.

>Why is it so hard for you to understand the daily struggles of women?
Because life has never been easier for women than present day

It's kind of a shitty joke desu

Holy fuck she is actually batshit insane
>dead serious psychopath story
>called out on the crazy rant she just made
>"i.. it's just a joke you guys"
>resorts to the "hole unavailable" argument by proxy

That was a joke too you dumb incel

Jewish media ruined women.

the other day I was walking into the grocery and this nice old lady asked if I needed a cart because she had finished loading her groceries into her car. I was only planning on getting one thing so I didn't need it, but I told her I would take it back into the store for her

it was a pleasant conversation between two normal people

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My favorite meme. Never fails to get some riled up.

>it's a joke because lots of women are in fact entitled cunts ya big dumb dumb
oh, okay then

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That woman is 100% cancer. I remember she was defending Serena Williams because muh sexism and muh racism. It's almost as if it's a troll account.

I never implied her tweet was a joke dummies. Nice reading comprehension. All I said was that the tweet was written in a joking manner. You know, as opposed to being written to be taken seriously/literally as you retards have?
Her tweet wasn't funny it's just le omg so relate able xdd normie female shit.

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You sound white


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what a fucking lunatic

These people have never been responsible or accountable for anything. They've never managed people or entire organizations. They've no understanding Constitutional principles, nor do they understand selling ideas in mass/social media world.

They're entirely unqualified to even offer opinions on who the president should be, let alone BE the president

What an insufferable untalented cunt. She's the Pauly Shore of women.

Yeah this is " I have a boyfriend 2.0. " Apparently men can't have a normal conversation with women if they don't want to have the conversation. Even if a person is perfectly normal, perfectly polite, asks a simple question. These fucking normies spend more time on their social media bitching about the stupidest shit that they don't even understand what a real social interaction is like anymore. They can't even distinguish people asking a normal question vs. trying to flirt or hitting on them. Fuck them.

can someone explain what this tweet even means


Bitch STFU and get in the kitchen and make me a sammie.

she's not (((comedian))) so its not a joke

i think shes referring to the sexist stereotype of men unable to shop for groceries themselves. she is quite the bigot

When do we start lynching these white feminists?

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This woman is clearly fucking mental. Reminds me of the youtube channel of a lady who yelled at UPS men because they were 'stalking' her

Is this bitch dating Nick from Cum Town?

Daily reminder to give subtle looks of disgust at single moms with mudkids

That's just called autism, lady. I would know.

David Cross must sometimes kick himself for marrying her.

The joke is she's on her period you fucking idiots. It's relatable to women because they know that they become irrational and prone to anger when they are PM'sing.

You can literally get an accurate reading of how many autistic virgins post on this board for how many people are getting outraged and not seeing the humour.

This faggot has a meme flag and 1 post in this thread. Op has 2. Really gets the amygdala acrobating.

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>not seeing the humour
sozbro, i didn't see the humour in neurosis played straight by a psychotic child actress

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Also lol @ all the people white knighting her like she's not a feminist reactionary pos. She has a history of acting retarded about minor shit like this.

>Basket cases basket case


lol puusy bleed blood

I'd hate fuck that girl......lead her on...... then stop texting her and continue jerking it for a week to her meltdown on social media

I have no choice but to conclude that you are a serial rapist

I can't even tell what this is supposed to mean. I guess that implies it was created by a leftist, since they can't meme, and I choose to be mildly irritated by it.

no shes married to David Cross

It resonates with women because they love acting like cunts.

youtu.be/M15Kkw_D2VA?t=10m8s This guys sums up women pretty well here.

I love doing this. Walmart used to activate my existential despair until I realized it was a good place to look down on my inferiors, and visibly show them my revulsion at their grotesque form and behavior. Now I'll wander around the store just silently judging the walking trash and flashing them a disgusted scowl.

Then I leave without buying anything and go to a store where the produce actually tastes like food, like Aldi's.

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t. imaginated

you're not supposed to think user, it's solipsism, you're supposed to FEEL

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>They create emotional drama to feel something
This is insightful

Ted was right... the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind

What the fuck kind of psychopath reacts this way? If I'm going into a store and need a cart, and someone is coming out with an empty one, I'll ask them for it regardless of gender. Similarly if I'm putting away a cart and someone is coming in, I'll offer it to them so they don't have to deal with the pile of fuck that is prying shopping carts apart. And if I miss them and they ask me, I'll politely respond instead of going on some retarded sperg rant like a lunatic.

I don’t get this. Is this about how men treat women or something

I think I have autism but I treat men and women both the same. In the same serious stoic tone of I’m not gonna talk to you unless I need you. I need help though to. Stop that

Women know this. Some are proud of there mood swings. In there defense could you imagine blood/puss ccoMing out of an office once a month for a week. And then the real hormonal imbalance tto have to deal with. Its no wonder they're crazy to bbe honest

Get on my level, I understand that walking around happily and looking at them in a completely normal way garners the same reaction in their minds and appreciate that without me so much as doing anything differently or treating them differently I represent an existential threat in their minds and their own insecurities tear them apart.

>I'm such a bitch

You white loathsome oppressor. Did you put it in the "full sized trolley" bay where it "belonged" thereby segregating it from the "fuck carts" leading to a patrician and efficient use of storage space.


"*Cuck carts"

The "you'll never understand what it's like being a" meme is designed to maintain the division among people, whether it's Woman, black, parent, etc. And once again, it's a line straight white men aren't allowed to use. Everyone understands what it's like to be a straight white man, but straight white men don't understand what it's like to be anything

I think the "joke" is that women are on edge because of Ford's testimony and something something trouble in the sisterhood.

Remember, #yesallwomen? Neither do I.

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>1 post by this id

you could interpret it as a man has but 1 malady to be remedied (balls emptied) while the female has numerous insatiable complaints