Is it possible to remove the brown from my eyes?

My eyes look brown under regular lighting but under a brighter light you can make out the blue underneath, giving the eye a hazel/amber colour overall. According to this iridologist doctor it means that I’m actually a “true blue” rather than a “true brown”. In a true blue eye the brown sits on top of the natural blue, representing defects within the body. But in a true brown eye there is no underlying blue.

Have any anons here researched iridology? It’s not that unusual for eye colour to vary throughout life but can it be changed through diet and other means?

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You'd still be a non white.
Genes brah.

see what you did /pol
apologize right now AND FOR REAL THIS TIME

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Take a laxative.

Go to india and have cosmetic surgery
Isn't eye colour a result of the way light bends coming out of your eyes?
If it bends brown then you've got melanin in your eyes
Now, what the fuck is up with grey eyes. I can't tell them apart from blue

If you're trying to feel better about yourself it would be easier to lose the weight.

ya. stroma medical

Stop it dude. You're fine. Just be a decent person. You're obsessing too much.

you have hazel eyes because theyre a true hazel nigga
stop with the autism hazel eyes look nice.
Do you have black hair too?

>But in a true brown eye there is no underlying blue.
lol are you a spic in a spic country? This is the kinda dumb shit they believe and tell each other.

>Muh eye color
Hundreds of millions of whites have brown eyes yet they're not huwhite enough? Don't be ashamed of your eye color, its part of white diversity. Not all whites are blond haired/blue eyed.

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lmao you stay on this website far too long, look at your obsessing about a fucking eye color

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Need eye scrub. Asking for a friend.

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>meme flag
you are not a person

You took Jow Forums and Jow Forums memes seriously.
Dark or Brown eyes is also a white trait.

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its very possible to getr cosmetic surgery for blue eyes. go to Thailand or Korea and u can get easy. even if you had brown eyes you could. my eyes are similar to yours but they are more green.

Yeah I read about somewhere in America they could turn brown eyes blue permanently with a laser. Probably only works for the hazel brown eye that white people have. The eyes on your post are hazel

of course user there was a lady a few years back who had draino put into her eyes so she could finally be blind, seemed to take the colors out her eyes I'm sure it will work for you

theres a lasik type thing that brown eyed people can do, i actually have brown eyes with a little half-ring of blue on top

Shitskin confirmed

If thine eye offend thee...


Fucking lol
>OP the virgin mutt hazel
>Vs user the yellow eyed chad
Can't wait to breed a woman with eyes with even more yellow then mine
We will be the Adam and Eve of the Golden Eyed master race

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>Everyone on my moms side have beautiful blue eyes
>Everyone on my dads side have the poop eyes
>Mfw got the poop eyes

Hopefully if i make beautiful children with a blue eyed aryan maybe I can at least have children with blue eyes

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thats unironically super cool

for the measly price of one bitcoin I'll happily come and kick your eyes into the back of your skull since you don't like them so much, you preening, fretting woman.

kick me daddy!

Thanks user

Your eye looks like the example he uses of a blue eye that turned brown. I've never really looked into iridology but it could have something to it.

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dont listen to all these other people, your eye color is an appropriate things to worry about. Lucky for you that color/gradation of brown indicates whiteness, go have a conversation with a black or a spic or asian or certain middle easter people, their eyes really look like someone color filled them in MS paint. ive heard of iridology before but it is beyond my understanding or means to pursue it. I will say i have seen infographs and articles and such in the past where people have claimed to have lightened their eyes though healthier lifestyles.

Black people may remove the black from their skin, but so what?

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big oof

But it's still highly experimental (they won't have a good idea of possible long-term symptoms for like 40 years) and it leaves you with really eerie false-blue eyes, since the blue of your "natural" eye color has never been exposed to the sun before.

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>This was the Colonel's wife
What did he mean by this?

lol "golden". thats light brown over blue, like the stage in between user's and fully blue, pic related

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As someone with serious eye problems caused by laser surgery, I would highly recommend not doing something stupid like this.

from what i've heard brown eyes are the only color that can be stripped away reveling blue underneath. (Blue is always under brown). But anyone looking close enough would be able to tell you're still a nigger.

Blue eyes are a "defect" there is supposed to be a protective layer (the brown part) over the blue part in our eyes. The brown layer could be removed.

Blue eyes are a defect the same way being able to process lectin is also a defect. (1000 years ago we were only able to process lectin until around age 5, to coincide with breast feeding. At that point in time 99.99% if people were lactose intolerant, then some defect happened, and now we drink milk)

This. Jesus Christ....

That is a really interesting eye color user, wow

Under every brown eye is a blue eye. You are not special.

Yellow or hazel?
Regardless I know my eyes aren't brown anymore then they're green.

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>light comming out of your eyes
Wew lad

Brown eyes are genetically superior

would that be possible on a dark brown eye though like from a south american or african? or only on a hazel european?

piss colour so i guess yellow

the brown makes you less susceptible to degenerative mental diseases.

I once saw a recipe for eye color changing drops, does anybody have the screencap?

idk what kinda pisses you taking mate

Op is still a nigger.

green eyes are the best


I have dark brown eyes, and am proud of it. Nobody gives a fuck about your eye color conundrum, you dumb penis lover.

small papercut directly on your iris and a blue sharpie

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I honestly don't see the problem with hazel eyes. Ok they aren't quite as strikingly beautiful as the lighter shades, but, they have themselves a subtle beauty that creeps up on people. "Oh, I didn't realise you have green eyes" is a line you will hear at some point when you are hazel eyed. When noticeable they will appear to glow. It has that "forest" colouring, the eyes themselves looking like Yggdrasil the world tree. Between worlds.

Even if you could remove the brown from your eyes you will still have DNA tainted with nigger geans

He's right. Nonwhite eyes are pretty much black. It's creepy desu. If it bothers you that much get blue contacts.

don't be a such a faggot. I have dark brown eyes due to Siberian influence, and I don't give a fuck even though it's unusual here

> yet they're not huwhite enough?
the average poltard and stormfags believe this, brown eyes = nonwhite

It bounces back out
Your eyes are not emissive
It's why cats' eyes can shine at night


>wanting to pretend you're something you're not

>the average poltard and stormfags believe this, brown eyes = nonwhite
Kikes attempting divide-and-conquer are the only people pushing this jew lie. Not even Hitler believed this shit. It's another jewish myth, like the Holohoax.

i dont see any blue in your eyes you have nigger eyes. its light brown outside and goes full dark to the middle its sign of having nigger genes

This is wrong on many levels.

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Imagine being this insecure that youre considering experimental surgery on arguably the most valuable sense.
But you dont even stop there, you come asking an international regulation drafting forum aviut how to do it
I hope you get some bad advice and end up blinding yourself


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Just gently scrape the top layer off with a knife.

>the blue underneath
But... the blue of eyes is the result of the Tyndall effect, not any sort of pigment. People with brown eyes just have enough melanin to give an overall brown effect. If your eyes have an overall brown appearance, how in the world are they anything but brown? What is your point with this "true blue" semantic game?


See this I don't though... if there is no pigment then why do some blue eyes look darker and more dull and others almost ice blue?

Start by trying to learn to take a picture op

>1 post by this ID
Glownigger thread
Keep posting those eyes goyim

its hard to take a good pic of your eye

From what i understand (Which isn't very much im no eye expert) blue is always under brown.

You have to forcibly shit out the brown

If anyone ever posted a picture of you on the internet yours eyes could be analyzed by spooks
Probably even if you've ever had your eyes open for a picture on someone's phone
Stop being so paranoid, op might be a shill, probably is in fact
But you can't hide your eyes

>mom has blue eyes
>dad has brown
>somehow got blue eyes
>mom has blonde
>dad has black/really dark brown
>got blonde that later turned dirty blonde
>mom 5"4
>dad 5"5
>im 5"8
how did win the gene lottery so fucking well? Am I the mailmans child?

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>then why do some blue eyes look darker and more dull and others almost ice blue?
Because the Tyndall effect isn't the only thing going on. For example, albinos don't have ANY pigment in their eyes. meaning that the deeper usually-opaque layers are transparent, and the red of blood makes the eyes pink. And the Tyndall effect itself depends on the specifics of the colloid involved, which isn't identical between different people.

Your mum cucked your dad
Sounds like you should thank her

I must have been blessed to be born without impurities.

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Lol nice subhuman height retard

Same thing though. If I'm born with 3 testicles, its a defect, but if over a million people have 3 testicles, its a mutation

>Am I the mailmans child?
Maybe, but it's possible that your dad is heterozygous for those traits. Brown eyes and dark hair are dominant, after all.

Lol I have hazelish green eyes but at least I am 6 foot, my moms side is irish so I'm taller than all of em

He's 5'8" though, I'd jump off a bridge if I were him
>assuming he can jump high enough to get over the barrier.

>t. roastie

drink raw milk everyday


I hope you were born a girl.

Now describe your mom's male best friend by the time she got pregnant. Was him taller than your dad?

t. 5'9"

thats also nigger eyes it has alot of impurities, real white men eyes are green and blue. yours are white, lots of niggers in africa have these eyes too. you got it from them

When will manlets learn

Try adding another 8 inches.

Dads hair Bb. Brown with blonde recessed
Moms hair bb blonde
Your hair bb blonde

Same as with the eyes.
Dad is brown with blue recessive
Moms is blue and so are yours

b. b
B. ] Bb. ] Bb
b. ] bb. ] bb

There's a 50/50 chance for blonde/brown hair and a 50/50 for brown/ blue eyes

Too bad you’re fat

ITT Eye plebs.

Why the fuck are you tards posting your own eye irises here. Don't you faggots know what pol really is?

Not trying to be condescending or anything, but I actually feel real sorry for people with brown eyes.

Unless if they're a nigger of course.

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