Christian board

how can you guys call yourselves a christian board when you have 0 and i mean absolutely ZERO aka NADA aka NO aka NONEXISTENT evidence of the afterlife?

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this is what you have to look forward to....

enjoying video games yet?

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Significant percentage of all people who have died recall afterlife. High degree of consistency in their accounts.

Huge portions of people who have experienced levels of consciousness beyond normal sober condition believe in afterlife.

Logical inferrence clearly shows physical universe is secondary (derived from) conscious (spiritual) universe.

Etc, etc., etc.

this is just not true... most people who have experienced afterlife have a brief period of light followed by a profound dark emptiness

In fact, I read just today about how it's Saint Michael the Archangel who's responsible for the ingathering of souls, O.P.

I said significant percentage, not majority.

Also, a single thread on plebbit/r/soibois is not data

>most people who have experienced afterlife have a brief period of light followed by a profound dark emptiness

npc detected

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Christian: *says OT is illegit*

Me: *points out direct NT reliance on OT to substantiate itself*

Christian: "Muh Synagogue of Satan! Jesus isn't a Jew!"

Me: *Points out Jesus' family tree back through Abraham, per Matt. 1:1*

Christians: "Whites are da reel jooz!"

Me: "so OT is legit, then?"


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>Christfags still insist Jow Forums is a Christian board
>At best polls say that Jow Forums has proportionally fewer Christians than the US or Sweden

Prove to me God doesn't exist, it doesn't even have to be my concept of God just prove to me that he doesn't exist at the very basic level. Oh that's right, you can't either.

I've had an NDE and seen the afterlife myself. I have personal experience that the afterlife is real so you're wrong.

>Pretends he wins an argument based on a strawman.
>Doesn't realize he's showing his ignorance in his post and everyones laughing at him for being a dumbass.
You probably won't read any of this and this is why you remain an ignorant moron. It amazes me that you never bothered to learn anything to explain this response you frequently get. Ancient Israelites were Mosaic Jews and modern jews are pharisaical (Talmudic) jews; they have completely different beliefs. After 70 AD, the Israelites either became Christians or Pharisaical jews. The bible literally says Pharisaical jews are "sons of the devil" and that after Christ's resurrection, the only "true son's of Abraham" are Christians.

Learn some history/theology dipshit. No one wants to hear you crying your unsubstantiated and false worldview out on the internet. You're either a kike or a low IQ mutt.

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Bcuz kike shills like you.

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Because in the KJV Bible, which is the inerrant word of God, Jesus Christ tells us For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Everyone in this thread is bots. Deus Vult

Let the heathen rage.
We have a battle to join!

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based honestly.

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The same way you deny it without any drop off proof it's not real. In all likely hood there's more of a chance of an intelligent creator then not.

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>In all likely hood there's more of a chance

It has nothing to do with chance , God exist or he does not . Since something cant come from nothing , God exist .
thread theme

I dreamed Jesus was fucking christ


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