I just got accepted to work for Homeland Security.
I absolutely hate niggers and jews and I'm fully aware of the agenda to destroy the white race. My long years of shitposting here now pose a threat to my possible recruitment.
How fucked am I?
>recruiter interview time!
>We took a look over your internet usage history, sir... >It seems you have a violent hatred of black people, jews, feminists, communists and muslims.
Don't you have to get a background check before an interview? If you passed that you'll not be in any trouble. Besides, everything on Jow Forums is fiction or ironic, only an absolute moron would take what was written here seriously.
Landon Stewart
can't you work for ICE?
Cameron James
Yes, gaslight more kike.
Ian Martin
reported to the department of high schools
Michael Taylor
You'll soon receive a medal of commendation from the fuher.
William Miller
Yes, first we get trump elected, then we cause the left to spin themselves into open sedition, then we repurpose the FEMA camps into internment camps and then we stop sending them food and water. Totally a joke
Blake Powell
This obviously didn't happen but if it did you would just get some generic email saying something to the effect of:
>Thank you for applying for the (insert job here) position. At this time, we have chosen another candidate that closely fits the needs of our organization. We appreciate your interest in working with Homeland Security, and encourage you to apply with us as other positions that fit your unique qualifications become available.
And that would be that.
Jose Phillips
Jow Forums is a board of peace.
Gabriel Cruz
>background investigation
>did you post all of these under the name "Anonymous"?
>no it must have been someone else
You're fine
Bentley Miller
I have a super squeaky clean background, aside from my rampant shitposting here.
I'm not some shitskin subhuman asshole / foreigner with a chip on his shoulder. I'm a good guy with no criminal record / no vehicle record, don't drink drugs whatever. Legit pristine background, aside from being woke af from being here for ten years.
I plan on eventually moving to ICE when I get a chance so I can kick as many mexicanos is the face before I throw them over the wall with a noose around their neck.
>I just got accepted to work for Homeland Security. corrupt it from the inside out user get position of power then hire in more "like minded" persons thats how the lefties do it
Josiah Reed
What kind of a bitch bigger doesn't drink drugs?
Jose Thompson
An hero time for me. Nigger=bigger was the final straw.
Your the man on the inside now, OP. Don't fuck this up.
Colton Morris
Funfact: a lot of people who works for the NSA/DHS fucking hates hajjis, niggers and spics. You will fit right in here, trust me. Just hide your powerlvls until you start partnering up. Don't fucking spout stupid shit during the orientation.
Nathaniel Cox
Enjoy your black female micromanaging boss who is utterly incompetent
I have a black female boss and I 100% agree with this.
Luke Cook
I have 2 black female bosses and they are both micromanagers and incompetent.
Joshua Cox
just assume they didnt see your internet history
Henry Miller
Only niggers work for DHS. They hired all the niggers that used to work at shopping mall food courts after the malls were closed down because of,....you guessed it, NIGGERS
Austin Robinson
figure out how to get on their good side
play the game you dolt
black people are inherently biased and will always show favoritism
Noah Cruz
Been in your shoes user, the worst part is the lie detector test, because they are going to ask about your views.
Godspeed, faggot.
Carter Adams
if you use https instead of http to connect to Jow Forums you will be fine
the s stands for secret connection that the internet people cant hack into
Cooper Hughes
>Settings >Clear history Literally clear Jow Forums and nothing else.
Blake Parker
Parker Carter
Guess I'm fucked? jk I don't really care
I'm an excellent liar, though I don't do it if I don't have to. The gore on this board and /gif/ has made ice cold. I plan on telling them I'm a centrist, with a conservative bias and I fucking love our president, the last part being the truth. In reality I'm hard core right wing 1488 gas the jews race war now.
There's alot of truth to this, but the screening process is pretty heavy. My only concern is I'm going to get some faggot hyper liberal mentallly ill fuck to interview me and I may not be able to contain my disgust.
Blake Wilson
You will get the job and become the molebro of /pol ... Tha's breddy cozy senpai. Godspeed man!
Dude they go through 99% of every aspect of your life. Before and after you're hired on. Dated a HS hapa for a year. They dig deep. Also keep tabs on everything you do after. On top of that a few years after a grill I've had numerous flings with got on with the FBI. Same deal there. Can't even have a phone they're not aware of or any device that can connect to the net. Flew out to spend 2 weeks with her and was flat out told not to fuck around and shitpost here on her wifi.
Nolan Roberts
>I plan on eventually moving to ICE when I get a chance so I can kick as many mexicanos is the face before I throw them over the wall with a noose around their neck. Should not have posted this. Everything before the interview was irony. This is a statement of intent that can be reasonably construed as ideological bias and racist bias.
Be careful user, lets hope the background check does not include shitposts
Christopher Evans
I had a black female boss. She used to make me fug her in my office coz I was a cute goy. I waz seksuhally molested!
I post via proxy and I'm behind 15 firewalls my dude. I'm actually not afraid they'll hire me at all, since I have a ton of related work experience. I just wanted my homies to to know DHS has their back with me onboard.
Parker Harris
this, no sense in tipping you off if a raid is coming or you're being watched
Mason Robinson
They aren’t going to look at your shit posts. They’ll look at kike book, Twitter, Instagram, pretty much any social media that has an app. If you keep those clean you’re fine
Ian Bell
They’re not going to look into your Jow Forums posts, they necessarily can’t. They’ll look at shit you’ve actually done. Jobs, volunteer work, schooling, et cetera.