How many of you FAGGOTS spent years stocking up on pic related? How many of you spent hundreds—if not thousands—of dollars on weapons, ammo, storable food, water filtration equipment, survival and tactical gear? How many of you were laughed at by friends and family for your doomsday obsession?
Turns out, they were laughing for a reason. Nothing will EVER happen in your lifetime that would warrant having gear like this. Instead of going out and enjoying life, you’ve spent years hoarding equipment that you’ll never get to use. Prepping is no longer cool or even necessary. How does it feel to be a complete doomer loser?
Do you actually WANT a reply or are you just shittting up the board for shekels?
Nathan Jackson
Anthony Ramirez
I want to know how many of you tards actually bought stuff like this thinking you’d be able to use it in some sort of bullshit walking dead type fantasy.
Thomas Myers
I got some peanuts and a small knife, should be alright
Chase Sullivan
Stop posting here. /out/ and Jow Forums exist for a reason.
I bought a lot of it. I take it camping and I go shooting. And I enjoy both of those hobbies. They convinced me to buy a home out in a rural area with some land, and I'm using the skills I've learned to do my own little homesteading projects.
The wife considers me handy, and we're getting more and more self-sufficient by the day. We've got a 45x45 garden, a well for free water, and a bunch of fruit trees we tend to. As well as free meat from ducks, chickens, and if necessary, mini goats.
So all told, I'm pretty happy I got into the survivalist hobby.
Connor Brooks
It's ok op, you'll be dead soon, when the solar winds hit or the poles flip and knock out all our electrical systems you'll be among the first to starve.
Dominic Powell
Jack Parker
Jews got me by the balls unfortunately, only reason I have a gun is for home defense but in a survival situation without meds for my auto immune disease the gun is for my dog and myself. in a SHTF scenario. Already used this gun in self defense but chances are it seeing any true action again will be on its owner.
Owen Jackson
I think rural americans and russians are the best off in a situation of mad max. The only issue for russians is that they would have hordes of chinese coming north.
Matthew White
I am in NC and just dealt with Florence, and dipped into my very modest canned food supply that was stocked up after buying as much food at the grocery store beforehand as was reasonable for myself, but ended up selling some food to my roommates since they didn't prepare. I also camp and hike every now and then so I don't lose anything having gear to go hiking with. I enjoy shooting, and carry so I'm not wasting money on guns I'm not using. As far as having a full underground bunker, I wouldn't waste my money on it, but if you've got enough money that making one wouldn't seriously affect your normal life it could make sense to have one, as opposed to being gluttonous in other ways like buying some overpriced car or yacht.
Either way, I wouldn't give a fuck if someone decided to blow a bunch of money to "prep" as long as it didn't effect anyone else.
A hardcore prepper would live by the ocean and if shit hit the fan they would have a boat life ready. If you buy a water purifying system you can just grow crops on a yacht and fish for food.
Dominic Peterson
By being born a mutt. I wouldn't even know where to start on my muttiness, german slovak polish korean irish, like fuck me. The fact I'm not suicidal is a shock to even me user.
if trump hadn't won then it would have been needed. he saved the world.
Nathaniel Bell
>Nothing will EVER happen in your lifetime that would warrant having gear like this. I find pretty much everything in that picture to be useful while camping. Firearms have their uses, like hunting. That shotgun looks like a joke made of tacticool plastic. When it comes to pistols, you can't go wrong with a Glock, 9mm would be more sensible caliber. At least here in Finland .45ACP pretty expensive when compared to 9mmP, also 9mmP is more controllable when it comes to recoil and allows faster follow up shots if you miss the target. Tiny hatchets suck at chopping firewood. That knife is probably too big for precise woodwork and blade profile isn't ideal for doing shit like chopping firewood to smaller pieces.
Brandon Thomas
We had sustained hurricane force winds for basically an entire day...and then softball sized hail rained down for a good hour. Most people's houses were basically destroyed. Not blown away, or flooded, but no windows, 3-6 inch holes in the roof. Trees in their living room. Lots of head injuries, dead dogs, dead animals. The grocery store had to close because their ceiling was skylights. The power got taken out in the wind, and then the hail took out the guys teying to fix it. No power for three days. No grocery store. Your house is full of holes and your vehicle is swiss cheesed to shit.
I was fine. My neighbors were fine. I helped them sheet holes with the plastic I have in case of a bioweapon release. My generators kept my house, and the old lady next to me, lit. The refrigerators and AC running. We had a block party. People brought meat they couldnt keep cool, and we cooked it all. It was a good time in a disaster zone.
Prepping isn't for government take overs. It's because you live on a rock that is flying through space, you never know what's going to happen. Also, never forget your towel.
Ethan Murphy
At the end of the day all you really need is a gun
Camden Jackson
Um, yeah. That’s what the government is there for. You’d have been fine with or without all that shit. My point remains unchallenged.
Michael Perez
>stocking up on preps >also putting into 410k and mutual fund >preparing for all outcomes including LWGO
Never prep yourself into poverty, alsways prep for all outcomes including retirement
Luis Hernandez
>Hundreds, if not thousands kek, hows high school?
Kayden Thompson
>hurricane hits >"oh fuck, here we go, time to bug out on my boat!" >boat capsizes >plants ruined, boat ruined
Chase Bell
With people completely reliant on technology and foreign oil imports, things would degenerate quickly. It would be as simple as flipping a switch to turn our society back to the stone age. Prepping is more relevant than ever. (pic related as Op is a faggot)
All that stuff is useful in daily life unless it's a faggot like you that owns it of course and never gets out of mommies basement. Prepping is just common sense. better to have it and not need it than not have it and need it.
Colton Foster
When the collapse comes this is what you'll need... floss will become worth its weight in gold overnight... trust me...floss >FLOSS
Kayden Lopez
Um, no. The "government" was busy dealing with infrastructure, fires, looting. There was no "government", or cell service. Only landlines could even call the cops.
You've gone too hard and revealed yourself as bait. There were certain churches that had some food and botttled water for "disaster relief" but you're not going to be able to call 911 and say "I don't have any food to eat and am stuck in my house I need someone to bring me food and water"
Brody Mitchell
I didn't think I'd ever need a gun, then someone broke into my house at 2am. What am I just not going to shoot someone when I can legally? Is the government going to save me if I had started praying? You're gonna be on your own one day kiddo, better hope you can handle it yourself.
>He thinks he’s the only one to think of this Have you actually been near the ocean or bay? You’ll be racing tens of thousands of others trying to get their boats on the water or ready to sail. Not to mention gangs, pirates, and thieves out there killing for resources.
What you are showing in your picture doesnt look very expensive...
Jaxson Green
>That’s what the government is there for NO, no it's not why the government is in place. Totally the opposite in fact.
David Ramirez
>not binning your knoife
wtf m8?!
Gavin Mitchell
Wait a second, those are all normal household items that everyone has...
Owen Collins
I would advise to prepare, the West is being destabilized, our current political and social climate of chaos is a product of their intention. Order out of chaos. It will get worse because America is going to be turned on it’s head. Trumps presidency was the marker of the beginning of the end and I highly doubt things will stabilize and return to to a sense of normalcy. If weve gotten to this point then they have more in store for us as the endgame will be this country being turned on its head. This current system is being destroyed, the West itself. China will be the new hegemon and the world leader and its their new brainchild creation. America has served its purpose
This isn't true. You can strip down almost any kind of cordage or plant fiber until its thin enough to be used as floss.
Mason Bailey
The waxed mint variety is subpar for shtf scenarios.
Jaxson Roberts
Clit beater off the bang lever, Love a woman not mis-handeling a firearm. >minus points for no eye pro or ear pro
Elijah Price
Camping and hiking requires a lot of this stuff. Also hurricanes, earthquakes and natural disasters happen. Do you have any earthly idea of the horrors of the aftermath of hurricane Katrina? I lived through that shit.
Aaron Gonzalez
>thinks camping gear is useless. We use it every other weekend And shooting guns is fun. As an afluent person with high 6 figure salary, collecting guns is not a lot different than my motorcycle collection. You really can't have too many and there is always something that you want, but don't yet have. But life is very enjoyable because of these hobbies. I think you are misguided.
I just ran out and bout $100 worth of sardines. I'm good.
Jaxon Ross
>light hike gear and a couple guns >jews believe this is prepper tier wew
Logan Anderson
>live in afluent harbor area >plan to take bug out gear to marina and kill some old folks for their yacht Way ahead of ya.
Colton Nelson
I'm butted up to a wilderness area and I've gone 17 days w/o power (blizzard) and been just fine because I had that stuff and wood heat, but could've just had a hobo or spirit stove and been alright. I had fresh dove for dinner and have a couple of pistol/rifle ranges and 2 Trius traps in one field for shotgunning, so the guns and ammo aren't really a prepper thing. Just something we grew up doing because it was too far to walk to town and you eventually get tired of fucking your cousins.
Samuel Gomez
The floss won't be used for floss, but the TP. The TP will be used as TP and coveted like gold.
Connor Gomez
I enjoy stockpiling for bad events. Call me crazy, but dont ask for food.
Tyler Murphy
>no seeds (veggies, tobacco, weed, etc) >no bleach for water purification >thinks you're going to trade gold/silver to your neighbor for ammunition, not shooting them dead or looting their house for it like they would do to you. >no flint torch igniter to replace lighter when no butane
Easton Brown
Dont panic
Carter Jenkins
I find it cathartic. Sometimes I get into a hermit funk and don't leave my house...and I don't need to. That's how I use up stuff before it turns to shit.
Camden Hughes
the only thing OP has ever prepped for in his life >is a bbc bull
Jonathan Diaz
>not shooting them dead or looting their house for it like they would do to you. Nigger tier or worse, what kind of society would you create with behavior like this
Grayson James
>muh rugged individualism You'll be the first casualty.
Brody Wood
These people could turn their bunkers into a vacation home and all that bug out gear into camping supplies. Then just replenish it as they use it.
It's reality, though. When people are hungry they turn into animals. It really comes down to maintaining your civility by keeping yourself nourished. People you thought were trustworthy will kill you for a hotpocket if they're starving.
Carter Baker
If you think it's going to be like the walking dead, hey neighbor got any ammo type shit you're nuts. Serbians proved ammo and cigs instantly become prime currency. I already admitted I won't survive, I have an auto immune disease bucko kek. Lead to my head soon as shit hits the fan, life is already misery, not sticking around for it to be even worse without modern medicine keeping me in check.
Anthony Myers
>dont worry about the future of your family >trust us goy >you won't die in a bread line riot when the power goes out
Jayden Moore
I especially like how it's literally the worst pump shotgun that you can buy lol
Jose Fisher
>Bunch of normal stuff you should own anyways >Prepper
Damn sorry bro, see if you can get some meds black market on the web. Can get all sorts of shit from India now.
Evan Morales
I'm at peace brotha, my entire last year was becoming a born again christian. I prayed for the first time in over a decade last year for a sign of god's existence and well..I got it. Night before the home invasion I had a feeling come over me and was reminded my mag was loaded with FMJs, so I swapped them all with hollow points and went to bed. Got woken up at 2am by my uncle breaking into my house and he started attacking my dog. Shot and killed him. But hey, at least I believe in God again.
Christopher Wood
It's about to pop off, get ready boys
Christian Jackson
Anyone have a list of necessary survival software? Things that can sniff out walkie talkie channels/ radio signals or such stuff.
Its not cool to have basic camping shit and food supplies that I can rotate so I get to try new ones everytime I head out bush for a weekend? Sounds pretty cool to me desu.
Jace Stewart
>auto immune disease So is it aids or what faggot?
Justin Young
Year 13 mate spend at least 30k a year haha I bought a 30 acre block in the mountains. Built a bunker. Now I'm just playing the waiting game
Jason Myers
Nope you've probably never heard of it so not gonna bother, just slow brain degeneration and a constant roller coaster of feeling like shit, semi shitty and "okay". Never really any better than that though. Might as well be aids.
Noah Cox
>prepping is no longer cool Gee, grandpa thanks. Glad you educated us on what is "cool". Wouldn't want to look like a loser in front of all my internet friends on a Mongolian garden planning forum.
Chase Williams
I have all that shit and it literally took about 15 minutes to pack up and 1 grocery store trip.
your judgement of time is fucking strange, this must mean your entire post is granny-fucking red neck logic
idiot. good thing you'll be fine because you cook roadkill already most likely
Brayden Anderson
You got lupus
Eli Long
Meant for . Haha
But maybe get checked out for lupus? I dunno.
Matthew Thomas
Haha meant . But seriously....get checked out for lupus
Joseph Hill
I work in a hospital. I get a free work up every 6 months. I'm lupus free at least up until June.
Brayden Perez
What kind is that shotgun in OP pic related?
The last two operators using shotguns in Santa Fe Texas and Annapolis Maryland inspired me to look into getting a shotgun for "home protection" purposes.