If you do not support this man at this point you are truly a low iq individual. My sister will not speak with me, my finance hates that i support him. I can accept women for not supporting him, they know nothing of anything outside their own world, i know politics and i know history, he is the greatest leader we ever had, i just finally got the time to listen to some more hearings shit, and his press conference, 1776 is here..if you are a white male and you still oppose this president you are a fairy, you will never have kids and you deserve to be a slave
Suck it jews
Anyone who doesn't support Trump on Jow Forums at this point is a kike shill. It's just that simple.
Trump is an Israeli puppet
>has a feminist fiancee
the one campaign promise he followed through on
Isreal is a better nazi Germany then hitler could have dreamed for his own nation of cucks....kill yourself
Yeah your right lets ally with commies and chinks, cant forget the hairy arabs and their mecca to!
You need to kill yourself rigjt now
You my fellom man are retarded if you have a woman the will be you "better" half that doesn't share nor respect your opinion... in other words you're a fucking cuck, therefore I don't believe you know shit about politics, or the Emperor himself... fuck off and go film your fiance take black cock up here ass as she laugh are you "opinions" "views"... faggot!
You have to beinthe game to play the game.. it's not like a kike movie you faggot... this enemy is strong, and needs to be removed with surgical precision... not a fucking hammer you you believe it should be...the host has to survive intact after the parasite is removed... and to do that you need the best... and the Emperor will start what his son will finish...
The U.N. speech was pretty fucking epic as well.
Cant wait til trump gets his fat ass thrown in the slammer. I would personally rape you and your ugly fat redneck wife and YOUR KIDS in front of you. FUCK YOU DIE.
Anybody supporting Trump at this point is a kike shill. You think ANY politician is on your side?
You think any Billionaire is on your side?
You think anyone on your side wouldn’t have been JFK’d?
Wake up either now by choice or later the hard way. The longer it takes the more painful it will be.
End the war machine, end the prison industrial complex, legalize all drugs. Anything less and you’re being played.
Kikes know this is the last chance for the US.
The population is still sleaping, they're mercilessly attacking Trump from all sides, people are doing nothing.
Kikes media is openly hating on whites, white men especially, nobody is doing anything.
Twitter is filled with kikes saying whites must die off, whites a dissapearing, whites are finished. Nobody is doing a thing.
Any wrongthinker is being banned from social media, anyone to the right of Karl Marx. Nobody is doing a thing.
Kikes are just riding this out, they know its the last breath of white America. And here you are, like a faggot, cheering for it.
the one where everyone laughed at him for 5 solid minutes while he stood on stage and grew a dark shade of orange?
Critical mass is important. I was here in current year, (2014) it was obvious the wave of faggotry had to break yet it was still family sized black pills every day, day in, day out.
To suggest nothing is happening is disingenuous in the extreme. The left is in complete tatters. The right are proving themselves abject cowards every_single_day. Ordinary non-mentalists are horrified by the freakshow.
TPTB aren't a foggy acronym any more, they're dirty hook nosed kikes & everyone knows it.
Everyone is a google search away from that bad goy with good advice. Most waiting & seeing but know there's a mighty bang coming any minute now.
If I was 23 years deep in a mortgage maybe I'd be a pussy too. This kav nonsense has really hit the boomer normies in the sensibles. Who the fuck doesn't grope birds at parties. That's the whole point of going ffs, for both sexes.
You can't ride an escalating leftist forever. The traditional donkey that made all this work, whitey, is checking out en mass & preparing like he has something to lose.
If America goes off, the dominoes will fall all around the west. four of clubs style.
I would die for trump