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Other urls found in this thread:

>Working on a Sunday


Based Salvini will be attacked for this

It’s okay, according to leftists our policies don’t affect the economy for at least 8 years

Lazy Italianiggers

It's happening

Someone inform me of how this will be a domino thing

I genuinely believed this was going to happen in Feb of 2017. Someone somewhere sunk enough cash to shore up the banks for awhile, and it was a really poor investment. This will seriously, seriously, depreciate the value of the Euro. Brexit may have been just in time.



Literally no one cares about Italy

>t. I have no idea how economies work

If Italian banks start to fail, the Euro is going to start to fail. Right now you are looking at a genuine world crisis larger than the 2008 USA recession.

Article is two days old thus is fakenews.


fascism is back on the menu boys

See this dead cat bounce?

I hope it spreads faster than anticipated.

ay ay ay ay dios mio

the truth is unraveling in this very thread

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final bump this means big shit for Europe

Activist post? A little sketchy. But they source business insider which is a slightly better source. I wonder why no one else is reporting this. Either this is a yellow alert and you guys are making it into a red, or it is a red and isn't being reported due to damage control.

It has started, indeed..

the end of the Ziokike approaches

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how does a stock market "crash" it doesn't. it's fine guys

There is literally nothing anyone can do now except throw good money after bad.

By the middle of next week Italian banks are going to be insolvent. They will shut the doors, refusing to hand out cash for risk of hyper inflation while they wait and pray for the IMF to bail them out.


If you live in Italy, go to an ATM this morning and withdraw what cash you can. It might be the last time you'll be able to withdraw for weeks.

>thinking mainstream media would report on this
The only thing people care to hear about is what sexuality their favorite celebrity identifies as

If only.


ITT: Turbo Niggers don't understand what they are posting about

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It's about welfare. Di Maio wants to do the Hertz IV in Italy, and it's just not gonna happen, ever.

DeutschBank on suicide watch.
They literally own half your banks CDS.
They will be maxi furious, especially since they alrdy are trillions deep in debt.
If DB explode, the whole EU explode btw.

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It's not even just Deutsche Bank. Billions of that is investment from middle eastern banks like Qatar and UAE. They are going to come asking for their money.


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no haha eu is financially sound haha fake news

Sorry I meant 28rd.

>the whole EU explode btw
And it's beautiful.

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Goodbye EU. Long live the EU.

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When the gibs stop your immigrants will start stealing and murdering to get things. Stay safe in the Caliphate.

>laughing as if our economy isn't also about to collapse

It isn't going to collapse. It will hurt, though.



Biggest recovery since Lehman.

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Worst day in 2 years is not a crash. Please stop.

You faggots have no idea how lucky you are to be in the USA. Emerging markets are going to be in a world of hurt for the next 8 years. Invest in everything that is USA-based and has zero debt.
The only sector that's going to prop up leafland is oil/gas and weed.

> bond market out of control
Bullshit. It's been rough since the ECB said it's going to stop 1QE. Still not as alarming as it was in 2011.

> Banks index going ape shit
Italian banks are no longer italian. That is the stocks belongs to int edge funds. Who fucking cares if they all go ape shit. We'll ask EU for free gibs like Germans and French did before.
Keep in mind we gave something like 30billions to French and Germans to save their shitty banks. Time to give back

> Rating agencies
Is there something more Semite and disgusting than rating agencies? Lying pieces of shit

EU will collapse due to Deutsche Bank, Italy will be ready by then thanks to Salvimini and DiMario

>We'll ask EU for free gibs like Germans and French did before.
>Keep in mind we gave something like 30billions to French and Germans to save their shitty banks. Time to give back
Like that's going to happen, when the attacks is coming from them to make us submit to their will.
This might be 2011 all over again

Watch this classic nuclear apocalypse movie from Canada in the 1980s. It's pretty dry and there's an annoying unnecessary romance subplot, but it does a phenomenal job of showing how a real collapse would have been covered, back when the media wasn't entirely shameless.

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fake news

basically this. It's funny to see the left sperg about a 2,4% deficit when they did 2,6% to feed niggers just last year.

Like the rdc is the problem... This is about the government, not the government policies.

if the EU pull a 2011 on us this time I don't think it will going well... I've heard on the street people are already asking for someone to take over and "do things right for once"; you know how that usually go.



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I believe it as well. Then again, there is a difference between what people say and what they would actually do.

thing is, there are amany people already on the poverty line. They're pushing people in the "I dont' have anything to lose anymore" attitude, which is why this government was made in the first place. I don't want a dictatorship since I like my liberties and I think this government can do good, but if things goes south shit's bound to happen this time.

I just hope guaranteed incomes for the poor will become a thing.

So many beggars where I live.

are they italian?

Leave you albanian


Reporting in from the Netherlands here, looters are running freely in the streets. Cops seem to be joining them, it's spreading fast.

they are either gypsies,migrants or analbanians

It's not happening quite yet, but it will get ugly around the end of the year when the budgetary law gets voted. Bond interests are going up as "warning" from EU because what they fear the most is that we might actually manage to reduce our debt/GDP ratio with an expansive maneuver, and (((they))) would absolutely hate that.

FYI if we're going down we're bringing this whole shithole down with us.

Would this situation make it cheaper to visit Italy? This could be a good opportunity.

>med monkeys doing an economic crash again
how is that news?

Stock up on supplies now before the domino starts.
EU will collapse and take the rest of the world with it.

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Same here.
My cat just ate my dog

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WOW what a crash.

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Daily fucking reminder for all happeningfaggots.

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I spit on you faggot

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What does this mean for ethno-nationalism in Europe? Good or bad?

Bad...obviously the globalist bankers are teaching the Italians a lesson, not to ever defy them ever again.

I fear the same is in store for Trump...

Our government took a serious position against the markets, the EU and shills in general.
Now they're trying to punish us, but we will never give up. Usque ad finem.

Q++ is a quantum programming language

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>lessons are more important than gaining wealth
>implying they will risk mass workers uprising

Jews are in close tie with nationalists. When stock markets crash, Jews will finance nationalists and right wingers to kill the workers, and Communists.

Fuck, you are so retarded.

>Start to fail
Italy's economy is completely fucked as is.
Europe won't crash and burn until US navy pulls itself out of there and stops enabling trade and keeping the peace. Then there will be a huge energy crisis, Russia will expand it's borders, Chinese will be fucked back either Iran or Saudis for oil but will still take a huge hit. Germany will either tear shit up again or crumble. Japs and UK will be fine because they are the only ones smart enough to be chummy with us and who have a blue water navy

It's have been so long since the last real happening....
9/11 was epic tier
2008 CDS crisis was boner inducing too.
But that's pretty much all..
Well Since i live in Paris i could add all the terrorists attacks but it get boring really fast.

When i think about it without the kikes to false flagging, war mongering and exit scamming the world would be a fucking boring place.
Thanks to all the shlomo, i finally understand why you do all your shit, it's just to save us from extreme boredom!

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> Rating agencies
>Is there something more Semite and disgusting than rating agencies? Lying pieces of shit

No there is not.

2008 was all a big fuss but nothing really happened. Banks were bailed out, some people got fucked over, but we never felt it. 2001 was the last year when something with big repercussions happened, and even the repercussions are pathetic. We get what, one terrorist attack with approx 2 dead every 2 years? ISIS was a meme.

Only thing that's drastic was the Patriot Act which is simply intro to 1984 police state but it's happening at such a slow rate that we don't notice it, and it's effectively meaningless because people are whores and prostitute themselves willingly on Facebook with all data concerning their breakfasts, goings out etc. Ironically, the surveillance scheme was a shot in the foot because those poor agents have a shitton of content to sip through and I reckon they change them every year because nobody sane can go through todays people Facebook or Instagram and stay sane for more than month.

it's fucking nothing.


No one gives a fuck about leafland. What is that? A couple million mutts and a couple million Chinese? Why did you feel the need to mention the least important country related to this and disrupt the thread? Kys leaf, do the world a favor.

and that's a good thing


plz crash the EU with no survivors

or bow to your EU overlords and start taking in the rapefugees again by the boatload

your choice

Di Maio is a fucking moron, but I'm glad italians are able to see through what' the problem and aren't blaming Salvini for it

Bump. Not sure if this is an actual happening, but it’s fun listening to Italians complain about their country. I’d almost trust them but I’ve read basic European history.

We won't though. Nothing in this maneuver is going to reduce it. Universal income and pensions are socialism.

FIGHT ON ITALY! HARD TIMES BUILD HARD MEN!! (not in a gay way though)

As an American, this is irrelevant. Change my mind.

Please kill the Euro, please God.

>If DB explode, the whole EU explode btw.
Can't wait.

>Bond interests are going up as "warning" from EU
That's not how bond interests work. The EU doesn't decide what the interest will be, it's all decided in an auction partecipated by private investors (mostly Italian banks and American hedge funds). If they have less faith that the Italian treasury is gonna pay them back the invested money, they will ask for bigger interest rates. And given that the government wants to give that money away to the jobless and create more government (a.k.a. useless) jobs, it's mostly justified on their part.

I would have to change your brain with a human one first.

What are Italian bond yields doing since they don't want to accept the EU's budget constraints?

It had too many wines and went driving