Is the entire point of these god awful late night shows to gaslight normies into supporting the left by using snarky...

Is the entire point of these god awful late night shows to gaslight normies into supporting the left by using snarky comedy?

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Pretty much


>side for diversity
>one token halfie with a cracker ass like name
>rest are 40+ year old Jews or good got whites


Fallon doesn't have a choice, most likely they threatened his family

Theres slowly evidence growing some of these late night fags are massive degenerates.
Would not be surprised if with a bit of detective work lots of shocking things could be discovered.

yes it is and they’re all Jews

no they just happen to be able to do comedy better than repubs. colbert comes from a very nonpc hilarious show in the past 'strangers with candy' which wouldnt be allowed to air today

the fcc is regulated by the gov and made to air a certain amount of public service broadcasting the right get their message out alright

you realise when you sit in the studio audience of mainstream comedy shows they have "laugh now" signs flash.

yes, they exist solely to program naive, gullible people - even at a fiscal loss.

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I miss Craig Ferguson and his robot

>the entire point of these god awful late night shows to
suck kike dicks

I can’t believe I used to think Colbert taught Sunday school because he was just a genuinely nice Christian guy

Blackpill video on the topic.

yes. theyve always had it they still use i love lucy audience laughter for pre recorded. laughter is contagious

It's actually harder to make the right laugh because we aren't brainwashed by laughtracks and cliche shit like a man dressing like a woman or a douchebag singing a flock of eagles song

TV is not geared toward the literate, so don't expect content that matches that of literature. It's for the masses, the lowest common denominator, because they are the easiest to appeal too. A simple fart, a dick joke, maybe say something like "hey dc is corrupt amirite?" r even drumpf. Of course you prefer Wal Mart pizza to your italian grandmothers home made lasagna, you have been coaxed into loving trash, and look how proud you are?

You think we are prudes? No, we just realize when Colbert makes a shitty joke he is actually insulting our intelligence and making a mockery of his audience. He hates you and how stupid you are, enjoy that.


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>It's actually harder to make the right laugh because we aren't brainwashed by laughtracks and cliche shit like a man dressing like a woman or a douchebag singing a flock of eagles song
or maybe you just have heavier spirits

>no they just happen to be able to do comedy better than repubs.
except their not funny. They all the same Schtick
>le cheeto mussolini
>white people are so dumb
>"we're speaking truth to power" while shilling for free trade and open borders, the eu, center left in general etc
>strawman right wing argument and laugh about, when someone punches back they say "it's a joke bro relax"

TDS and Chapo Trap House two shit tier podcasts that don't have an army of jewish writers put out better content.

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the thing is the biggest audience for those talk shows is middle america, poor-middle class, lots of republicans


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He says he's catholic, yet he supports abortion and gay marriage

>or maybe you just have heavier spirits
that's not it, it's what i said, but keep saying whatever you have to in order to make yourself feel better

ask most of these writers and they will readily admit it's trash, a lot of them won't even let their kids watch tv

how do i know this? well this is an anonymous forum so i guess you can believe me or not

but yeah, they fucking hate you more than you will ever know

Almost feel like it's a right wing psyop to get people to hate them but it's not. They really think going woke works.

ok hon i work in the industry too

Havent watched recently but Conan was the most fair, and least political. Also the funniest.

then you know what i mean

Another thing i noticed is how some of them use literal communist rhetoric in their rants.

I believe gen z is red pilled more by growing up with a deep hatred of all things “snark” more than any actual social factor.

Colbert was so much more likable as his saterical representation of an earnest conservative than his actual personality of snarky coastal elite.

No, the biggest audience idiot kids/brainwashed college-manchildren who don't know any better and think they're superior to the "dumb inbred hicks" in middle america because Daddy Colbert told them they are.

t. former Colbert/Jon Stewart kid who grew up

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ok but that's not some conspiracy it's the nature of people, their abilities, limited ideas and putting something out to make money just like every other capitalist pig

why is everyone's tie hanging out their suit jacket??? It's literally just flopping around.

On a serious note, yes lad it is to gaslight the normans into supporting the left. Out of everyone there I'd say Fallon is the one who does it the least.

did you grew up into reading actual information or just reading pol and redpill?

>dumb inbred hicks
The funniest part is that their largest audience are a the people that are literally that, and they watch themselves get mocked every night

I never said it was a conspiracy, I'm just pointing out that the right seems to be more keen to it. You have Americans that love watching Trevor Noah tell them how stupid they are....think about it.

free thinkers are born not made

Your delusional if think everything capitalists do is to just make money. It's a lot more complicated then that. If this was all about making the most money google would shut down youtube since it's been a losing venture for years.

The purpose of these shows is to use comedy as a tool to inject their own brand of politics onto people. It’s no surprise these cucks who host this trash have seen their rating plummet and everyone know Trevor Noah only got his job because he was a black onions boy who would appeal to SJWs

Yep. TLDR it conditions them to react to anti-Leftist opinions with derision and dismissal.

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I actually like Fallon, though. He seems alright.

the right are keen on cynicism and shit talking anything


If it's on television, then it's lefty globalist propaganda. Get rid of your television, it's just a device to pump more propaganda into you.

yeah hon i actually know the difference bween you're/your then/than so i think i'm better able to process complex complicated info

>"capitalist pig"
>"I work in the industry hon"
>hey just happen to be able to do comedy better than repubs
wew, please kill yourself lad

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how much is your network paying you for those hilarious memes?



to an extent, yeah

they aren't looking for anything new and want to be left alone, but for some reason that just can't happen

it's illegal to live off the grid, but why?

also look at the pic how they are all aping suit wearing whisky drinking men.
Notice how one has a popper.
They are basically telling you everything in the picture is a lie. The image of a whisky drinking well dressed man is a very roght conservative image they are just pretending to be.

these fucking shows werent funny since the bush era

conan always had a simple, effective plan: be funny.
no political strings attached. no preaching. no "messages". just be funny.
that's why he always had the best standups and segments that were entertaining. he could very well be the biggest liberal cuck on the face of the planet, but that personal shit never really bubbled into his show.
why aren't others doing the same thing?

Yeah he doesn’t let his religious convictions get in the way of anything

>actual information

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hes a liar.

Yes, if you make non-jokes about the politician you oppose in a patronizing matter, it doesn't encourage any discussion, and the live audience thunders with applause, it's a total hivemind control scheme

We do it for free lad, that's why you'll never win.

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Same. I used to like South Park, but their last season devolved into attacking Trump, to the point where it didn't even make sense. In the episode "splatty tomato", they did a sketch about him lurking in the woods, even though that was literally a meme about Hillary Clinton.

There was that moment when Trump came on his show and Fallon treated him like just another guest. Trump let Fallon ruffled his hair. The Left flipped out, asking how Fallon could "humanize Trump" like that. Which says it all, really. The first step to destroying someone is to dehumanize them.

such a great lampooning ruined by the brain fart aomission of "an" in the very last sentence

Fallon had to apologize and say he regretted that later.

Not enough, obviously

Reminder that all these men have the same opinions and views on all major issues and most minor ones. Surely a coincidence.

Yep. None of these retarded virtue-signalers are funny. I keep looking for a punchline, and all I end up finding are guns and knives from the people that have shot and stabbed themselves listening to their horrible fucking comedy.

When letterman was kicked on NBC they wouldn't let him take his skits, they were owned by the network. Conan basically ripped off a shitload of them and Letterman couldn't say anything about it for legal reasons.

Conan is still funny but he became a massive political hack in an effort to get on a major network.

He also stole Mo Roccas schtick, and Mo Rocca wasn't nearly as partisan

Straight up Stalinist rhetoric. They think their enemy is literally subhuman.

I went to the recording of a late night comedy-commentary show. They had a real stand up omic to work the audience pror to the star coming out. He also threw candy go the crowd and wved for laughter and for applause.
We do live inside a simulation.

win what those memes aren't even funny and too autistic for the mainstream to be brainwashed by

the twist: you've been just as brainwashed by the right media since 2000 election dems vs repubs war and become a tool for big media

I think they are getting ready to turn on Mayer.
He's been vocally against censorship of Alex Jones, against Syrian intervention and he hates Islam with a passion.
He's interviewed Juden Petersen and Ben Shapiro.

This video is the absolute state of leftist political "comedy", but unironically

You got triggered by a late night show?
>muh revolution

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>hurr well ur brainwashed by right media
Sorry bud, I don't watch Fox/Brietbart if that's what you're insinuating

Protip: all news is fake news

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Its alright, some day we will free him. Even if he is Jewish.
My motto is
>Not all Jews

>heh.. fuck you guys we're winning!
>instantly adopts our terminology (incorrectly btw) and scorns people who get "triggered"

oof, major oof

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Wow, I didn't know Garrison had any cartoons where everything isn't patronizingly labelled as if the reader is 4 years old

red shoes I wonder

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>Is the entire point of these god awful late night shows to gaslight normies into supporting neoliberalism by using snarky comedy?

ftfy and yes

Comedy is supposed to be funny. They all lost the ability to be funny a long long time ago.

Wonder if theres any relevance of fallon being the only one not holding a drink.

Hes the least insane of all of them imo...

Come on now nigga....yes. They haven’t been funny since Obama became pres

I've read some interesting, detailed breakdowns by anons in the past describing the psychological conditioning that occurs with these shows, does anyone have caps detailing this? I guess it's very Pavlovian in that you have a joke/idea reinforced by the audience's laughter, which acts as a stand in for the social "majority" that is approving the message. In some cases you can see where the audience is mistakenly programmed the wrong way and will respond incorrectly, like when Colbert announced Comey was fired and the audience cheered. Regardless, these fags are about as diverse in opinion as this photo would suggest. The biggest problem with late night comedians or entertainers is that they aren't really challenging anything at all. There's no reality check. The more you look at this photo the more apparent it becomes that our society has become totally feminized.

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>im a house nigger

They make fun of things that are weird and popular. Trump was that.

Can you just imagine how much funnier comedy in general would be without constant nepotism of Jews forcing other Jews on the rest of us?

Actually, its straight up Jewish retoric. Jews think all non jews are sub human, communism is a Jewish control mechanism, so it adopts jewish tricks.
Christian Europe didn't think Jews were sub human, it thought they were seditious. Its a big difference.

Yeah but the whole fucking season was the election, it had it's moments but the writing wasn't anything noteworthy

Yeah that's a bit too much but the kind of bashing they do is nothing unusual.


Let's give the cock suckers something to snark about...

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fuck me lad,the pic is on point.

I just did a random john oliver episode and found what the pic describes. 5-20 second argument/fact, then metaphor, then laughter. REPEAT

I could see the conditioning occurring over a period of time to associate laughter with an opposing view. Dismissal and no discussion.

I can't believe it. This was the exact post I was thinking about in I remembered being in the thread but it was so long ago and I had never seen a cap of it. Damn. I need to cap more to help anons like this in the future. Thank you.

Comedy is about being subversive. Back when the Right controlled everything, the Left could be funny. They could Stick it to The Man. The Left controls the Media. They are The Man now. The Sacred Cows of the Right were all gored long ago. Attacking the Right isn't edgy. It's safe. It can be amusing, but it isn't gut bustingly funny. No the Leftz they have all kinds of Sacred Cows left to Gore. And it can be fucking hilarious. Left wing comics are this generation's Bob Hope. Nice, safe establishment comedy that doesn't really ruffle too many feathers.

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jimmy fallon the night snl cast party drugs and gang rapes teenage lindsay lohan

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john stewart leaves daily show when his college pedo roomie is caught

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Hey Jow Forums, can we make #LateNightSoWhite a thing?

this weird twisted fucker

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