Holy shit...Kavanaugh just got destroyed...
Holy shit...Kavanaugh just got destroyed
I'm glad his faggot kid got shot
what a shitty thing to do
I hope somebody shoots that fucking jew
>Parkland dad
wow this reminds me of the pain olympics
>Be happy we didn't murder your children....yet, Goyim
What is it with Parkland Shills and refusing to go away? Why exactly have the people from this incident been clinging to limelight?
>my kid was executed at school but at least I'm still a progressive liberal
His kid would not have gotten killed if he wasnt a little faggot.
Does he say the same thing to rape survivors?
>dude just let your life's career and reputation be ruined and let us commit criminal fraud to deny you your lawful appointment to the supreme court
Let me just slide in here and appeal to your emotion real quick
it hasn't even been a year kikes are ruthless
HIS life is ruined?! I literally can’t even! How about he tell that to HOLOCAUST VICTIMS?! The gall of this man has me literally quaking and shaking >:(
What the fuck? Glad this guys kid got shot!
>It's Kavanaughs fault I took millions of dollars for SAD SOG to shoot my kid
kill yourself shill rat
imagine having this absolute faggot for a father. Cruz did the kid a favor
>she only tanked your fucking life, she could have murdered your children, count your blessings
orwell must be spinning in his grave
>my life is harder than urs, so therefore:
>qq more fagot
Nice, they're destroying themselves from both ends.
Kavanaugh is a Bush Neocon Deep State shill being blocked from the Supreme Court by suicidal shrieking Liberals who are guaranteeing they'll be the minority party for the next 20 years.
>you can't complain about anything until your children are killed too
Easy there, edgelord
Now do fords life. Is that ruined?
private school beer drinking football jock BTFO until he starts bawling again
If your kid gets killed your opinion matters
kikes are seriously overplaying their hand, the audacity of these disgusting kikes
This. Why the fuck is everyone sucking Kavanaugh’s dick?
so is he gonna whip out his dead kid anytime he wants political points?
You mean, Kav's confirmation just got confirmed. Check.
>Parkland Dad
>trivializing someone being nationally dragged through the mud by false rape claims as merely "not getting a promotion"
Let me try, instead of your child being murdered, lets refer to it as your child being saved from a future career as a crack whore
He comes from the tribe that still cries holocaust 70 years after it supposedly happened.
>using your dead child as a political bargaining chip
Absolutely fucking disgusting. This bastard should be ashamed.
>waaaaa my kid died years ago
Get over your victim mentality, faggot. You aren’t special, and just because your kid was stupid enough to get shot doesn’t mean you know more than the rest of us. I prefer the children that didn’t get shot.
One less npc
Sounds like this guy needs a taco
based school shooter depriving this father of raising yet another filthy commie
Do these kikes ever take a break from being scummy?
dude your talking to an actor here. you know? A jewish paid shill. It is not real. intended to pull a reaction from you.
>Why the fuck is everyone sucking Kavanaugh’s dick?
Welcome to your first real raid. Just look at how fast the board has been moving this week.
Fuck the democrats and white liberals and Jewish elitist liberals and shitskins and Muslims and atheists and Hollywood and the swamp and every other degenerate on the planet. Oh and fuck neocons.
murder is awful, but the killer will also be brought to justice. doesn't make the loss easier, but it shows our system doing the best it can. the accusers will get away with it fully. nothing will be done to them. the question of what is worse doesnt matter, in kav's case the situation is far more unjust
This. What a virtue signalling faggot. He got butthurt because Kav wouldn't shake hands with a stranger that immediately walked up and mumbled some shit about his daughter. Now he is playing the victim Olympics. His daughter got swiss cheesed because cops, FBI, and Scott (((Israel))) didn't involuntarily commit a loon after 50 fucking red flags from a kid who was known to torture small animals and make threats.
No one gives a fuck about a Parkland dad. Just because you habent worse than someone else doesnt mean their life is all flowers and unicorns.
BTFO by basic logic.
does it look like they ever stopped?
Isn’t this the faggot who used his dead kid to try and make Kavanaugh look bad with the handshake at the hearing? What’s wrong with these people. Soulless.
Ones dead and the other will have constant death threats from screeching Liberals and at some point provably wish they got it over and done with already.
This is one of the most jewish things I've ever read.
fpbp based and blackpilled
>using your dead child as political leverage
I like the message but you don't have to be a samefag
>the old it’s not okay to talk about gun violence after a school shooting defense
literally the argument.
>the ol' non sequitur
nobody said that, he's just cucking his kid in the grave to make some political GBPs
it's just like tibbets father thanking mexicans for murdering his daughter
>my kid got LEADED by Sid from Toy Story because the cops from South Park are unironically more competent than my kike sheriff who has his shekelsniffer up Clinton's fartbox and now I want to blame AR-15s, Russia, and a non-profit lobbyist group
Is that Mundus?
Ah, a Parkland Cunt weighs in. All part of the act.
Fuck them. Their kids singled out and bullied a kid, using "appeal to amenable authority tactics" that'll make any teenager think it's "the whole world against him", the "teacher teacher he's a big bad bully and threatened me" bullshit, from ((Parkland)) one of those zones of "cry out as you strike someone" culture,. and pretty much the outcome was predictable in such manner as one wonders "Gee, I wonder what it's like going to school with the children of people like this?".
For any liberal complaining of how bad their lives are on Twitter or FB, we should link this guys quote.
Imagine using your own child’s recent death for virtue signaling and political commentary on fucking Twitter.
I hate this world.
>when jews bully another jew to the point of suicide so they blame white people and guns
>Never will get a proper ending because he died of cancer
Fuck you for reminding me.
why doesnt (((Guttenberg))) just move to mexico where weapons are banned then?
Those kids tortured some poor fuck every day until he got so pissed off he murdered them. They should make an action revenge movie out of it where he's the hero.
First post hereby declared best post
Jow Forums leans right on pretty much every issue. Politics has become tribalistic as fuck.
gtfo faggot
The first post will always be the best post. (((Guttenberg))) is just salty that a mutt killed his communist in training human trash child.
Goddamnit Jow Forums. I can never unsee the jew now. Fucking seething at this comment.
There's a reason most of us don't argue with them anymore and will simply respond with "fuck off kike."
Yes, and if you had lived in a society that trained our children what tools are capable of, that didn't pretend that there was magic with them, and that taught them they are creations with inherent value, there's a near zero chance that your child would be dead from this situation in the first place.
They are a common tool, and they are the only thing that keeps us from becoming the Soviet Union.
Because when you argue, you lose?
>be anti-gun fag
>kid gets LEADED because they were a faggot
>use kid's death for political fame
>get BTFO predictably in most pro-gun nation on earth
>everyone forgets about you, your dead kid and their classmates
>15 minutes of fame as dead and buried as your progeny
>new political hot topic!
>use your still dead kid to make it about you
>nobody cares
>guns still legal
Lmao what a loser
Fuck off kike.