Put on your Sunday best, boys. We're going to meet the normie neighbors.
Just a few hops away in the ole social network are many surprisingly curious individuals who use a nice meme lab hosted on instagram.com. Looks like you can be anonymous there, too. Let's make some friends.
--- If one looks at modern Instagram, one can see a somewhat similar situation. While most of the site is ruled by "Normies" there exists a large community revolving around redpills of all kinds, but it's strongest on right resurgence groups in western countries. Some post counts by hashtag:
Many hashtags aren't used politically yet. Imagine what would happen if we unleash our meme magic this way. Comments sections will be full of redpills/debate.
inb4: >It's a waste of time! It only took me ten minutes to set up an Instagram account and the means to post from my computer. It takes less than two minutes to post a meme, as long as you have the material ready
>It'll never work! You'll all get banned! Instagram doesn't have as bad a reputation when it comes to banning political dissidents as per say, twitter or facebook. Even if they do unleash the banhammer, inevitability a few will get past. And if we all get banned, so what? We wasted at the most 20 minutes of our time. Truth and Beauty is worth the risk. Important conversations are not being had.
>Oy vey goyim, stay on Jow Forums, don't try to spread the truth elsewhere! Jow Forums has been lazy recently, and we will not win this war by sitting on chan hugboxes complaining. We'll win by being more RIGHT than anyone else.
Because Instagram is programmed by sub-humans, you can only post from your phone. HOWEVER, there are ways around this. Personally, I use Gamblr, which is a program that allows you to post from your PC. If for whatever reason you don't trust Gamblr, you can also post from your browser if you configure it using the dev tools on it. A tutorial for doing this can be found at: archive.is/jAcVA
Pretty self-explanatory. You don't need a phone number, just an email. I used Protonmail, which is completely anonymous, and it worked just fine.
Well, we're doing that in this thread, aren't we? Post your memes, share your dreams, post success.
1. Don't talk about Jow Forums. We don't need a wave of Instagram kids coming here
2. Don't make an ass of yourself. We're representing our folk, we don't want to leave a bad impression.
in all seriousness though join our riot (its discord but more private) #PolOnInstagram:matrix.org (not sure if this is whats needed to join) use gramblr to post from your computer and to get a headstart on extra likes redpill the masses start a revolution