By Allah's grace I cannot allow this

By Allah's grace I cannot allow this

Attached: Capture.png (595x795, 529K)

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I think I'll send my hypothetical spawn to catholic school.

Attached: file.png (510x546, 272K)

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Attached: 1514534826902.jpg (736x400, 95K)

They will have gay sex parties

state enforced homosexuality

Attached: hecute.png (396x468, 244K)

And feathered-butt fags voted for trudeau

Anyone want to buy some educational childrens books about aids or trannys can go to this site

Attached: everyfuckingtime.png (429x673, 283K)

i like where this is going

I wouldn't mind seeing the girl with her hand up make out with the blonde next to her. Maybe a cheeky hand down her dress or fondling her hot breasts.


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