Attached: _20180929_213508.jpg (720x886, 97K)
Oh Shiiieeeet
Levi Rogers
Other urls found in this thread:
Cooper James
Based boomer knows their time is up. Tic Toc deepstate.
Landon Ortiz
I suspected but didn't dare hope
Hunter Allen
Gabriel Brooks
>*Cracks open can*
>”You kids today don’t know about 4D Chess like Trump plays”
Aaron Long
Asher Anderson
>der boomer
Gabriel Moore
Q predicted this
Matthew Lopez
>h-he's gonna get the dems this time! they're all going to be hanged for treason!!
How can you not have learned your lesson yet?
Juan Nelson
Elijah Perez
Ryder Fisher
Wyatt Reyes
Yeah, it's called the reality of the situation. Trump is stubborn, and perhaps not the deepest of thinkers, but he's not an idiot. Mitch, Graham, and the boys told him that they don't have the votes without a week long FBI investigation, so he opens an investigation. He gave Mitch exactly what Mitch asked for.
Justin Brown
Michael Adams
Boomer fantasies.
William Davis
Let's attack on another front while they're distracted.
Christopher Miller
>tfw 4 Dimensional Chess is real
Jose Myers
More likely Trump and Mitch know nothing will come of the investigation so they just said fuck it to appease Flake, Murkowski and the two Dems that would likely vote.
There really isn’t a “HOLY SHIT DEEP STATE BTFO” thing to it. They just know the FBI investigation is a useless, but necessary measure to get votes.
Colton Adams
>your lesson
when will you learn YOURS shill?
Jason Edwards
Snopes denied it first
Jaxson Campbell
Anyone with a brain knows exactly what this investigation will find: nothing.
Andrew Fisher
I don't believe this for a second.
This is all yet another example of republicans fucking everything up despite having an upper hand.
Adam Flores
in an ideal world yes but the FBI could make shit up at the behest of the Dems
Henry Phillips
Boomer squad leader reporting in *sipppppp*
Connor Hughes
What lesson is that?
Lucas Cook
Its pretty simple when you think about it
>not sure if you have votes for confirmation
>know none of the claims have actual evidence, so the investigation at worst does nothing to hurt your case
>the week gives time for the polls to come in, showing the people on the fence that not voting to confirm kavenaugh would lose them votes
Now if anything actually comes out showing that some of the accusations werent real, then we get into 4D chess territory
Leo Howard
Or Trump doesn't really give a shit and just wants it out of the way quickly so they can get a Justice appointed before the mid-terms.
Landon Howard
FBI honestly doesn’t give that much of a shit, really. Paper pushing at its finest here. They probably even like boomers like Kavanaugh, so he’s good.
William Price
Jacob Lewis
that you keep losing and will continue to do so
Jonathan Watson
Whose pulling the strings on this investigation? Sessions?
Trump said the the FBI investigation might be a blessing in disguise. When it's exposed that Ford is liar the Dems are going to be BTFO.
Connor Morgan
wasted digits
Owen Scott
Landon Hill
He keeps calling their bluffs. It's great.
John Roberts
Everyone is connected by 6 degrees of separation at most, this is stupid.
Blake Powell
I just pissed my super tight pair of kid's speedos. Bump.
Zachary Cox
Do you think you will always get what you want? You can't lose anymore, right? It must be impossible. You haven't ever lost, have you?
Samuel Rogers
This guy is always wrong
Charles Williams
You're a fuckin moron mate
Austin Butler
Your iOS pic id traceable now.
Jack Rogers
would he dare say that someone has set them up the bomb
Wyatt Davis
Jeremiah Rogers
yeah we put up with 8 years of King nigger. if that's not losing I dunno what is
Bentley Hernandez
You still haven't realized the tables have turned in a big way? Trump is the goddamn President. His people are in full control and using all the means at their disposal. Shortly you are going to see the absolute destruction of the DNC.
Benjamin Brooks
It also pins the red state dems who were going to rely on the "I just think this was rushed with no FBI examination" excuse. It's pretty shrewd desu. The right wing base doesn't like the delay but that's why Flake took the flak since he's leaving anyway.
Nathaniel Phillips
What's unfortunate at least to me, is that we will never know. We do know that Trump is excellent at finding dirt on his opponents to hold over them. He's much better at it than they are at finding dirt on him. You can witness this in the many occasions Trump has done battle in the private sector, like with Wynn. If the FBI does find something good, you will only know by judging the reactions and moves of his political opponents. We will never have it shown to us normies. It's like the FUCKING GOD DAMNED TEXTS that were supposed to be released last week. The media was buzzing about the texts, having literal kittens at the thought of them being released to the public, when suddenly this fucking Ford circus came out of left field. Do you think it's a coincidence that Rosenstein went to the WH, and was getting all assblasted while he was there? Is it a coincidence that Trump ordered an FBI investigation into the Kav v Ford matter? I don't. I think Trump held shit over the head of the FBI, like these FUCKING TEXTS THAT I WANT TO SEE SO BADLY, BUT EVERYONE ASIDE FROM ME HAS FORGOTTEN ABOUT, that way the FBI investigation can go the way Trump wants it to go; quickly, and in Kav's favor. If the FBI digs up dirt on anyone, like that horrid cunt Feinstein, we will not get to hear about it. But he will use whatever info he has to get her to shut the fuck up, and get out of his face about shit. I get that it's smart. I also get that this is just my theory about things. But fuck, I really just want to be witness to Trump shitting on these idiot, half-dead loser politicians. Oh well.
And really, do any of you remember the FUCKING TEXTS? Or did I slip fucking timelines? Literally no one is talking about them.
Owen Bailey
Degrees of separation is a geometric sequence though. Each degree is a massive increase over the previous one.
If everyone only knew 20 people it would be the difference between being connected to a total of 8000 people or 64,000,000.
Bentley Barnes
That's fucking smart!
A lot of Dems and Libs have come out stating this is a shit show, so now when it comes back around for them to vote they have to confirm to risk losing more votes with the midterms right around the corner. The fucking MADMAN does it again.
Oliver Long
based boomer
William Sanders
Or he knows nothing can or will be found in this sha. Fucking get it over with.
Tyler Campbell
While I'd like to believe, this guy is about as accurate as Nate Silver or Monkey Man
Jonathan Flores
I pray to God this is true. Please God, stop the communists now.
Joseph Sanchez
Jordan Gonzalez
The declas will happen after Kav is confirmed. This is part of the plan. Notice how the meeting between the President and Rosey was postponed.
Charles Edwards
What texts?
David Watson
Q predicted this.
Isaac Thomas
Juan Davis
thread theme
Camden Watson
No one's talking about the Fisa texts because we can't get past this fucking shitshow of a circus. As far as I know Kavanaugh needs to be in before Trump can release the texts.
It's what's infuriating me because I want heads to hang and Jow Forums seem to have forgotten about it. Fucking idiots.
Michael Bell
I want to believe, but I don't.
Eli Wood
Okay, this is epic
Brody Cox
no one forgot about shit you meme flagging mother fucker go back to red dit kike. one battle at a time this is a win.
Brandon Harris
So sleepy
Jacob Cook
again this is bullshit. FBI will most likely, in all probability, make up evidence against Kavanaugh and use fuckstick Tapper to sell it
Colton Peterson
you went and double spaced even by reddit standards screaming kike right here.
Brandon Lewis
TAKE THE PILL /POL!!!!!!11!!!!!
Blake Young
Brayden Turner
The pilpul?
Henry Perry
how about you get your shit together before you come on here telling us how do what we do? how do you even have internet when you can't get food.
Jace Nguyen
Alexander Sanders
why the fuck hasn't this spread around?
Asher Sullivan
Is this the new Fortnite skin for season 6?
Joseph Green
What if the reason they hate meritocracy so much is because of all their nepotism and all the corruption that it brings?
Anthony King
>girl with a "The future is female" shirt
If a civil war ever comes these roasties are gonna learn what the fucking future is like I'll tell you that.
Alexander Cruz
shit leaf i already did and it was woke the cunt is a kike with an agenda still doesn't explain why a Venezuelan is on Jow Forums when they can't afford food.
Ian Clark
Jaxson Martin
I don't think that's her
Aiden Collins
Leo Martin
Brayden Cox
wtf is the object supposed to be?
Aiden Evans
>any day now...
sure, more like he knew nothing would come of this, again. So there's nothing to do but give these retards what they want. with so many allegations flying, everyone is just going to ignore any new ones unless they're bonafide credible.
Jack Carter
To be completely fair:
* Do we fully know why Rosenstein *WASN'T* fired when he met with Trump this week?
* Why was Trump the one to push for this FBI investigation, instead of allowing congress to decide?
* Did the Democrats assume the Republicans were going to blow off the investigation, so that they could really push against the GOP?
Dominic Nelson
He said so in the rally tonight. Did anybody catch it? He said "Bad things are happening for the Dems tonight."
Xavier Rogers
>another fucking LARP
Trump must be so pissed every time hes getting fucked and could use some public support all his retarded supporters put on a shiteating grin and pretend things are great
Get mad you dumb fucks its what is needed right now
Robert Edwards
This bitch loves sunglasses lol
Logan Russell
Bill is a constant LARP
Blake Richardson
i'm guessing it's some type of abortion device.
Ian Jenkins
I'm not worried. In the end, Flake will flake and Pence will Pence.
Austin Lee
is that supposed to be Ford? it doesn't look like her.
Adrian Morris
Not with Rosenstein on the chopping block for admitting how he fucked up the Mueller investigation
Josiah Reyes
hook that aborts a fetus I think
Landon Cooper
Jonathan Rodriguez
no. sauce it
Logan Morris
Collins needs the appearance of doing something as well. Flake is just a faggot. he could vote either way and it has no effect on him, he's not seeking re-election, he's already one of the most hated Senators anyway, he can do whatever he wants. He just wants to cuck like his mentor McCain.
Jason Price
an anchor because she's a fat whale
Luis Morgan
snopes LOL
Samuel Gray
He still has to set himself up for life post-politics.
Andrew Hill
When the US people find out AUS and GBR were spying on DJT for the FBI/Obama I wonder what will happen.
Joseph Nguyen
>put me in coach, I’m ready
Luke Edwards
ahh yes, the human pesticide...